Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hoppin' Down the bunny trail!

I've had some wonderful sightings this week on my hikes! 

I couldn't stop taking photos of this beautiful Sharp-shinned Hawk that I saw on the Florida Trails.

He posed for the longest time in a tree near the trail.

I wasn't sure at first what it was but when I studied my photos AND my ID books I was able to make the ID.

 He flew and that gave me a good view.

 He soared!

We've seen this hawk in the same area before too.

  Oh, and one of the cutest sightings was this rabbit at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve.

 He stayed in the trail for the longest time. I got closer and closer to get better pics.

But hubby was behind me taking a video. So if you want to see me hoppin' down the bunny trail and smiling my happy smile at the end, view the video. 

You'll be smiling too! I promise!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 

     and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Tom said...

...I wonder if the rabbit became lunch for the hawk.

Barbara said...

It's amazing how close you were able to get to the rabbit before he scampered off! We are of the opinion that rabbits think if they hold perfectly still, they think they are invisible. Or at least, it seems that way!

Arlene G said...

Well you made me hum Here comes Peter Cotton tail hopping down the bunny trail. They are so cute. Hope Mr Hawk did not have a bunny for a meal.

Debbie said...

What fun to be able to see so many creatures on your hikes! and get so close to them all the way you do. You are blessed to live where you do.
Have a great weekend.

eileeninmd said...


Great sighting of the Hawk, I love your flight photos. The bunny is adorable, it did not seem frightened by you coming close. I did smile at that cute cottontail. Great photos and video. Thanks for sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend.

Vee said...

You went one step too far! 🐇⬅️ pretend he’s soft brown. 😏

Susie said...

Diane, Isn't it funny how still a rabbit will sit, hoping you do not see him. His little puff tail just went down the trail out of sight. At least you and you husband had a nice hike. Pretty blue skies. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Bill said...

We have a rabbit that hangs around here and just sits as you walk by, not afraid at all. Beautiful photos and video, thanks for sharing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

silly rabbit, doesn't he know he is a prime target of that hawk? I did not know they would let you get that close. I have never seen one on a trail, only sometimes while in a car and from afar...

Jeanie said...

I'm such a sucker for bunnies! That makes me super happy!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Another fine walk. You do get your exercise in the pleasantest of ways.

Terri D said...

That bunny tail was moving!!

BeachGypsy said...

So cute!! I at first thought "wow, that little bunny is gonna let her get close enough to TOUCH HIM"! yOU GOT SO CLOSE..........and then "bam"!! there he goes!!! So quick they are, such cute little tails! Hope your weather is nice enough to get out today!! Hugs!

HappyK said...

Cute photo of the rabbit. I really thought you were going to be hopping after the bunny. : )

Ann said...

Wonderful photos of the hawk. I had one in a tree in my back yard once and I couldn't believe how long it sat there in the same place. Hope this one didn't spot that rabbit. He sure did let you get really close before running off

Edna B said...

Beautiful photos! I love that bunny! You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.

Rose said...

I am smiling!

Linda said...

Bunny was thinking "If I don't move, she won't see me." But then, "Uh oh! Time to go!"

Irma said...

What beautiful pictures of the birds.
The video of the rabbit was great, you could really get close to him.
Best regards, Irma

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful the Hawk, and I love the video of the Rabbit.

Black Knight said...

I hope that the rabbit is safe.
Great photos.

Anni said...

As always your photos are super Diane. I went to a hawk show yesterday...they are a wonderful species. Super photos.

Thanks for leaving your link & commenting at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

Rhodesia said...

Lovely set of photos. Just read your post about being closed down, that is awful. My life work would disappear if they did that too me, scary stuff.
So glad that you got it all back again. Take care Diane

Linda said...

Great sightings on your hike.

carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely beautiful hawk photos and wonderful bunny rabbit ones too! ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShuttterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lea said...

Cute bunny rabbit!
Hawks very rarely sit still for me - you got great photos!
Have a blessed day!

Buttercup said...

Great pictures, though I'm most partial to the bunny. Take care and thanks so much for all of your visits.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

You have, indeed, gotten beautiful shots!! Have a wonderful day!

Nancy Chan said...

It looks like the rabbit was so still and waiting for you to get nearer before he shot off. I hope it didn't got eaten by that watchful hawk.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - that hawk is amazing - especially the shot in the pine tree - it makes a great background. Love the bunny video - and your sweet face - it would make anyone happy when seeing it. Have a grand week ahead my dear.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the Hawk, the bunny, the trail, your beautiful smile at the end *and especially the fact that you’re wearing capris and the sun is shining!

Debbie said...

awww, we both saw hawks this week, your images are wonderful!! i watched the bunny video, he was a cutie, with a big, white, fluffy tail!!! it was fun to see you too...even though you don't have a big, white, fluffy tail!!!

NatureFootstep said...

great shots of the beautiful hawk and the bunny too. That was a rare thing to experience :)