Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Unexpected!

I love living an interesting life and having lots of neat experiences along the way.

I always tell everyone to get out there, especially in the parks and nature trails to see what they can see. (use your imagination!)

Even on the days I don't see much....

I see lots of beautiful sights and meet interesting people.

These 2 men were 'serious' hikers from St. Pete, hiking a section of the Florida Trails and staying overnight in one of the primitive campsites. I enjoyed meeting them and hearing about their adventures.

And when I get home, it's fun to look at my photos and see what I've captured.

I had no idea what I was looking at when I saw this on the side of the trail.

A cluster of leaves? A big yellow butterfly?

It turned out to be a Warbler hanging upside down on a weed. 

Of course when I stepped forward to get a better view, it flew!
Now that the weather is so nice (70 degrees for a high yesterday), I can hike in the afternoons again.

Which leaves the mornings to do 'needful' things like shopping at Walmart!

And look who I found in the produce aisle of Walmart! My blog buddy Barbara from Sweet Tea and Sandals. She lives in the same town and we have plans to meet soon but why not grab a few smiles and hugs at Walmart! She is just as cute as can be and has a blog that is filled with interesting things and inspiration too! Visit her HERE!

Fill your day with beautiful things and maybe some unexpected treats will come your way!

Did you use your imagination?
Have you had a good week?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Tom said...

...the unexpected can be a wonderful treat.

Lea said...

What a great series of photos! At first glance, I thought that bird was a butterfly!
Have a wonderful day!

eileeninmd said...


I love your sweet warbler and chickadee photos. They are so cute. Lovely photos of you and your friend. Kudos to the hikers and campers, My days of camping are long over. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Life without the company of interesting people would hardly be worth living. Yesterday we had old friends visit for lunch. I made a couple of soups and we sat around and gabbed about everything under the sun. The man of this team is a retired professor of political science at one of the local universities and his wife is a proficient artist - stimulating company to be sure.

Arlene G said...

My sis in law from the keys was visiting us and she was out at the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge taking pictures of the pelicans and sand hill cranes that are here right now. She is also an avid butterfly watcher. So glad you and Barb ran into one another. If you saw me at Walmart I might not be photo ready like you too are! Great picture.

Susie said...

What fun running into a blog the walmart. Diane, I love all the birds photos. It was nice you could meet people hiking . Blessings for a fun filled weekend, xoxo,love, Susie

Jenn Jilks said...

I've had a bad week.
Your photos cheer me up, though!

Debbie said...

"expect the unexpected", what a great "unexpected" find. i take most of my pictures here in my yard, i have time to determine what i am looking at. out on the trails, i would think you would have to be of the mindset, "snap now and figure it out later"!!

it is always nice to encounter like minded people, i find there is always a lot to talk about!! your captures of the warbler are really beautiful, it looks like such a sweet bird and the yellow is a standout color!!

Marit said...


Beautiful photos! The birds are so cute :)
I wish you a nice weekend!

italiafinlandia said...

Thanks for the positive message.
Have a great weekend and many hikes!

Phil Slade said...

It must be quite exciting to meet up with a fellow blogger out of the blue. Lots to talk about there. At first I thought it was a butterfly until I clicked the pic. Is it a Yellow Warbler?

Vee said...

That was so much fun for me that you met Barbara at Wal*Mart. To think how much fun it was for the two of you!

Oh that little yellow bird in the second photo...beautiful photo. And how intriguing about the “butterfly” who turned out to be a warbler!

Red Rose Alley said...

oh, that little Warbler hanging upside down hehehe. I thought it was a hummingbird at first. Those yellow birds are so precious and cute. How funny that you ran into your blog friend. You'll have to get together soon, maybe around Christmas. I've only met one blog friend, and she lived in the same town when I lived down south. She had a vintage store that I would visit sometime. Our blog friends are so special, aren't they?


Kathy said...

How cool that you got to meet Barbara at Walmart! I stopped over at her blog and it is really nice. Love the little warbler hanging upside down. At first I thought it might have been injured to be in that position but was very relieved to find out it was OK.

Bill said...

It's wonderful when the unexpected happens especially if you bring your camera. :) Lovely birds, I love the one that is on the weed upside down. Maybe it has a great sense of humour. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never run into a blogger in Walmart or anywhere here that was not planned. I did meet three bloggers, separate years, but they were passing through and it was planned... I love the shot of the wheel chair.

