Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday, Surviving a hurricane

Hurricane Dorian is still going up the Eastern Coast of the US but we have not had heavy rain or high winds here in North Central Florida, thankfully. 

Because it moved so slowly we worked every day getting ready so we've been in a big mess to get things back in order. But I won't complain. The devastation in the Bahamas is heartbreaking. We are keeping everyone in our prayers that has been affected by the storm. And it's still out there so we'll keep praying.

I managed to get a couple of hikes in this week. I had a lot of nervous energy so I was happy to get out on the trails. 

 I've never seen so many jumbo jets in the sky, all flying North.

 And the cloud formations were just gorgeous all week.

 I'm getting my house back in order but it's been nice to have all of the food we prepared ahead of time. I may be on to something. Cook everything you need for lunches and dinners for a week. Then pull out what you want, heat it in the microwave for an easy meal! Oh....that's not possible? Our microwave wouldn't come on one morning but hubby went to Walmart and got a small counter top model. It works like a dream! Hot dogs anyone? Hamburgers? Grilled chicken? Potato salad and coleslaw? Get in line!!!

 I'm very thankful for all of your prayers!

(and for inexpensive microwaves)

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays .



Tom said...

...great news!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Love that second shot

(I love clouds

Vee said...

The sad. Which is why I am so grateful that it did not come near you.

My microwave is so big and taking up too much space...your new one is perfect!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

When you contemplate the total destruction in the Bahamas you realize just how fortunate you were that Dorian passed you by. It makes you wonder how the Bahamas can ever rebuild - and of course more hurricanes will come. I cannot even imagine living with that constant threat over my head.

Sandy said...

I am happy that thing missed you as well. The Bahamas don't look so good so yes, we need to pray for them. I am ready for some cool in the mornings...not cold to walk in.

Kim said...

So glad you were spared! This was a test run. Now you are ready if another one shows up (God forbid!). Take care, Diane!

Susie said...

I am so thankful you are safe, Diane. That was one slow moving storm, scary not knowing where it would hit. Yes, the Bahamas will never be the same. The pictures on TV look as if it were bombed. Best to be prepared though. Glad you and Ron did that. Loved the cloud photos. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Jeanie said...

I hope you all remain safe and dry -- or as dry as possible. THinking good thoughts!

Lorrie said...

Wonderful cloud captures. Good news about the hurricane. Such devastation in the Bahamas - heartbreaking.

Edna B said...

I love my microwave too. Those sky and cloud shots are just awesome! So glad you're okay. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I am so glad you weren't affected by the hurricane! Yes, the devastation in the Bahamas is heart breaking! We have students here going to UPEI and our church from the Bahamas who can't get in touch with their family members. So sad!
It is heading our way and is supposed to go over us. High winds and a lot of rain. It's not going to be pleasant. We have gotten off easy the last number of years but this could very well change everything. The folks on the Island and the Atlantic provinces in general are a bit nervous. So, I would appreciate your prayers as well. Joy to you...Sandi

magnoliasntea said...

I'm so glad the hurricane stayed away from your area. Nice looking microwave. I'll be right down for a hamburger. LOL

Arlene G said...

So glad you are okay Diane. We have friends in North Carolina who live at the beach near Wilmington. They evacuated and are just waiting to hear if their home escaped the rampage. It really puts things in perspective for me. How often I am upset about small things!!

Linda said...

That’s a pretty little microwave! I don’t know what I’d do without mine. We use it every day. And our toaster oven and even our toaster.
I’m so glad you didn’t get the storm damage that looked inevitable for a time. After Maria and Summer, Sabrina and Rayne surviving that nightmare of a hurricane in Puerto Rico, and Amber surviving Hurricane Ike down in Houston, I pray harder for those in the path of one.
Be glad when Dorian plays itself out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you would not have liked my storm meals. PBJ with bread or crackers, tuna out of the can with bread or crackers. I hope you had a generator because if the power goes out you lose the fridge and freezer and have no way to heat the food. did you have a plan? we are praying also and thankful it missed us

Red Rose Alley said...

