Monday, August 29, 2022

The Abominable Snowman moves to Florida!

 OK...maybe I exaggerate! Maybe he just came for a summer vacation! 

But I did look out in the preserve at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve and wonder what in the world was out in the marsh.

I thought it was a mound of sand or a bleached out tree maybe.

But when I got home and looked at my photos.....

it was a big web full of caterpillars.

I couldn't resist playing with photos and overlaying a few to get some neat effects!

And I put him up in this big tree right along the trail! EEEEE!!!

And then I looked around at some of my other photos and found a few more 'monsters' to share.

So even when the sky is blue and bright, the woods could have monsters lurking.

You just never know......

if you let your imagination run WILD!

And come walk in the woods with me!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

and I like Thursdays HERE !  


Tom said... looks abominable to me!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I see a huge snow owl. Nest photos

Gillena Cox said...

😁😁😁you gave me a giggle with the abominal snowman

Happy Monday


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it does look like the A snowman.all the monsters do look like monsters. imagine what seeing that if you were out for a moonlight walk. scary

Breathtaking said...

Hi Diane, I like your imaginative post. To me it looks a bit like an owl.

Teresa said...

Muy bueno, me encantó. Muchos besos.

Inger said...

I love your playfulness. Playing with monsters is probably the best way to deal with them. But that thing, not sure I understood what it is, is very interesting. It looks large.

Buttercup said...

Happy to join you for a walk in the woods! Never know what treasures you'll find.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

With that great title today, Diane, I HAD to come and see your abominable snowman in Florida. What a great photo, well, photos you've presented to us today. That log monster with the long snout and hollow eyes--for sure, I wouldn't want to happen upon him on a gloomy afternoon.

Wishing you a great day.
Brenda xo

Happy@Home said...

Ha ha! You have a good imagination. I thought it was an owl.

Caroline said...

Beauitul photos of the snowowl .

Ann said...

The woods can be a scary place with the right imagination :) I bet that old abominable snowman is sweating to death in the Florida heat. He should vacation in the

Latane Barton said...

Oh that's funny. I think it looks like a large white owl.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my goodness did look like the abominable snowman!! Ha Ha! Great capture, Diane!

Lowcarb team member said...

It does look like a snowman :)

All the best Jan

Creations By Cindy said...

My imagination was already running wild at your title! LOL! Our minds can sure come up with stuff when looking at different things. I know a lot of times while I am sitting in a tree stand and the sun has gone behind the clouds, whoa! I can see all sorts of critters! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jeanie said...

Oh, what a handsome boy (I suppose. Or not!). Great capture!

Violetta said...

I first thought it was Yeti from the Himalaya.....
Have a good time - greetings from far away Austria (mind: not Australia- no kangaroos)

HappyK said...

I see it at a huge owl like a couple others mentioned.
Anyway it is one BIG tent caterpillar nest!!

HappyK said...

It looks like a giant snowy owl to me also like a couple others though.
Anyway that is one BIG tent caterpillar nest!

HappyK said...

It looks like a big snowy owl to me also like a couple others thought.
Anyway that is one huge tent caterpillar nest.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It has a vague resemblance to a Snowy Owl.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I remember seeing a web of silk with caterpillars on a mulberry bush when I was young. I never would have thought of that seeing your photo. Funny

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I saw a mulberry with a giant web of silk and caterpillars when I was young. It never crossed my mind when I saw your photo - funny

Vee said...

You had me wondering what it was. There's always so much to see when we use our imaginations.

If this is a repeat, please delete. Thanks!

Terri D said...

That was fun!! I sure did look like that abominable snowman!!

Veronica Lee said...

It does look like the abominable snowman!

It would be scary to walk in a forest especially when it's getting dark. Yikes!

I absolutely enjoyed your fun post today.

Irma said...

It looks like a snow owl.
Nice blog.
Greetings Irma

eileeninmd said...


Love the photos and your imagination. It looks like an snowy owl.
Love the trail and shadows. Take care, enjoy your day!

Marcia said...

That's a great photo. I didn't know what it was until you told me.

Marcia said...

That's a great photo. I didn't know what it was until you told me.

Rostrose said...

Huuuuu dear Diane,
I would have thought of all sorts of things looking at the photos, but not of a big web full of caterpillars! How big was this thing??? Anyway, let's hope that they turn into beautiful butterflies (or at least into good bird food ;-D)
Oh yes, in forests you can encounter many "monsters" - have you ever tried a night hike? It's even more "monsterish"... (Is this word construction understandable?)
I also loved your Roseate Spoonbill photos, that's such an amazing bird! <3
Hugs and all the best from Austria,

Wally Jones said...

Great post!

If we get too old or too serious to have fun with nature, well, then we're just too old and too serious.

Jenn Jilks said...

That was an adventure! We have those critters, fall worms or somesuch. They are harmless.

My Tata's Cottage said...

You sure did a great job with the photos. You inspire me with your adventure walks. Thank you.

SImple and Serene Living said...

That's hilarious, Diane. xo Laura

SImple and Serene Living said...

That's hilarious, Diane. xo Laura

Debbie said...

i thought snowy owl, as soon as i saw it. you have a wonderful imagination diane!!

Debbie said...

i am having trouble leaving a comment, i see i am not the only one!!

i thought snowy owl, as soon as i saw it. you have a wonderful imagination diane!!

Debbie said...

i am having trouble leaving a comment, i see i am not the only one!!

i thought snowy owl, as soon as i saw it. you have a wonderful imagination diane!!

Danice G said...

The "monster" reminds me of people who have seen a Bigfoot. Objects can sometimes be deceiving though.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, how funny. I thought it might be an owl until you mentioned what it was. Yes, I was just telling my son the other day, you never know what's in the woods when walking through them. Very lovely and mysterious photos today. Sometimes those enchanting ones are the best ones.

Wishing you wonderful September days, Diane.


Lorrie said...

It's so true that imaginations can run wild in nature and see all sorts of crazy things!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Fun photos! I admit to looking at your "abominable" photo more than once, thinking maybe it was a large bird. Enjoyed your post today!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh -- I usually wish I could go along with you on your walks but today I'm not so sure! LOL! The first one looks to me like a giant snowy owl! yeeks! And just kidding, I love all the pictures and still wish I could really walk along with you ;>)

Angie said...

Diane - first of all, I love the banner with the delicate mushrooms - lovely shot! And let me tell you, I know something about letting my imagination go wild. When we are camping, and in the tent at night, every sound is an animal ... I am getting better at tuning it out! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

LA Paylor said...

Hi nature girl! lovely pics