Thanks to everyone who leaves sweet comments. It's a trying time for all of us and we have our own personal challenges to deal with along the way too! I'm glad we can encourage and support each other. Let's continue to keep each other in our prayers.
Just added....And for those that criticize me for what I blog about, you're free to blog about whatever you want and so am I. Just because I don't discuss political views or religious beliefs doesn't mean I don't have strong beliefs and it certainly does not mean I don't live my life according to those beliefs. I don't plan to defend myself in every post. Enough said.
Just added....And for those that criticize me for what I blog about, you're free to blog about whatever you want and so am I. Just because I don't discuss political views or religious beliefs doesn't mean I don't have strong beliefs and it certainly does not mean I don't live my life according to those beliefs. I don't plan to defend myself in every post. Enough said.
So I'll do my best and then take a hike on the Florida Trails!
We have blueberries
and blackberries providing food for all the birds and animals in the forest.
And butterfly weed to feed the butterflies and insects!
This looks like a place the fairies might live!
And isn't this berry interesting?
I'm not sure what it is but I'll try to ID it soon.
We are seeing the Red-headed Woodpecker up on Bluebird of Happiness Hill again!
He is striking!
And a welcome sight.
We also saw the Red-bellied Woodpecker on this hike.
He's a 'regular'!
And I even saw a little Downy through the leaves!
Have a beautiful weekend! Do you have plans to get out in nature? We have a rainy forecast so I'm not sure when our next hike will be...but it will be soon!
I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.
1st note: Those little red "berries" are called Coral Bean, and they are poisonous. But they are a beautiful plant in the spring when they are in bloom.
Now, on to other things. I loved your whole post...the wild blueberries and blackberries and flowers for the butterflies, etc....and I LOVE coming here to visit with you. It's like taking a walk in the woods with you and seeing all the beauty around us. We need more of that in these troubling days, so please don't stop or apologize. We get enough of the bad news and stuff elsewhere. You are doing us a great service by sharing your lovely photos. Someday I would love to literally take a hike with you when the time is right!! God bless you and be happy. God is in control!
oooh diane, did someone criticize you my sweet friend. too bad, people have nothing better to do! if i want to talk politics, i will go elsewhere. these blogs, our blogs are for sharing exactly what we are sharing. i come here for a reprieve from it all!!
oh those berries, they are so very interesting, the close up picture is gorgeous!! wherever i see blueberries and blackberries, in the wild, on my rides, they are always so tiny.
the red headed woodpecker is stunning, your pictures are gorgeous. the red bellied too, he picked the perfect spot for pictures!!!
i am going to go look for who's picking on you!! i know how you feel, i had one too!!!
Hello Diane,
I would never leave a bad comment for any blogger, it is just not nice. I always enjoy your post and photos. The trails and your walks, natures scenes are peaceful. Peace is something we all need right now.
The tree does look like a ferry home, love the beautiful flowers and colorful berries. The Red-headed woodpecker is a favorite of mine, I love all the woodpeckers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment.
...people criticized you for what you post? This is your blog and people have the right to view your blog or not! I have become quite vocal politically and that's my point of view, if someone doesn't like it, they can STAY AWAY!!! I wish that I could help you with the ID, it's something that I've never seen. Take care and stay well.
And day with a Red-headed Woodpecker is a good day.
Lots of woodpeckers there! I hope you dispatched the disgruntled one. 🙂 I like the little fairy house...I have one, too, though John never did make me a door for it.
Perfect post! Agree 100% And I loved all the pictures. I am trying my first reading and commenting on my phone on your post hope it works
Oh, your red-headed Woodpecker is a glorious sight! Ours here has a smaller patch of red on its head, and is such a funny bird to watch. To see the blueberries and blackberries in nature is a treat and brings me back to younger days when we could pick them from the bushes of neighbors and fields. Now, they are so expensive at the stores. The butterfly weed is beautiful, what a pretty color. And Yes, I wonder if the fairies are hiding from you in that big old tree hehehe.
Have a peaceful weekend, Diane.
And on your walk you capture Nature's gems such beautiful photographs ~ Glad you are you and ignore the naysaysers ~ ^_^
Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I love seeing your photos Diane, especially during this trying time. It always lifts me up. And I totally agree with you. My blog is my happy place and I work to keep it that way. Keep up the GREAT content.
the Red-headed Woodpecker is truly awesome!
He is new to me.
Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your hikes!
Your photo of the Red Headed Woodpecker is gorgeous, and the other wood peckers too, they are favorite birds of mine. I don't post much about politics either, though I actively support quite a few political groups I agree with. Like you I prefer to post about upbeat things, like my yellow roses today.
I love going on these hikes with you and enjoying all the beauty that Nature has to offer. Two of the woodpeckers are here in my yard too, but not the gorgeous red headed one. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
Diane, I can't believe that someone criticized the contents of your blog. Make a comment yes, but it's out of order to criticize. Anyways, I'm loving all these woodpeckers, especially that Red- headed. Such a very striking colour. I agree with Mr D, but I need to Google bloviation.
We have lots of downies and red-bellies where we live & they are such a delight. I sure am grateful you take us along on your hikes. Thank you so much for that, honey. No plans here for the weekend. I just came in from the outside, refreshing the feeders and water bowls & such, for my wildlife. Hubby donned his face mask and picked up (curbside) an order from our local health food store (hubby was out of apples & oranges... and that just CAN'T be!! *lol*). He's home from that and I have things put away. So now it's an inside day for us. But that's ok because it's nice & cool in here. Blessings upon your weekend, Andrea XOXO
Diane, I never want to do politics on my blog. There are sites for that. I like to read about everyone's daily lives. I don't talk religion, but I believe and I pray. I pray for us all...we need it. LOL I love all your nature hikes and the information you give us about what you see. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
Looks like you had another nice hiking day. Lots of beautiful birds, nice close-ups, I always enjoy seeing those. Thanks for sharing your hike and until next time, have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.