So glad the storm passed you, Diane. Yes, when weather changes are happening in the skies, it seems that the clouds are so beautiful. I've noticed that after a heavy rain. I've never seen a red microwave. That's pretty cool. Glad you're safe and sound, my friend.

love, ~Sheri

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Hi Diane, oh I am so happy with the good news that everything is ok. I feel so bad for the people in the Bahamas. We will be getting a lot of rain tomorrow. It's nice that you have a lot of food to eat and nice that you have a brand new microwave oven. Good luck with getting everything back to normal. Enjoy the weekend.
Julie xo

Dianna said...

I'm so glad you are safe and well, and I sincerely hope you remain so!

Carla from The River said...

Hello Friend,
I am so thankful you are well. I do hope that hurricane season is not a wild one this year or any year as far as I am concerned. This brought back memories of last year for Sam, Hurricane Michael was the bad one for him at Fort Jackson during Basic.

Happy@Home said...

Glad to hear that you are safe and sound, Diane. So very sad to think of what they are facing in the Bahamas.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so glad you are safe and sound, Diane. Now you can go on more hikes since your meals are already. I love red, so your new microwave suits my taste!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I am so happy that you were spared, but those poor people in the Bahamas and now North Carolina is getting hit. xo Laura

Michelle said...

The Bahamas are in a sad situation. I am glad that things went well for you. My parents live in the Florida panhandle, right on the gulf. This is always a scary time of year. Thanks for linking up.

HappyK said...

So glad to hear all is fine by you.
Those clouds are gorgeous!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

So glad you were spared! Indeed,praying for those devastated by the hurricane in the Bahamas. My very best to you!

carol l mckenna said...

Glad you and hubby are doing well and well stocked pantry ~ Delightful photos ~ Love the microwave ~ ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So glad to see your comment on mine and know for sure that you had no damages -- we've been watching those models, but it isn't real to me until I hear from a human person!! Be back soon to catch up -- thank you for keeping us all posted.

Barbara said...

I think we are all kinda reeling from the surprise of getting practically nothing here in North Central Florida out of the storm after all that buildup FOR DAYS ON END. But like you, we are so thankful and count our blessings because others' experience is not ours.

Glad you got the cute little microwave to carry you through and there was no power loss!

doodles n daydreams said...

Great to be able to see the positives of Hurricane Dorian.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

So thankful to check in with you and see that all is well in your world! Praising God with you that the storm caused you no problems! And think, you don't have to cook now for a week :) And the cutest little microwave to boot! Blessings and hugs :)

The Feminine Energy said...

Such wonderful news that you're safe! It's about time we hear some good news coming from your area during hurricane season! I'll get in line for a hot dog & some potato salad... two of my favorites! :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

I'm so happy to hear that it turned out well for you. The make ahead meals is a great idea. That red microwave would match my red coffee maker :)

Sam I Am...... said...

So glad you're okay! Love the clouds...they are just beautiful. A red microwave? Love it! YOur food sounds good...I'll be by for!

Debbie said...

What great photos of the cloud formations!! I guess having all of those meals prepared was a "good" thing after all. So glad you missed all of the horrific weather that was associated with Dorian. Cute little micro wave.
Enjoy your weekend.

Ariadne said...

So glad you are all fine. AriadnefromGreece!

Rebecca Nelson said...

So thankful you were spared!!!!! The Bahamas will probably never be the same. Grateful you are OK!

I love cooking food ahead of time! <3

<3 Rebecca

A Casa Madeira said...

Maravilha de fotos.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like all of your cloud photographs.
Good news for you about the hurricane, but so upsetting to see the devastation in the Bahamas.

Continued prayers for all affected.

All the best Jan

Jeanna said...

I'm so glad you're safe, what a crazy, scary thing.

italiafinlandia said...

What a frightening event a hurricane!...

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Glad you were spared the worst of the hurricane - so sad for all the devastation elsewhere. The clouds are amazing and good shot of the plane. I like cooking things ahead - our daughters are still coming up every day and they keep the freezer and fridge full for us. Have a great week ahead my dear.