Friday, July 22, 2022

Withlacoochee Bay Trail, buggy but beautiful!

 We've been anxious to drive back over to the Gulf Coast, weather permitting. It's been hot and humid and pop up showers are hard to predict. (and they usually come from the warm Gulf waters) 

So when we saw it would be low tide, we took a drive.
More chance of seeing shorebirds when there are exposed sandbars at low tide.

And the water was glassy and the views were amazing!

But there were deer flies buzzing all around. We didn't get a single bug bite but they were annoying to say the least!

Do you see the one that photobombed this photo? He was right on the lens of the camera for crying out loud!

But it was a good day for sightings!


Tricolored Heron and Great White Egret.

Are you following me?

The Heron just wanted to hang out with the Egret! 

And here's proof that the earth is FLAT!

Don't go out too far and fall off! lol

This Swallowtail Kite might take a photo of you and post it on his blog! hahahaha! Straight out of camera with his catch of the day!

He has his camera focused right on YOU!!!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.  


MadSnapper said...

now we have seen it all, a bird with a camera. love it

Lea said...

Great photos!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Debbie said...

muggy...soupy, downright miserable describes our weather right now!! beautiful birds, gorgeous images...the tricolored heron is a beauty!!

be careful with the heat and those birds who photobomb!!

Carla from The River said...

WOW.. great photos, even the photo bomb photo. Hee Hee!

Tom said...

...I want to hear you say Withlacoochee quickly 10 times!

Lowcarb team member said...

Sorry about the bugs, but you got some great photographs.

All the best Jan

Cloudia said...

What fun!

Wally Jones said...

Terrific sightings!

Florida summers are in my blood so I don't mind the heat and humidity. Although a native, I STILL do not like the people-eating flies and those little flying teeth known as "no-see-ums"!

I was at the opposite end of the Withlacoochee yesterday, in the Green Swamp, where it begins.

(Nice to be back. Sorry for the absence.)

Vee said...

Oh my! Fun pictures with the photo-bomber and the picture taker. I see the heavy air. It looks soupy. Very pretty area and fun to get out for a drive.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Neat photos. The Earth does look flat in that picture. lol

HappyK said...

Once again you captured some great photos!!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wonderful photos! Love the tri-color heron and the egret. He does seem to be following along. And that kite with the camera is pretty cool!! Love all of the pictures. The deer fly photo bomber is the best! Glad you didn't get bitten. Those rascals are real pests and they do love to bite! Hopefully their season is about over with. I haven't seen as many around here lately. Glad you can get out between storms. We had a humdinger this evening! Lots of good rain, which we needed, so no complaining! Take care and God bless.

Terri D said...

That kite does look like he has a camera!! Great catch!! I love your photos (always)!! Happy weekend! xo

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures.
The osprey is super, I've never seen this one.
greetings Irma

Ann said...

Oh my, a photobombing fly and a bird taking photos. I've now seen it all. It does look like you could fall right off the end of the earth in that picture.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I simply have no idea how you cope with that kind of weather. I could handle the deer flies better!

eileeninmd said...


You are brave, those deer flies are awful. Love the Tricolored Heron and Great Egret. Neat images of the Swallow-tailed Kited. The water views are beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Shiju Sugunan said...

I liked the post, what fun captions and pics!

Phil Slade said...

Thanks for the comments Diane. I shall tell the truth as I see it. Free speech is important. So, I love the photos of the kite just as it caught a meal. Better than queuing at the take away. You a blessed with so much water that contains all that food for humans, birds and aniy alike. Have a good day and stay cool.

Bill said...

Great photos and captures. Love the photo bomb! :)
Have a wonderful day and weekend.

RedPat said...

You got some fabulous shots!

Yvonne said...

What a nice outing and lovely photos. I just drag along when I go outside here, it is so hot and humid. I don't know how you do it.

Anni said...

I wouldn't mind if the kite took MY photo if it reciprocated for MY lens!! Excellent photo of the osprey too.
Thanks for taking time to share your blog at I'd Rather B Birdin'

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane, :=) What beautiful photos of the water and fun captions. The Swallow tailed Kite was a great sighting, and I LOVED the idea off it photographing from above, the flat surface of water was yet another pun, that made me smile. "A laugh a day, makes me feel OK"! The Osprey, T C Heron, and Great Egret were all a pleasure to see. Lovely post!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Lovely post and BEAUTIFUL pictures!! Wow!
Love from a sunny and HOT Sweden & Titti

Bob Bushell said...

Wow, I do love the Swallowtail Kite, love it.

Marit said...

Beautiful photos! I enjoyed to see the Heron and the Egret. What a lovely sight!

John's Island said...

Hi Diane, I’m your new follower #1568. Wow, you have one of the largest followings I know of and, yes, I can see why. Always enjoy your posts. Neat photos in today’s post. I especially enjoyed the Tricolored Heron and Great White Egret. It interests me that Herons come in such a variety of colors! 😊 Please stay away from the edge in that flat earth photo! Of course, as I understand their belief, if you walk far enough out there you will encounter the great ice wall at the edge. 😊 That may be a long walk from your Florida location. 😊 Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I always enjoy hearing from you. Have a great week ahead! John

Jeanie said...

That was definitely a drive worth taking -- it's absolutely gorgeous and you had wonderful sightings!

Linda said...

I love your drive! And I have never heard of a deer fly before but I'm glad you didn't get bit! That shadow of it looked BIG!

magiceye said...

Delightful captures and captions!

Nancy Chan said...

Great photos even though the weather is hot. Looks like the critters don't mind the heat. We are also having hot weather and humid too.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I enjoyed looking at those beautiful photos you took. It's so nice that you get outside and see such beautiful nature. I hope you have a nice week Diane and happy hiking.

NatureFootstep said...

your post is proof of nature getting more interesting and beautiful at low tides :) Loved it!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A wonderful array of birds to view there! The heat and humidity seem to make them thrive.

Teresa said...

Me pareció un precioso paseo. Besos.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those flight shots!!! I would be so jealous of you except that instead I'm grateful you shared. (LOL I hope his pictures turned out as good as yours did!). Glad you got over to the Coast.

Jeannie said...

The insect that landed on your camera lens and ruined your picture, would it be called a "bug bomb"?
Tee hee hee.