Saturday, September 7, 2019

Prothonotary Warbler or Pine Warbler

That's a mighty big name for this little bird! I hiked on the Florida Trails a few days ago and heard a bird song I didn't recognize. And when I looked up in the tree, I saw this beautiful yellow Warbler.

Prothonotary Warbler or Pine Warbler?

It was fun to see this one for the first time. Here's the info about how it got it's name, "The name "Prothonotary" originally referred to a group of official scribes in the Catholic Church who wore bright yellow hoods."  From the Audubon website HERE!

And I also saw a Red-headed Woodpecker with a brown head!

That threw me for awhile!

Until I came home and looked in the ID book and found out it's a Juvenile.

He sure was pretty!

Lots of neat sightings this week but I'll save some for later!

Have you had a good week? We are glad to get back to normal here in Florida after having Hurricane Dorian pass through! No damage in our area but still a lot to do to get things back in order! (I'm not complaining though! My prayers are still for all those affected by this monster storm!)

Update: After spending time with ALL of our ID books, my hubby and I think that David G. is right and this is a Pine Warbler. Well, it sure is a beautiful bird no matter what you call it and I loved seeing it in the woods. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments and for helping with IDs!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE  

  and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Tom said...

...normal is a great thing!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Congratulations on seeing this warbler. However, it is a Pine Warbler not a Prothonotary Warbler. And may I point out, with great respect, that your spelling of Prothontary is incorrect! There - I guess I just muddied up this post!

Sandy said...

Wow, I have only seen a warbler like that one time. I wish they hung around here more. So glad the storm stayed out to sea.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love yellow flowers and yellow birds and this one is really pretty. I think they misnamed it because it looks nothing like a hood to me. just a beautiful yellow bird. I listend to all its calls on the link you furnished and it is a loud bird for its size... I can imagine how pretty is sounded out in those beautiful woods you were in... as I type I hear jays screeching outside. something must be amiss out there....

Barbara Rogers said...

Great photos of these 2 birds! I found your blog over on Sat's Critters. I may have seen that yellow warbler when I was picnicking on Mt. Mitchell last week (North Carolina) but didn't get him to sit still for photos. I will have to look him up and see if we're within his range.

Arlene G said...

So interesting about the name of the Warbler. I learn something new all the time here at your blog Diane.

SImple and Serene Living said...

You see the most amazing birds. I love your photos of them. I am still finding it too hot for hiking here in Georgia. Hopefully I will be able to get out and explore soon. xo Laura

Rebecca Nelson said...

I love birds. We have large trees in our backyard and so they attract a lot of different kinds... We always have Wren Nests here and there and also both male/female Cardinals and Blue Jays.

Glad the storm passed you many were devastated by it...reminds me of the Oklahoma Tornadoes we've had...sometimes they destroy everything in their path.

Susie said...

Diane, I am so glad things are getting back to normal there. The birds shots are great. We have those woodpeckers around here. I love that walking trails. It looks so inviting and peaceful. Enjoy your walks. Blessings to you and Ron, xoxo,Susie

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yeah, I am partial to "normal"...

Love the birds.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

You got some great pictures of those birds! Glad the hurricane did not do any damage for you.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice photos of the birds! Yes, the Prothonotary is not only hard to spell but it lacks wing bars and face markings. I' d love to see one again.

Bill said...

Beautiful photos of the birds. I'm very glad to hear that Dorian passed through your area with no damage.
Enjoy your weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Delightful feather friends photos ~ love the warbler's colors and other bird too!

Glad you were safe from the storm ~ Mother Nature does her tantrums ~ Wild!

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)

HappyK said...

He sure is a pretty little thing. Glad all is well. It is Nice to get back to normal.

Jeanna said...

Beautiful finds and great shots. You must have a decent telephoto lens. I could have used you today when I spotted either a hawk or a peregrine falcon. Then there was a flash of lavender and I've no idea what those birds were, as big as cranes it seemed. Actually the Crane Family is making quite the racket outside my window as I type this. They are party birds

Vee said...

Warblers have the prettiest songs...yours has the prettiest feathers!

Linda said...

Glad the storm didn't hit you badly. Love the warbler!

italiafinlandia said...

Nice views in your post. The woodpecker is cute indeed!
Have a great Sunday!


Preciosos pájaros!!

Hootin Anni said...

Definitely a Pine Warbler. Loved seeing the juvenile woodpecker! That's a first for me.

It was a relief to know you weren't affected by the wrath of Dorian.
Thank you for linking up with us this weekend, at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great bird photos.

Phil Slade said...

Hello Diane. Yes, it is a Prothonotary Warbler and they are even more yellow than a Pine Warbler. Your IDing is coming along just fine. There are lots of warblers to sort aren't there? Especially at this time of year.

Jeanie said...

You've had some wonderful spottings this week. That warbler is especially lovely!

The Liberty Belle said...

Cute birdies. Glad you were not greatly impacted by Dorian. Have a wonderful week.

eileeninmd said...


I would have said Pine Warbler too, David knows his birds. The Red-headed Woodie is a great sighting. I am glad your area missed the storm, I feel sorry for the Bahamas. I just got back from my trip and I am catching up with comments. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and a great new week! PS, I appreciate your visits and comments.

Jenn Jilks said...

Tricky stuff! I seldom get my birds right until corrected.

Jenn Jilks said...

P.S. good you survived the storm.

Linda said...

I love normal and happy you have yours back!
It’s always fun to see what you see on your walks!

Debbie said...

I have been thinking about all of my Florida friends, it is good to see that you all faired so well!! Your birds are beautiful, nice to meet up with the juvenile woodpecker, you had a good walk!!

I had a great week with my son at home. It was just super difficult to say goodbye!! Now I need to get back to my regular routine!!

Edna B said...

I spend two weeks in Florida every year and I've yet to see this gorgeous little yellow bird. So glad you got to take a photo to share. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Ann said...

Oh my, what a pretty little bird that is.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

What a sweet little bird - and so nice to learn about it's name. We've had more birds lately at the feeders as some of the migrations have begun. I've missed reading your posts - hoping to catch up soon.

NanaDiana said...

That little warbler is just as cute as can be-no matter what it's called.
I am so glad the hurricane has passed and life can get back to normal for so many.
Have a great week- xo Diana

Nancy Chan said...

Great sighting and photos of pretty birds. Happy new week!

Lowcarb team member said...

Always enjoy seeing your bird photographs.
Pleased you didn't have any damage from Dorian, but my thoughts and prayers to those who have been affected.

All the best Jan

Red Rose Alley said...

That is so interesting that this red-headed Woodpecker has a brown head! I would have never known it's a juvenile. I see them at the trail sometimes, and they have a bright red head, they're so cute. What a great picture of the yellow Warbler. I'm glad to hear you're getting things back to normal again after the hurricane passed through your area, and so glad no damage was done. These hurricane and severe storms are so scary. That last picture is beautiful and so peaceful. It must be very nice walking through there.