That butterfly weed is fabulous. I need to find something like that for my garden. And those woodpeckers! Wow! I see the hairy quite often, never the redheaded.
Yes, your blog. Write or don't whatever you please and let the chips fall where they may. We must be who we are to be really authentic and that's one thing I love about you!
Birding in Florida can be wonderful, though on our last trip to the Everglades we were devastated by the disruption in bird life there. You seem to be finding lots of really nice ones, especially the woodpeckers!
be well... mae at
Hi Diane,
I am envious of your blueberries and other berries. But yes, that orange berry though pretty should not be eaten...I think it may even be poisonous.
You are right, I don't think of all these open wild spaces when I think of Florida. You have great places to roam about and I love your bird and flower photos. I have yet to see a red headed woodpecker, though they are here too in Ontario. Take care now and enjoy it all!
One reason I love visiting your blog is that you do not post on politics!! I can't believe someone was bugging you about what you should or should not put on your own blog. Just keep taking us along on your amazing hikes and sharing your photos!! Hugs!!
I was critisized for posts that are too long. I post them for my husband, who can see what we've done. My grandies like to see the critter movies.
When my parents died, I found it helped to process things by writing about them. It really helped.
I like to do research and figure things out, and it helps to put it into works.
You do your thing, more power to you!
Beautiful photos, every one of them! I am really envious of the Red-headed Woodpecker photos. I occasionally catch a glimpse of one, but that's all I get - a glimpse.
I haven't had many negative comments, but I just deleted them and forgot who they were. People need to remember what our mothers taught us, 'If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.'
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Lovely photographs on your post, the Red-headed Woodpecker is a beauty.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
All the best Jan
I can't think of a better place to take a break from all the political and other noise than visiting a blog with beautiful nature photos. And you have that. The red headed woodpecker is gorgeous. Hope you are out enjoying your weekend.
I love this beautiful post and I loved the previous ones as well!!---all beautiful and a nice break from the bad stuff. Wow, you have more types of woodpeckers than we do, or at least what I've seen here. These are all great pictures and I'm wondering if y'all were able to hike today...we've had scattered rain here. And alot more protests. Hope your weekend is great and did they find the leak on the roof and get it FIXED I HOPE?? And yes, y'all can pick any room in the dollhouse, LOL!!
What a shame that anyone would criticize you for what you blog about. I for one always enjoy reading your blog.
The photos are beautiful.
My favorite photo is the red headed woodpecker!
Wow he is a beauty!!
Diane, your blog is absolutely perfect. Don't change a thing! And don't eat those unknown berries!!! I love all your photographs and stories. ♥
Oh, I hear you! Lately, on Facebook, there has been this if you don't post something in regards to BLM then you are in support of the oppressors which is totally ridiculous! Posting something on Facebook is not going to change anything and change only comes from individual's personal actions. But if it makes most people feel better than all the power to them.
Hello. Wonderful serie of photos. The orange berry look little bit like a Hippophae rhamnoides, but I don't know if it's growing in your area.
Take care!
I would never leave a bad comment for a blogger, it just isn't fun.
It looks like you had a nice walking day again.
I absolutely love the woodpeckers, certain species do not occur at all in the Netherlands.
I wish you a nice Sunday.
Best regards Irma
Well, I certainly hope whatever was said to you about your blog has blown over. I enjoy all of your posts! Don't let the nasties spoil it.
Love the red head!!
You sharing this post with us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week is much appreciated!
I enjoy your hike on the Florida Trails, seeing the different types of berries, and especially the red-headed woodpecker and others. Have a wonderful weekend.
I really like the different variety of Woodpeckers.
I think nature walks are so helpful especially in our current situation. Being out in nature where it is peaceful provides lots of time to think and ponder. I'll never understand why people become disgruntled over what is posted on other people's blogs. There is room for everybody here in blogdom. If it doesn't suit you, you have the option of walking away. Just my two cents.
Anyhow, I enjoyed the sights on your walk. So many interesting sights and that woodpecker is an attention getter.
Me encanta la naturaleza y esos pájaros carpinteros son muy lindos. De política no me gusta hablar. Besos.
Hi, Oh how I enjoyed the lovely woodpecker photos. I know the blueberries and blackberries are a real treat for the birds. Like you, I don't recognize the red berries. About our only "activity" is driving around, exploring the back roads. Maybe later today I can get out for a drive and take some photos. I hope your rain won't be too bad.
I have to say I am not a fan of woodpeckers, although you have pictured some really pretty ones. They were less than hospitable to us years ago when we built in their forest. I worried we would never be able to sell that house due to all the damage they caused (even with the repairs, because they kept coming back). It was a nightmare. But I'm thankful to say that house sold 25 years ago and all turned out well.
Those red berries are very photogenic!! They make for an interesting design.
Thanks for the beautiful nature photos!
Look at all those woodies! I miss those babies. We have some varieties in Oregon of course, but oh it is much harder to get out to where they are here. (At any time, but especially now). I am reading backwards, catching up as I too often do and so I did not realize the background to Your hubbies note re comments. I should not have made a joke about it. ...of all the bloggers in this Blogiverse, I can’t think of one who deserves criticism LESS than you do, sweet Diane. I’m appalled someone would do that.
wow, you really have some cool stuff going on in your area. Did you find out what berries that was? They are beautiful.
I´m glad you blog about nature and wildlife. We need that.
Take care, stay safe.
Diane, Your hike is lovely. Those are some of the prettiest birds. It is wonderful that you are able to see them and take such clear photos of them. Thank you for sharing your hike with us. Kathi
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