Monday, August 1, 2022


 When we were at Blue Run Park, I took photos of the observation deck across the Rainbow River. 

It's beautiful where we were standing too but I was mesmerized by the scene in front of me.

Hubby was taking pics too!

It was hard to choose a favorite photo!

So I'll share a mosaic of every one I took! 

I love taking photos of the swamp as we walk too.

It had rained the day before and the water level was high.


And more of the swamp photos in a mosaic!

Doesn't this cloud look like a feather? 
(or have I stood outside too long looking up into the sun? heehee)

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too! 


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you for the swampy and beautiful memories. I miss Cypress Knees! Before we ever came to Florida I thought swamps were scary places -- now I love visiting them. (Of course the boardwalks and paths are absolutely necessary for my enjoyment :

Tom said...

...water is nature's mirror.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

do not see a feather, i see a phoneix rising up. LOVE those swamp photos, knees and the bottoms of the trees rising from duckweed are stunning to me

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy August, Diane! Beautiful reflections in the water! I always find swamps so interesting as I know they are teeming with life beneath the murky green water.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful! I remember visiting the swampy areas on our last trip to Florida. I was in awe, of the swamp and its wildlife. A great experience. Thanks for the share and Happy August!

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. yes, I do see the feather.

Wally Jones said...

I really enjoyed the last two posts from Blue Run Park. A gorgeous spot!

Many people are surprised when they actually visit a swamp at how beautiful they are.

Terrific images!

Inger said...

Everything is so green and lovely and so very different from here. I have never seen a swamp, so your pictures are educational as well as beautiful. It's wonderful that you and your hubby can get out together and explore.

Lea said...

Great photos!
To me the sky photo looks like a flag being waved back and forth, so that part of the flag is on one side of the pole kind of furled up, and the rest of the flag furled up on the other side.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi Diane!-- THat is a beautiful scene--- it needs to be painted and photographed !!!--- like you did, and yES I do see a feather! Happy AUGUST!!!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You are right- the photos are so wonderful I don't think I could choose a favorite either. I love the reflection in the water of the foliage.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You are right- the photos are so wonderful I don't think I could choose a favorite either. I love the reflection in the water of the foliage.

Terri D said...

That cloud does, indeed, look like a feather!! Your photos are so beautiful (always) and the swamp photos are so interesting!! Thanks for sharing and always taking us along on your hikes through your words and pictures!! xo


As always beautiful photos and I love that you both take photos--but what is 'rain'--sure haven't seen that in awhile--even though they say it does that all around us!!!!
thanks for always sharing your photos--
hugs, di

HappyK said...

Stunning photos!!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful, serene, Nature being glamorous

Chrissy T said...

As always...I love my visit here. Thank you for sharing your moments captured.

Irma said...

What beautiful photos.
The reflection on the water is really beautiful.
Greetings Irma

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scenes and a lovely sky image. The cloud does look like a feather.
Take care, have a great day!

ann said...

It is wonderful to know that there are places on earth that are pristine, undeveloped, and beautiful. I love this. I, too, look for beauty and shapes in the clouds, and this one is most unusual.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Yes, I can understand why you both enjoyed your walk to see this beautiful view and the swamp looks amazing. Enjoy your walks this week Diane.

Debbie said...

i do see the cloud as a feather, it is so pretty!! the views and reflections are gorgeous!!

was hubby the mesmerising view? hehehehe

Vee said...

Very lush and green like a swamp. 🙂

Glad that you were able to get out and about...

Mrs. R said...

Hi Diane! This is Gina from long ago. I'm back to blogging after taking a hiatus. I see that you are still enjoying your photography, hikes, and nature! Blessings!

Carla from The River said...

I like the swamp photos. Swamps fascinate me. My parents have a swamp on their property. I always enjoy peeking at it, during winter I can walk into it.
I also wanted to share with you, you are mentioned in my blog post scheduled for posting Thursday. :-)
Love you, Carla

Lowcarb team member said...

Some lovely reflections here.
Yes, that cloud does look like a feather.

All the best Jan

Teresa said...

Tus fotografías están preciosas, me encantan. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, the cloud does look like a feather! So pretty. There were lots of swamps in New Orleans when the girls visited. The Rainbow River is lovely. I like that photo you took of your husband taking a photo. So glad you got rain, wonderful!
