Thursday, September 19, 2019

Are you afraid of the dark?

I take a lot of photos in the forest of scary things. No, they are not real dangers! They are just twisty limbs,

 blackened stumps 

or dark shadows. 

And I have people ask me all the time if I'm afraid of walking in the forest. I always reply, I'm afraid of a lot of things but walking in the woods is not one of them! And yes, when I lived in the mountains of NC I even walked at midnight quite often. I loved seeing things 'by the light of the moon'.

But of course I am afraid of things that shouldn't bother me. 

So I did an online search for 'good mental health' and found some really great information.

The website HERE has some of the best points....

1. Get plenty of sleep.

2. Eat well.

3. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs.

4. Get plenty of sunshine.

5. Manage stress.

6. Activity and exercise.

7. Do something you enjoy.

8. Connect with others and be sociable.

9. Do things for others.

10. Ask for help.

I won't play a guessing game on what my problem is but I'll just say, I have more anxiety in specific areas than is healthy. So I'm working on it....gathering information right now.

I've included some of my scary forest photos in this post! 

Creative people always love to use their imagination!

 "An important part of keeping fit and healthy is to take care of your own mental health."  Hiking helps me!

What are you afraid of?

 I’m joining Thankful Thursdays  and

Katherine's Thursday Favorite things HERE.


Tom said...

...number 4 is a winner!

magnoliasntea said...

I'm not really afraid of much except the government being in the wrong hands. :)
Have a fearless day!

eileeninmd said...


Good overall health is important. You listed great ideas to manage your health. Exercise, sleep and diet are ones I try to pay attention to. I do enjoy hiking and being outside. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend ahead.

Maggie Ann said...

ok yes, those are some scary pictures....I don't do scary. lol, I prefer bright and cheerful. It is interesting what the imagination can come up with that isn't even real....ever. My greatest comfort comes from scripture....I love the Psalms especially. I can open up the Psalms randomly and be plugged in to wonderful truths. Hope you have a good day! Did you ever read any of the Laurie Cass mysteries? Light and enjoyable. She has two all the places she mentions the ever present cat fur floating by....just is something I can identify with in a homey way.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Cool pix

Yes, hiking does help

...tying laces

Arlene G said...

Good for you Diane. I too struggle with anxiety. My cross stitch helps me to deal with it. Love the list and agree all are helpful to mental health

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love these "scary" photos. I'm not afraid of the dark, but I am afraid of walking alone at night in the city. I definitely watch too many mysteries. LOL
xo Laura

Red Rose Alley said...

MICE!!! The brown ones or white, eeeeeek! I have to say that you are brave to walk in the forest at night - and at midnight! Something that would scare me a bit. I'm not really afraid of everyday things. I was just thinking of my mom lately who always remained calm in the most difficult situations. And I'd like to be like that. But I do get anxious in certain areas like airports and finding my way around. I do hope that you take care of any anxieties you may have and get all the information that you need to help you with it. Yikes, what is that critter at the end - a bat maybe? : )


Susie said...

Yes I do get scared. Not so much of the dark. Traffic really makes me nuts. Does that count? LOL Spending big money makes me anxious. This is a different world than I grew up in, so city streets are maybe scary after dark. Stay strong and good for you working on your anxiety. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Edna B said...

Being out walking alone in the dark bothers me. It didn't used to but now I'm much older. Those aren't scary pictures. I find them very interesting. Keep 'em coming. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Vee said...

Ahhh...I see that you see things. So do I. It can be a bit startling. You are brave! No way would I go walking alone after dark. 😱

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I used to freak whenever I spotted a snake. Though I'm not in love with them, I can now see one and remain calm and even photograph him or her. We all need to take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically. The things that make me most anxious now is the state of our country. I pray that we can all find common ground before it's too late.

HappyK said...

Those are some really interesting photos!!
I'm most afraid of dogs wondering around on their own when I'm walking.

Michelle said...

In my life experience, I will say that we are all working on something. Doesn't matter if it is anxiety, depression, or otherwise. It IS something. Keep pressing on and know that there are people out there, me included, that feel the same as you. Thank you for linking up today.

Mia said...

