Thursday, April 23, 2020

Take a Walk in the Woods with me!

I know we have to stay home more and I know most of our hiking trails are closed but I know where we can get out in the woods nearby! 

So let's go and see what we can see!

I was walking along the trail and saw movement in a tree! 

I think it may be a Dwarf Huckleberry.

And what I DO know for sure is that it was active with bees and butterflies!

Isn't this Zebra Swallowtail gorgeous?

I had such fun trying to get a few good photos!

I also saw one Butterfly weed...

and one Day Flower.

Lots of cactus in bloom right now too! They love the warm temps and sandy soil that we have here in Florida.

I saw one big bunny rabbit but I didn't get a photo of him... 

just this bunny cloud! lol

Are you seeing flowering trees in your area now too? How are you doing this week? We are fine and for that I am very thankful.

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


Creations By Cindy said...

Beautiful pictures. Love God's nature that He created. I hear we are in for tornado warnings tonight and rain half a day tomorrow. We shall see. Stay safe. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Tom said...

...oh how I'm waiting for the butterflies to appear! Take care Diane.

ClickNCamera said...

I enjoyed the walk though I don't think I burned as many calories as I need too! Enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...


The blossoms and butterfly are a beautiful sight to see. I like your bunny cloud, great eye! We are doing well, I am glad you and your hubby are doing good too. Take care, wishing you a happy day!

Sandy said...

I don't blame you one bit for getting on that trail. It is just such a pretty time of year and no one is there. Enjoy!

The Feminine Energy said...

You're social distancing.... walk to your heart's content, my friend. I'm seeing more & more that animals seem to be able to catch the virus from humans but not the other way around... so I know if you ever feel sick, you'll stay home & away from the wildlife. But if you feel well, go for your walks on the paths less traveled. That's the perfect scenario!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ella said...

What a beautiful walk we have made with you!
Thank you! The butterfly is so beautiful and so is the cactus!
Enjoy your day!

Vee said...

That's a bunny? Looks like a poodle to me. 😊 So glad that you know your way around and where to find the forest. Beautiful pics!

LA Paylor said...

I see a pomeranian in the clouds!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a perfect place to hike. Great photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have seen 2 zebra wings, but not a zebra swallow. he is absolutely gorgeous and your photos are wonderful. glad you got out.

Lowcarb team member said...

You've shared some wonderful photographs here, what a lovely place to walk/hike.

All the best Jan

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You must miss going out on your hikes Diane. I enjoyed looking at the pretty photos you took of your walk.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, the Zebra Swallowtail is gorgeous! I haven't seen this butterfly before. The red on its wings is so pretty. aahh, that bunny cloud is precious, Diane. It's so nice that you notice images in the clouds. I love to do the same. ; )

Stay safe and well.


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Loved your bread making adventure, btw. Coincidentally, I just tried my hand at Irish Soda Bread. Meanwhile, that particular swallowtail is so gorgeous and all the wonderful growth. Our eyes need this now.

Edna B said...

Your photos are gorgeous. Such beautiful butterfly. I haven't seen any here yet, but then we don't have many blossoms yet either. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

photowannabe said...

How refreshing to see the gorgeous butterflies and spring flowers.
Truly thankful.
I'm happy we can walk too.
I think I would go bonkers if I couldn't do that.

Terri D said...

This is a beautiful time of year in Florida! Flowers are coming out everywhere! Glad you knew a place to hike!

Anne said...

I love going on your virtual walks! So beautiful!

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

Such a beautiful pictures :)

living from glory to glory said...

Thanks for the lovely walk in the woods! You allow us to enjoy all the joys of a nature walk...
Love the Book so much, I cried at the end! Now, that was a long meaningful life she lived! "For Crumb Sakes"

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photo walk with you ~ gorgeous and so creative ^_^

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Home Sewn By Us said...

Beautiful pictures - I enjoyed the walk through the woods so much. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That butterfly is gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen one like it before! Wow!! So glad you could get out and see these beauties around you. Aren't the cactus flowers pretty? I love them. And the huckleberry bush...that is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your walk in the woods with us. I enjoyed that so much.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, that butterfly. Beautiful!!!!

Have a safe weekend my friend.
Love, Carla

PaintedThread said...

I really like the flowering cactus. Very cool. What a pretty place to walk.

Cranberry Morning said...

I'm so glad you have a place to hike nearby! We're having (another) cold, windy, and cloudy April. I sure hope that May brings sunshine and much warmer temps. It was 38 F yesterday morning and not much warmer today. I Love the photos. I'm so eager for flowers and warm weather!

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

Oh, I love seeing the creatures you spot along your hiking trails...such a gorgeous butterfly! Last night our president announced a slight easing of lockdown rules from 1st May, which means we should be able to go for walks again, probably just around the neighbourhood, but that is perfectly fine with me! Happy Friday to you, Diane!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Wow, those butterflies are something else, is it a particularly good year for them, I have never seen any like this! Love the Zebra Swallowtail :) I'd be immensely thankful to spot one of these too - well photographed it would not be easy to catch!
Wren x

Little Wandering Wren said...

Wow, I have never seen butterflies like this - love the Zebra Swallowtail. Great photos - that would not have been easy to do!
Wren x

Debbie said...

just seeing pictures of that trail, brought me a certain calm, and a nature excitement!! the flowers are so pretty, i am impressed that you were able to identify them!!

and i fell in love with the butterfly, i don't see that one here. your images are so pretty.....

i see the bunny in the sky and i also see a heart!!!

Lea said...

Beautiful photos!
Love the Zebra Swallowtail!

Arlene G said...

Your photos are always so beautiful Diane. We so enjoyed being in the country this week but glad to be back to the internet and my blog buddies.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Thank you for taking us along!! It was a beautiful walk and the butterfly was just gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend!

Sandi Magle said...

I love your walks, but we have nothing but rain and cold here...! The butterflies are gorgeous---! And, cold Chicagoland hugs...brrrrrr! LOL. said...

Lovely pictures of the butterfly, and flowers. And the bunny cloud.