Friday, August 5, 2022

A Preening kind of Day!

 Maybe this heat is making for a 'bad hair day'!

This White Ibis just wants to perch here and do a little preening and not have to worry about a Great White Egret swooping past!

After all it's not that easy to perch on this little twiggy tree!

When I first drove into the Pruitt Trailhead I saw a big flock of Cattle Egrets preening near the marsh.

My photos aren't very sharp for 2 reasons. It was quite a distance away AND my lens fogged up when I got out of the cool, dry Jeep and into the heat and humidity! 

But you can tell this little guy had done his best to look presentable. (looks like he has it just the right 'poofyness'. Poofyness is not a word?! It is here in Florida! lol

And this Red Shouldered Hawk is doing his best!

He's poofed and fluffed.

And now he thinks he has it just right!

It was a beautiful day at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve!

And in heat like this, I had it all to myself!

White Peacock Butterfly

Have you been outside much this week?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.   


Tom said...

...beautiful! Every day is a bad hair day for me!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my outside time, each day, was long enough to sweep the deck, water a few potted plants and walk Beau each morning. that is all the outside time I had. Bob has no outside time because of his virginia creeper rash due to his own stupidty

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am longing for the first crisp, frosty morning and the heat here doesn't even compare with the heat and humidity you experience down there. We just had a new fireplace installed and I can't wait for those cool fall days when we start to use it. If we bypassed summer each year I'd be okay with that!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is a lot of egrets and that hawk has a vicious looking beak would not want that attacking me. Nice Jeep

HappyK said...

I've never seen so many egrets at one time.
Wonderful photos as always!!

Carla from The River said...

I have bad hair days in our Wisconsin heat and humidity too. Hee Hee!
And just how do those birds perch on little twigs? AMAZING!!

Vee said...

Maybe poufed is air conditioned. That poor bird is precariously perched.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

No, I haven't been outside much this week. We've been indoors most of the time, at Dixie Cottage. The few times I had to venture outside I was drenched in perspiration within moments, so I was happy to be back inside the AC right away. Love your photos of the preeners. Great pics. Love the White peacock butterfly too. I have only seen them once around here. They are very unique. I did see our hawk today down on the shore of Still Waters Pond, and he had something in his talons...I'm thinking a frog. Other than that, I've been doing more people watching than nature watching this week. Looking forward to cooler temps sometime maybe next month???

Irma said...

Wonderful to see so many cattle egrets together.
Photo 9 is my favorite.
I walk about 7 kilometers every day.
Greetings Irma

Danice G said...

Not getting outdoors much, it is so very hot here. Exactly what is preening? Forgive my ignorance, lol.

Lea said...

Great photos!
I especially like the ones of the Hawk!
Have a blessed day!

Ann said...

I envy those birds. My hair has no poofyness at

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane,
the Ibis looks funny on the construction site, reminds me somehow of a stilt walker. I think the "hairstyles" of cattle egrets are wonderful, like clown wigs. By the way, I really like your photo of the birds in the trees - yesterday I edited photos of the cattle egrets that we saw in Mallorca... It will be a while before I show the photos on my blog, but then you will notice that I can take worse photos even without a fogged-up lens ;-) The Hawk probably wanted to look fluffy - suits him :-)
Happy weekend and all the best!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Love from Titti

eileeninmd said...

Great variety of Florida birds, I love the White Ibis and the Cattle Egret tree and the Hawk. The White Peacock butterfly is a beauty! It is hot and humid here too. Great series of photos. Thank you for sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Mrs. R said...

What an interesting butterfly! Very little white to it considering its name! Lovely photos!

Phil Slade said...

The ibis is very striking against the green background. Lovely shots of the hawk Diane. I don't think I've had my bins steam up for a few years.
It's always too cold here. And look after the jeep please, I'll be along to check up on it very soon.

italiafinlandia said...

Luckily in Finland we are having a normal Scandinavian summer with hot days but also fresher ones and rain.
Your post is fun!
P.S. If you browse backwards one post in my blog you will find more berries.😉🍓🍒😋

RedPat said...

My hair is poofed too from the humidity here. I haven't been very far at all.

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful pictures. Greetings.

Taken For Granted said...

Sorry about the heat, but this is the season for it. Wonderful photos of the Red Shouldered Hawk.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Looks like they preened and got ready for the photo shoot. Love your descriptions, you are too funny 😄

Jean | said...

Diane, this weather is certainly giving me bad hair days! I ordered a flat iron and am hoping to learn how to use it as I'm told it will smooth out the frizzies. I've never seen so many egrets congregated in one spot! You've certainly mastered capturing nature with your camera.

Anni said...

That last in the series of the hawk is pure perfection!!!
Thanks so much for taking time to link in this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

Rainbow Evening said...

excellent photos of White Ibis and hawk.... great job.

Have a wonderful weekend

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos. I like the white ibis, it's look alike a stork. I like your car. Happy sunday.

Penny Carlson said...

You always get wonderful pictures of the wildlife around you! My phone camera always steams up when I get out of the car to walk on the beach this time of the year!

Linda said...

Lovely shots! Now I want to get out in nature today.

Andree said...

Those are wonderful photos, especially of the hawk when he turns to look at you!

Creations By Cindy said...

What beautiful pictures. GIRL, this heat and humidity makes it not only a bad hair day but all over the body bad day! LOL! I am ready for cooler weather. But in Florida...when will that be? Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Bob Bushell said...

I love the White Ibis , it is beautiful.

Jeanie said...

I just LOVE how you see those beautiful birds in the trees! That White Ibis is a stunner.

Chrissy T said...

Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing!

magiceye said...

Lovely captures and delightful captions!

Nancy Chan said...

I start my day early and by the time the sun is up, I will stay indoors as much as possible to avoid the hot sun. The birds are trying to make themselves presentable for your camera. Great shots. Have a great week.

Veronica Lee said...

It's amazing to see so many egrets on a tree!
Beautiful photos!

Hugs and blessings.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome feathered friends photography ~ Wow! Xo

(Have been ill will.catch up with comments)

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Teresa said...

Todo se ve precioso, gracias por estas fotografías tan preciosas. No he salido, hace demasiado calor. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

The first two photos of the White Ibis are wonderful. Such a pretty thing. His long legs make me laugh. That was a sight to see all those Egrets at the same time. And the Hawk is standing regal and such a handsome fellow. I like that last picture of him. Try to stay cool in this heat and enjoy the Summer days, my friend. Your Jeep is a dazzling color.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love the egret tree! And all your sightings make me lonesome for our "other' home in Florida!