Friday, August 12, 2022

A Walk in the Woods

With the heat and humidity, I've been sticking to the paved trails that have some shade.

But I wandered into the big woods to watch this Mama Deer and Fawn.

They were not very nervous about my presence over on the primitive trail.

So I just kept walking slowly and stopping when they did to take photos.

The little one was just like a 'kid'. The Mama would get a little ahead and then it would take off to catch up!

And then the little one crossed the trail in front of me.

It looked back to see who might follow.

And the Mama came out onto the trail and just stood there giving me a stare!

She was cautioning me not to follow.
So I stayed still and let them go off into another part of the woods.

I felt so privileged to get to watch them.

And I walked until this trail came back onto the paved trail.

Of course I saw some birds along the way too. The Rufous-Sided Towhee sang and sang. The Dove looked like he had been fluffing his feathers and the Kestrel was preening.

These were taken on the Florida Trails (49th Ave Trailhead) on a hot and humid morning this week. Over 100 hikes this year so far! 

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.   


Tom said...

...oh, deer, I hope that the bugs didn't get you!

Lea said...

Wonderful to see and get photos of the beautiful deer!
Have a blessed day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are totaly AWESOME photos, as are the two deer. what an adventure, I am Jealous. you did the right thing letting them move on. she was saying do not follow my baby

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Nice pictures. I know mama deer is only protecting her fawn, but she does act a bit like a trail hog. :)

Aunt Helen said...

Those beautiful Deer make me smile! They are so precious! You always see so many kinds of birds too, and I hope you hear their songs. Have another great day! Love, Aunt Helen

BeachGypsy said...

Oh Diane those are great deer pictures!! What sweet faces they have and big tall ears and gentle eyes and expressions! Seeing the little babies is special! The weekend is here-- enjoy!

Cloudia said...

You have a great attitude and a great heart!

Susie said...

Diane, I loved all your photos today. That sweet fawn , so precious. You must emit calmness...for them to stay so long. I hope you enjoyed a cooler walk. Blessings, xoxo, love, Susie

Penny Carlson said...

What great pictures of the deer!

Linda said...

Looks like a lovely cool spot for a walk. It has been so hot and humid here, we are seeking out the shade too.

Terri D said...

Oh, how I love seeing those deer! You got some great photos! I like the birds too but am partial to four-legged 'beasts'!! THanks for taking us along on your hikes!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such lovely photographs of Mama Deer and Fawn.

Wishing you a happy weekend.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

The very first picture is my favorite.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wonderful deer/fawn shots! I love seeing them. I miss the fawns. Haven't seen any in a while since we moved from the forest. You were certainly blessed to see them up close and personal like that. And your bird photos are great too. You are amazing to go out in this heat and take so many hikes. I just can't quite handle the heat and humidity right now. We've taken a few shorter walks, but even that was difficult. I am looking forward to fall so much. Thank you for sharing the beauty of the woods with us.

Unknown said...

I really like your fourth photo Diane - the motion tells a story

Irma said...

You took beautiful pictures during your walk of the deer.
I enjoyed it.
Greetings Irma

Ann said...

How wonderful to get to walk along with the deer.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That kind of encounter is enough to put a smile on your face for the whole week.

Vee said...

Fabulous photos of the fawn and mama deer.

eileeninmd said...


It is nice to have a trail with shade and lots of trees.
Love the deer and fawn series, they are so cute.
Great sightings of the Towhee, Kestrel and Dove.
Great critter post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! ~ the photos of the Mama deer and baby are awesome ~ Wow! Love them Xo

Thanks for asking how I am doing ~ I am ok ~ miss Angel terribly and it's going to take some time to heal ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Phil Slade said...

Hi Diane. How fortunate you were to be able to snap away at the deer like that. It never happens to me with our deer. I guess you have a secret or two that you're keeping quiet about.

I'm looking forward to the trip in the jeep. I will put my driving shoes on ready and bring some loud rock n roll to play with the windows wound down.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh my, Diane, what a lovely encounter with Mama and her young one. I love how it is possible for each to respect the space of the other. Thank you for giving us this wonderful glimpse today.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Some great great pictures! Wow! How beautiful...
Always so nice visiting your blog.
Love from Titti

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely sighting!

Calendula said...

Gorgeous photos! I never had the chance to see them so close. Beautiful!

italiafinlandia said...

You were lucky having the possibility to meet the lovely deer so close.
Well captured! 👍

John's Island said...

Hi Diane, Love your new banner photo ... very nice! I like the title on this post ... A Walk in the Woods ... brings a smile to my face. Neat captures of the deer! I sure admire your place to walk in the woods. The Rufous-Sided Towhee, the Dove, the Kestrel, all interesting shots. Over 100 hikes so far this year ... now that is something that deserves a reward! Congrats! Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. I look forward to hearing from you. Take good care, have a good weekend, and a happy week ahead! John

Bob Bushell said...

Excellent the Deer, so photographed you had make, pure well done.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I'm here for the bird shots but those deer pics are so sweet! #Idratherbebirdin

Shiju Sugunan said...

You got some fine pictures of deer. The ones here, run away at the slightest hint of humans. Love the birds too!

magiceye said...

They look so cute and friendly!

Linda said...

You would have loved the area we were in last week! So many hiking trails! Most of them were closed due to flash flooding that happened because of all the wildfires the area had. a controlled burn burned OUT of control in May and burned huge areas coming very close to residences. I did a little walking - the elevation did not make for easy breathing!

Anni said...

Such glorious photos of mama & baby deer! Loved seeing the towhee (rare here in South Texas!)
Happy Sunday to you, and thanks for linking with us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week!

EricaSta said...

I agree. There are so sweet captures, Diane. What lovely scenes. Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful week.

Linda said...

Lovely deer! I posted some deer pictures too.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...Diane:. How exciting to have those spoonbills in flight. I'm looking forward to seeing them when you share!!!

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I love the pictures and how exciting that you got close enough to that Mama deer and her little one to snap a picture. WOW! I hope that your week is lovely dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Very nice hike and sightings any time and especially when it's hot and humid -- you go girl!! Lovely description of watching the mama deer and fawn -- you know how to do it right! And of course I love the birds. We have those towhees here in Oregon right now! I downloaded half a dozen pictures of a tangle of weeds where I was trying to get a picture of one the the other day, but he kept digging in just as I snapped. Crazy that they do so well in both different kinds of climates!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How fun it is to see a Doe and her Fawn on your trail! Fawns do seem very curious and then skittish at times. I love watching them here. There has also been record-breaking heat here this summer--I'm yearning for fall!

Nancy Chan said...

How nice to have shaded paved trails to keep the sun away. Beautiful deer and her baby. They sensed that they can trust you at a distance and stayed for the photo shoots. Great sightings of birds too.

Debbie said...

deer are my favorites, so wild and yet they interact kinda' well with us. they are curious about us, interested in what we are doing and i love that. your captures are awesome and i really enjoyed viewing them!! have a great new week!!

Yvonne said...

That is a feat to hike in hot and humid weather, but your photos of the doe and fawn are amazing. They don't always let you get that close. Beautiful photos of your morning.

NatureFootstep said...

such beautiful photos of the deers. I have seen many deers where I live but never been able to see the young ones. They always dissappeared when it was time to give birth. :( You were lucky I think. :)

Teresa said...

Siempre ves cosas interesantes y preciosas. Besos.

annie said...

Beautiful photos!! I enjoyed the so much.