I find it hard to write a post about nature and birds at a time like this. But I know that many blogs are doing a great job of sharing what's going on in the world right now and our feelings about what's happening so I'm going to carry on. It's not because I have my head stuck in the sand. I think other bloggers have said it better than I can so I'm going to do what I do best and share the beauty I witness every time I hike! And of course I'm going to continue to pray for our country and our world.
I pray a lot.
We drove over to the Pruitt Trailhead and hiked our favorite trail, HTP.
NO ONE was there so it was nice and peaceful and we could just enjoy being outside!
Sharing some of the pretty wildflowers.
Didn't this bug make a mess of this flower?
So much in bloom right now!
We saw lots of pretty birds and then when we got in the car to leave, we looked over and saw the Blue Grosbeak on the fence! That was an exciting end to the hike!
I'm thankful for the wide open spaces here in Florida!
"God Bless America"
Diane, These times are tough. Surely we will all see we need some changes in our country. I pray for all of us. Also praying the Virus will be taken care of with a vaccine soon. I loved seeing your pictures. I like to pray while outside too. It's the peace of it. Stay safe. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
I feel the same, I am at a loss for words. I do pray for our country.
I love your pretty flowers and the gorgeous Blue Grosbeak! Take care.
Have a great day and happy weekend ahead.
...beautiful images! Thoughts and prayers aren't what we need now, we need dialog, concern, empathy and action!!!
Hi Diane, nice photos. I like the bluebird. Stay save. Greetings Caroline
Hi Diane! I agree, God Bless America. I do a lot of praying, too. Sometimes I would like to bury my head in the sand I feel so helpless. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing them. ~smile~ Roseanne
I've never seen a blue grosbeak. Beautiful!
Visiting blogs gives me a nice break from all the bad news out there!
Love to see your beautiful photos!
Have a wonderful day!
In times like these, we need calm voices and nature's beauty. Thank you!
growing up in Tampa I don't remember wide open spaces except at the beach... but your photos are so pretty. I long to find nature not filled with people here. The bird is brilliant
Lovely post and photos of nature ~ you are in a wonderful area ~
I agree ~ I get enough of 'the world' and the difficult times other places and try to be uplifting on my blog ~ So thanks for your wonderful spirit of goodness ~
Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I love that blue bird. We don't have those around here. Keep on photographing nature. I love it. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
I'm grateful you DO talk about the beauty of nature & wildlife. I get enough of the "other stuff" elsewhere and am frankly becoming too distressed about it. So I'm not shy to admit that I am indeed hiding my head in the sand. Those who are younger will have to fight the battles that I no longer am capable of... and can do nothing about. But, like you, I can pray... which I do. A walk "with you" on your trails today was wonderful! Thank you for taking me along. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo
Amazing captures and I feel the same way.
Final thought...
I'm praying too and God Bless America
Oh, please just continue to share your hikes and beautiful photos! Coming here is such a blessing!! I am ready to take a break from Facebook. Amazing photos, yet again! Thank you!!
Oh, Diane, this was beautiful, and we NEED these kinds of posts right now! We need to be able to see the beauty of the Lord in the land of the living during these turbulent times. Thank you for sharing this. I've never seen a Blue Grosbeak before! He is beautiful! What a great picture! Loved them all. On this rainy day it was nice to see such a sunny post!!
I went with you on the hike and enjoyed it very much!
The Blue Grosbeak is gorgeous!
Love you, Diane, and your kind heart.
We get enough news.....we need comfort and encouragement now.
Prayer changes things.....I join you.....
Beautiful photos.
I feel as you do and pray a lot too!!
I enjoyed your hike so very much. So thankful you had it all to yourselves! Love your pictures and of course, my favorite is the bird. Gorgeous!
Your bugs and the woodchuck in my yard both agree that flowers are yummy. :-) What a beautiful area and looks like you had perfect weather for a hike. Stay healthy.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of nature as I can’t get out in this heat.
Take care
those are pretty pictures and that blue grosbeak....wow, such a pretty bird! I've never seen one of those around here. I know....there is so much AWFUL AND SCARY going on. Today I'm posting something totally superficial and frivolous, ha ha. Stay safe and healthy my friend! Hugs!
Lovely pictures! Have a pleasant weekend.
Diane, your comments at the start of this post echo my thoughts as well. We too are well aware of what’s going on now, but prefer not to include our own opinions in posts. Focusing on what we’re doing and seeing is a release as it for you as well. This was a lovely walk.
Those walks are a wonderful escape from what is going on in our country right now. Thanks for taking us along with you. Enjoy the weekend.
I would have thought that everyone would have had enough of thoughts and prayers that demonstrably achieve nothing. Concrete action is what is needed; changes to legislation, education in schools, sensitivity training for police officers, better screening so that psychotic thugs cannot exercise their evil intentions behind the cover of a uniform and the authority it conveys, better choice when we elect politicians (although the choices are usually abysmal), active initiatives to bring people from different communities together. It always amazes me that Christian churches, places promoting (sometimes) love and harmony, are still rigidly divided by race. Most white people would never even dream of entering a black church. Well, unless you have an automatic weapon in your hand and evil is on your mind, that is. This is love? This is respect? This is harmony? I think you can think good thoughts and pray till you blue in the face and nothing will change.
You said it so well, Diane,"I'm going to do what I do best ...."
Like you, I have not wanted people to think I am immune to the pain of others during this hard time, but I also feel like what needs to be said has been.
Directing people to the beauties of God's creation all around us is refreshing, restoring. You, indeed, do this best!
I know how you feel and your post is a wonderful diversion! Thank you and my best to you and yours!
Super photos Diane and thank you for making this a happy place to visit. I also know how you feel and we do what we can to help others. Take good care of yourself, stay safe and well.
Yes there is nothing but doom gloom and sadness on the news....almost don’t want to turn it on. That is one beautiful bird.
Todo se ve bonito y el pájaro es precioso. Espero que todo vaya bien por ahí. Besitos.
I love your hikes. What is the stone obelisk looking object? It almost reminds me of an arrowhead.
Diane, your pictures life the spirit! What a beautiful blue bird! I don't think I'd like to be near that insect though. Ouch!
a REALLY beautiful post!! keep hiking, keep taking pictures, keep thinking and sharing good thoughts!!
That blue grosbeak is such a beautiful bird. What a sight that must have been to see him on the fence. The white flowers are lovely - they kind of look like bridal bouquet. And that's a great photo of the bug on the yellow flowers.
I'm glad that you show many wonderful and interesting things on your hikes, Diane. It's like a breath of fresh air from what's going on in the world today. : )
Be safe, dear friend.
I enjoyed your hike from the comfort of my armchair … thank you.
All the best Jan
That sure is a big bug! So hungry, too. Sharing nature and her beauty is part of positivity in my book. :-)
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