Sandy said...

I love the photo of the warbler upside down. It has been gorgeous weather as of late. Like you I just NEED to be outside. I am so glad you and Barbara ran into each other. How fun!

Terri D said...

Barb is so precious! I hope we can all meet up one of these days and make it a party!! That little yellow bird is so cute! I always enjoy your hiking adventures!

RedPat said...

Such fun to run into a friend like that - it happened to me last weekend and it was wonderful! Thanks for taking us along on your hike!

Bob Bushell said...

I love the birds, they are excellent.

NatureFootstep said...

I recognize myself. :) Loved the interesting shot of the upside down bird. Cool surprise :)

carol l mckenna said...

What a delightful post and magnificent photos ~ love the upside down warbler ~ and you and your happy friend ~ so sweet ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

HappyK said...

How cool to meet a blog friend at Walmart.

People just don't realize how much they are missing by not getting out and walking!!

Yes, I've had a great week!!

doodles n daydreams said...

Yes, I thought the bird was a butterfly as well. A really neat series of photos.

Rose said...

That is a cool bird capture--the one hanging upside down! And I love the bird photo below it. So cool to meet a blogger friend...

Lorrie said...

There is always something interesting to see if one looks. I love the bird hanging upside down - bet you looked long and hard at that one! It's been a bit of a challenging week here, but the weekend, thus far, has been peaceful and quiet, which is just what I need. Have a lovely weekend, Diane. So fun to meet a blogging buddy in Walmart.

Maggie Ann said...

What a happy day to be with you for a minute or two in blogland. thanks for the smiles. =)

Joyful said...

It's always lovely to get out for a walk in nature. Sometimes we get some nice photos too.

Anni said...

I seem to be spending too much time in Walmart these days. You too?

Enjoyed reading about your afternoon adventures in the parks.

Thanks for linking up this weekend.

Sam I Am...... said...

You do have unexpected treats and surprises in your days! Just make sure they're all good ones! LOL!

Edna B said...

I love all your photos. That little yellow bird in the beginning is so precious. What a joy to meet up with a friend blogger. I've met a few over the years and I feel blessed because of it. Now I'm off to check out your friend's blog. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Terra said...

This was a fun post to read, I like that you met the two stalwart hikers and saw your blog friend in Walmart.

Barbara said...

I love it that Arlene commented she might not be 'photo-ready' in Walmart! You and I just got lucky, right?!!! It was great! I continue to marvel how that actually happened.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ann said...

You do manage to always find something good while out hiking.
How nice that you have a blog pal who lives near by. I have yet to meet any blog friends but there are so many who I would love to meet.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I was so happy to see on Barb's blog that the two of you had run into each other at Walmart! What fun is that?! She is such a dear! I love your birdie pictures. That one hanging upside down was quite funny! Amazing that you were able to snap that picture! I hope that you and yours will have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!

peppylady (Dora) said...

70 degree would be tank top weather,almost.
Coffee is on

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love this post Diane! Every walk is a good one and even a routine errand can be interesting if you let yourself be open to the possibilities . How fun to meet a blog buddy in WM! And I too love coming home from a walk or hike (or even an errand) and downloading my camera to see what I’ve captured ... (and sometimes being completely surprised!)

Carla from The River said...

I just love your way of thinking about life my friend.
I agree.
On my walk today I saw two squirrels. One was running across a frozen pond it was so funny to watch. He slid right to the other side. ;-)

Buttercup said...

I love seeing your unexpected adventures. How fun to see a blog buddy around town. Wishes for a great week!

Powell River Books said...

Such good advice. I need to get out more and see nature. - Margy

The Liberty Belle said...

That cute warbler was in a wacky mood. How nice to meet adventurers during your hike! Glad your visit to WalMart included a pleasant surprise. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Nancy Chan said...

I too want to explore the beautiful and interesting things of nature. Great shots of the handing Warbler.

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad the warbler wasn't injured. That would be been so sad to have been hung up but must be relatively normal, if a first for me!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

These are beautiful bird photos on your hike!
Greetings Elke

Lowcarb team member said...

That warbler is just so cute looking.
That's a great photograph of you with Barbara.

All the best Jan