Lovely photos, Diane. I am not afraid of the dark. But I am a smoker and I want to quit before this bad habbit destroys my health. Kisses, my friend.

The Feminine Energy said...

What beautiful pictures! I'm not afraid of the woods or the dark... but I am afraid of the humans who might be dwelling there, wishing to do folks harm. I don't know if I have "good mental health" or not. I guess I've never thought about it. Love, Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

I've never been afraid of much of anything but now that I live alone I do worry sometimes about something happening and no one will know.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love seeing interesting shapes on my walks, as well.
I know of your list, it is truly simple to keep healthy, enacting it all is the difficult thing.
I've lost 5.2 kg as of today. I've just renewed my medical marijuana prescription. This is helping me sleep. It's been a tough go, though.
Take care!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I afraid of a long list of things, to long to put here, at the top of the list is my fear of the dark. that started at 3 months and has continued with me for 75 years. I no longer am afraid there is something under the bed in the dark that will get my hand if it hangs off. but I do have a nightlight in every room, my house is never full dark. I don't go in the back yard in the dark unless bob and Big are with me. I turn the light on if I go out by myself. I refuse to swim in a dark pool. I don't do caves, or tight spaces... and I have never been on a hike in the woods by myself.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Natures architecture is always captivating. Your photos are too! Have a grand weekend!

ann said...

I don't know as I am fearful. I used to have terrible anxiety, mostly about the well being of my children, especially when they were out and about. I would say that I do tend to worry about them some, but I have somehow found more calmness. I would be afraid to walk in the woods. Here it in the Rocky Mountains there lions and bears and a lot of people these days, too, whom I might fear more. Keep walking. Keep taking cool photos. And by the way love the header with the moth. What kind is it?

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Real spooky shots! Good advice as well. I must admit that when I hear a screech-owl calling as I am walking alone in the pre-dawn darkness I feel a bit of throwback to the "boogey-man under the bed" mindset of childhood.

Екатерина Балагурова said...

Yes! Sometimes the heart will beat faster when you see something strange. Especially with peripheral vision =))

Jeanie said...

The sepia photo is especially evocative. And those are wonderful tips!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

You have a great eye for the scary and unusual stuff. Photo #3 definitely looks like Bigfoot! Anxiety seems to be so commonplace these days. So many of us struggle with it. Is it just the world we live in?? By the way, those are excellent tips.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely collection of photographs.
More and more seem to suffer from anxiety, that is a good list of tips.

All the best Jan

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love your "scary photos"...and I totally understand them, having done many such photos in the past on our walks in the woods. We have recently moved to a new location and have not found a good walking trail just yet as we are still settling in. I miss my woods walks, and hope to find something like that again soon, but in the meantime I enjoy looking at our pond. Please cast your cares upon the Lord and He will take care of all your needs and fears. He is with you good times and bad, and in times of uncertainty. You are never alone. Praying that you will find the answers you are seeking and that the Lord will give you much peace of mind and heart. He is able. God bless you dear one.

NanaDiana said...

I am sorry you are dealing with some issues, Diane. Life is not always easy and there are things that we fear--some justified--some that are fears ony in our own mind. I hope things smooth out for you soon. xo Diana

Sam I Am...... said...

Those are awesome pictures! You could make Halloween cards out of those! Mental health? Well, I've been blessed with multiple coping skills which I think they should teach children in school...and maybe some adults too. I am not a 'victim' type and I don't care for "whiners" that complain about everything. Nowadays there are support groups for people with paper cuts. I know there are tough situations in life but it's life and without the rain there would be no rainbow. I am empathetic but not for minor upsets when there are so many people truly suffering in this world. I also stay to myself most of the time and that keeps me content! Just my opinion. Connecting with other humans (not all) but some.. can detract from my mental health! LOL! I hope whatever it is works it's way out for you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This was such an interesting (and helpful) post...and I enjoyed reading all the comments.. a fringe benefit of coming late to the discussion. I think I’m generally happy (and grateful), but I fret too much about things over which I have no control.... from worry over my grown up kids and grands to worry over the state of our country. Blogging is pretty much my happy place ... I’m not smart enough to write well about the rest of life ... you do a great job of both! My therapy includes nature walks, getaways with my husband, and exercise and yoga classes. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. ))