Saturday, September 14, 2019

I stop for Bobwhites!

We know they are here. Their bobwhite call is unmistakable. But we don't get to see them very often! Northern Bobwhites!

 "Walk this way." Quote from the movie, Young Frankenstein

I was walking around at the Pruitt Trailhead of Halpata Tastanaki Preserve and I saw something on the trail ahead. These are just perfect for 'captions' so here goes.....

OK little one, be brave and let's cross the super highway together!

We'll look this way....and all I see is a big frozen statue with a pink cap.

Nothing that way!

Run Run as you can!!!

No time to dawdle now!!!

We're halfway there! Don't slow down!

WHEW! We DID it!!!

That sure was a treat to see these two beauties! 

 I also saw these two beautiful Sandhill Cranes while I was there.

 It's easy to spot them, even when they have their heads down! haha! (they look like 2 big lumps or a misshapen rock)

Have you seen anything 'out of the ordinary' this week?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE  
     and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Tom said...

...I would hope that you do!

eileeninmd said...


I have only seen the Bobwhite once. They are cool birds. It is neat you were able to see the adult and young Bobwhite. Love the Sandhill Cranes too. Wonderful sightings and photos. Thank you for sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the call of a bobwhite. I don't think I have ever seen one, just heard them... if I saw this and they were quiet, I would not be able to identify them... precious little one following Mom... I saw a squirrel under our seagrape eating a grape yesterday... from the kitchen window... for out of the ordinary, the street we walk Big on, there is a beautiful domestic black and white rabbit. he is HUGE and lives outside. he has been hopping around for about a year now.. he goes really fast when he sees us coming. Big loves to watch him hop.

Sandy said...

Love those bobwhites!!!!

italiafinlandia said...

Actually...yes, I did! As I was on a short holiday and I saw a new duck. But I will post it later on...
Your post is nice and fun!

Vee said...

I have never seen Bob White. 🤓 The only unusual thing are the fawn teenagers playing on my neighbor’s lawn most evenings. I have the camera at the ready and still can’t get the picture.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How fun seeing those birds! The only thing I saw this week was a dead copperhead snake on our road!

magnoliasntea said...

"I stop for Bobwhites!" Love it, and so do I. :)
Great pics. Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE the call of a quail! And gorgeous crane images.

Ps...loved seeing your butterfly post below.

carol l mckenna said...

You 'hang out' with the best! ~ Awesome photos and sweet comments ~ Love the Bobowhites and the Cranes too ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Black Knight said...

I have never seen a Bobwhite. Beautiful photos.

Bernhard said...

Nice pictures. Like them.
My contribution:

Have a nice weekend.


Connie said...

I just love visiting your blog and seeing all the beauty you see on your walks. Thanks for carrying your camera and thank you even more for being such a sweet blogging sister.
Connie :)

riitta k said...

You made a lovely story with these birds. Never seen or heard a Bobwhite. But I saw today three llamas - of course not in the nature, they don't run wild in Finland :)))

Bill said...

Beautiful photos. I have never seen a Bobwhite, thank you for showing one.
Have a wonderful weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It has been a long time since I saw a Bobwhite since they are not found here. Sandhill Cranes, however, breed locally.

Debbie said...

oh diane, i really enjoyed this!! i don't see either of these here and it was a joy to see your pictures!! your text was so enjoyable, it made me smile!!

i have not seen anything out of the ordinary this week but i have not been on any nature walks, maybe tomorrow!!

Louca por porcelana said...

Great pictures!Have a lovely day!

Ranten said...

Hi! Lovely pictures and funny to read ;-))

Ann said...

The only bobwhite I've ever seen is a man named Bob White who comes into the store where I work for donuts every Wonderful pictures

Susie said...

Diane, So cute, the bobwhites running. Those cranes are pretty. Glad you go a good hike in. Blessings, praying no more storms, xoxo, Susie

HappyK said...

The red heads on the sandhill crane sure is pretty. Pops right out at you.

Arlene G said...

I did not see them but my sis sent me a photo of two group hogs at the Hotel where they stayed in the Smokies. They looked like two old ladies.

Lea said...

What a treat to see! And get photos, too!

Linda said...

I enjoy seeing what you see!

Linda said...

I remember hearing their calls in years past. Unfortunately their habitat has gotten scarce here.

Irma said...

What beautiful pictures.
I've never seen a Bobwhite.
Best regards, Irma

Anni said...

Thanks so much for joining us birders and sharing your blog post this weekend. Those of us at I'd Rather B Birdin' appreciate your photos and narrative!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

This is such a delightful post! I couldn't help but smile! Have a wonderful week!

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

Oh, I love the call of the bobwhite! I always do the sound back to them, but then I always stop... hoping I haven't confused the sweet bird.

Thank you for bringing us along on this fun walk! Blessings! Net

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I think the sandhill cranes are so cute! Love the bobwhites also. Don't get to see either here. Have a great Sunday!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Bobwhites are such sweet little birds, and I envy you for all of the cranes that you see. xo Laura

Jeannie said...

I think you knew exactly what they were thinking!

Edna B said...

I haven't seen a bob white in person. But I have seen sandhill cranes up close. They really are beautiful birds. I was able to get a lot of super photos of them. I love how you captioned the birds' crossing the street. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loved the bobwhite story, perfectly illustrated! (Or I guess perfectly worded, since the pictures came first). I’m glad that pink-capped statue (or her camera) didn’t scare them off!

Rose said...

I seldom see or even hear a bobwhite...but love it when I do. Have you read the book 'That Quail, Robert?'

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Never seen a bobwhite

Seems the sandhill crane population is nice and healthy these days. On rides, I've seen more and more.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy your narration with your lovely photographs.
Great post.

All the best Jan