Monday, November 25, 2019

A Dreamy Hike at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve

We live in the Sunshine State so most of the time when we hike the sun is bright! And that's one of the things we love about living here. 

But last weekend, we had a overcast day and cool temps and set off to hike farther on the Halpata Tastanaki Preserve trail at the Pruitt Trailhead. 

It was interesting when I viewed my photos at home. 

Since the sun wasn't washing out the colors, the fields took on a dreamy look.

Still lots of green here at this time of year and hundreds of wildflowers.

I need to try to ID these purple flowers!

 We have hiked this trail many times but it was neat to see something 'new' when we got down the trail.

And just where we decided to turn around, we saw a Forest Ranger up ahead. He came to us and we had a nice chat about what wildlife we had seen. He had photos of a Wild Boar and fox squirrel and 3 deer that were running so fast that all three had their feet off the ground. Amazing!

You just never know what you'll see when you get out into the wilderness. 

What's the weather like where you live?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .


Edna B said...

I absolutely love the flora and fauna you have. I'm in Massachusetts, and it is too cold for blossoms. I do, however, get lots of turkeys coming by most days for something to eat once the cold weather sets in. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Vee said...

So much to see in this world of ours...

Tom said...

...say Halpata Tastanaki fast 10 times!

Kit said...

So lovely! I love looking at your flowers since mine are gone for awhile. We have snow this morning and I love it! We are off to a Christmas store today! 🌲 Hapoy Thanksgiving! Kit

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh what beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them with your blogging friends. The weather here in northern Indiana is nice today. It's supposed to be in the 50s and fairly nice all week, actually. We've already had our first snowfall and the temps were down in the teens when that happened. The leaves are off the trees & our land is looking rather barren. But it's wintertime after all. :-) Soak up some sun for me, as we don't see it too often this time of year. Love, Andrea xoxo

eileeninmd said...


You are so lucky to have so much sunshine and wildflowers. I someone making a wood sculpture, that looks neat. I wish I could help with the purple flowers, they are lovely. Looks like a nice hike! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wonderful hike today with so many wonderful photos. I love to visit and see the wildlife and woods in your area.

Lorrie said...

Your flora and fauna are so different from ours and I always enjoy seeing what you've been seeing on your hikes.
This morning was frosty, but the sun is shining and melting it all away. A few coloured leaves remain, but most of them are on the ground. It's beautiful with the blue sky.

EricaSta said...

I enjoyed reading, fantastisc captures.

Indeed our wheather is cold, with fog ... there are grey days in November.
Happy MosaicMonday

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know my weather is the same as yours, just a couple degrees warmer. I love the sunshine, I am a dreary day, rainy day diliker.. I know we need the rain but don't want it for long. I am wondering if the ranger had a camera or was using a cell phone. if I worked there I would snap myself silly as would you.... it is a beautiful place, sunshine or overcast

Terri D said...

Our weather is just like yours!! That new thing you saw looks like a giant arrowhead. Is it rock or an old tree trunk? Great photos, as always!

Ann said...

We did have sunshine today but mostly it's been cold and gloomy here. I love seeing all the wildflowers you have there. What is that you saw on the trail? Is that a tree that is being carved?

Lowcarb team member said...

What a wonderful hike you enjoyed, lovely seeing all of your photographs.
Here in the UK we've had a lot of rain with floods in some areas … and more expected. My thoughts are with all those affected.

I hope the new week for you is a good one :)

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Such beautiful photos of your walk.

Powell River Books said...

Light sure does affect photos. I've been lucky to have lots of sun and blue sky on our trip so far. That changed today. The wind has been blowing over the dry field that have been plowed and threw dust up into the air, so much it looked like fog. - Margy

Rose said...

I would love to have a place close to walk...that was out where I might have a chance of seeing something.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

You have the best walks. Did lightning or humans or both carve that arrowhead reaching to the sky?

ann said...

Another enjoyable walk. Such beautiful wild flowers, too. Weather? We are in the midst of a major snow storm with predictions first of 18 inches, revised to down to 12, and we may have four. Schools are closed and I suppose tomorrow a lot of other services will be closed too. An historic steam engine will be going through town tomorrow--it will be quite a sight to see, so I'll put on my winter coat and drive down to the tracks to see it then I'll come home and do some baking. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Angie said...

Diane - you're right - you never know what you will see, and you have to GET OUT THERE to do it. I am in Ohio at the moment and it is pretty mild. I saw some cardinals in the park, and I was so excited since we don't have them in Montana! Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Gillena Cox said...

Oh the wildflowers! The other day i was talking with my granddaughter of 7 and i mentioned wildflower, she wanted to know why a certain pretty little flower was a wildflower. So i told her no one plabted it, it just grew by its own pretty self
Thanks for dropping by my blog


handmade by amalia said...

When it comes to taking photos I like overcast days the best. Thanks for walk.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I enjoy your hiking posts so much, as we used to do a lot more walking before we moved to our current house, where we have to drive somewhere to find a good place to walk. Just haven't had much time since our move as we are still kind of "settling in". I am trying to identify your purple flowers...I'll let you know if I find it. I love to figure out what the wildflowers are that we see in our fields and along the roads and woods. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog about the guest room. You are welcome to come visit anytime! We really aren't that far away!

Arlene G said...

I hope I would never see a wild boar. Those things scare me. Believe it or not we had one that came out of the woods and was terrorizing people at a local gas station!!

Penelope Notes said...

The purple flowers look like lilacs but they’re probably not because of how they’re growing in a field of grass and not in a bush. We had a sudden burst of hail in my neck of the woods and now it’s gently raining.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Wonderful hike at the Halpata Tastanaki Preserve - I love seeing what you see through your photos. Thank you for visiting my post Diane - you will love your MacAir - light and fast.

Dawn said...

Stopping by from the Mosaic Monday. This was my first. I love the outdoors and taking photos of different areas. I'm from NC and recently transplanted to GA.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It’s so nice that you can get out for all of those hikes. I enjoyed looking at your photos. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Crown and Cottage said...

What a lovely walk and it is always interesting meeting with the Forest Ranger.
It has been in the low 60's in the Carolinas, still nice for this time of the year.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

Buttercup said...

We had a spectacular autumn day today. It was sixty and sunny and I got my three miles done and so enjoyed it. So thankful you're a Butttercupland regular visitor.

Carla from The River said...

How fun to get to visit with the Forest Ranger. Are the wild boar common to spot in this area. I have never seen one, how interesting.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Very beautiful trail scene! I was suprised that there were many flowers there in the end of November. Wishing you nice days!

Jenn Jilks said...

Much fun!
We're anticipating a big rain storm. This is not normal for us for November.

eclectichomelife said...

Lovely photos, here in the Uk we seem to have had nothing but dampness and rain for days on end. The River Thames here in Oxfordshire is high and the ground underfoot so wet for walks, last weekends walk was particularly muddy!

Janey and Co. said...


Stopped by to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

I enjoy your walks and most of all your cheery personality.

Rainy, cold and dreary in the DFW area today, but I will be with my sisters and their families for a big meal. My girls and granddaughters couldn’t get here this year and I miss them.

betty-NZ said...

These are great shots of your walk and I'm glad you shared them with us!!

My Corner of the World

Debbie said...

our weather here has been very warm and super windy!! i love when i run into a forest ranger, they are a wealth of information!!

the first picture, gorgeous...dreamy colors!!