I love to hike at any time of day but you shouldn't get out for a noon hike in Florida during the summer months! It's too HOT!
I don't count my evening walks around the neighborhood as hikes but I like to walk over to the pond every few days. (on days I don't hike)
I stood in the driveway to see these colorful clouds at sundown.
And then I walked over to the pond after the sun went down to take advantage of a cooling breeze.
No matter when you walk, you're sure to see something interesting.
I hiked the Florida Trails the following morning.
The woods had held the overnight air and it was surprisingly cool!
(stickers on a car I parked next to, except for the birding sticker that I parked next to at HTP a few days before)
I know most of you are younger than I am so I'll tell you what I tell my boys. Exercise some every day NOW because the older you get, the harder it becomes. I absolutely LOVE to walk and hike but I can't take the long walks and strenuous hikes that I enjoyed when I was younger. And I mean....just 10 years younger than I am now! (Our hiking now is limited to easier trails and around 2 hours or less.) So get out there and see all the interesting sights that nature has to offer and stay in shape. You'll be so glad you did....when you get older!
Anything you want to add in your comments? I'd love to know how you stay healthy and 'in shape'! We're never too old to learn something new!
I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio too!
Good advice, exercise and hiking is healthy and important. We all need to keep moving. Your trail looks nice, must be a real birdie area, attracting the birding guides. Your sky mosaics are just beautiful.
Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead!
Oh what gorgeous pictures! I envy you that you are able to walk & hike. My knees are so incredibly bad that hiking was taken out of my dictionary years ago. I do have a treadmill I use but definitely with no regularity. I probably should though. One thing I do to stay healthy is mind my diet... nearly religiously. I developed Type II diabetes from a broken back 4 years ago and I tell everyone that if *anybody* was going to get diabetes, I was the perfect person to do so because I don't mind the diet one bit. I consume far less carbohydrates than the diabetic diet tells me I can have. I've had my coronary arteries scanned twice in my life: once at 45 years old & again at 62 years old. Both times the radiologist told me I have the arteries of an 18 year old... nearly 100% clear... despite coronary artery disease in my genetics. Diet and exercise truly are the Dynamic Duo of good health. I'll think more about the exercise portion of that Duo now, since reading your post. Thank you! Love, Andrea XOXO
I’m older than you are (and older than almost everybody for that matter) and you are absolutely right in your advice. And absolutely right to keep on hiking and walking. Don’t give up! ... I love the way you did your mosaics.
...too hot for a hike here, it's 90F!
Walking is great exercise....you encourage me to get up and MOVE!!
Diane, I love the sky shots. They change quickly too, don't they? I love the cool morning and evening air. My mother used to know a couple that would go to the city park and walk around lunch time. She would say, "My goodness, why would they not walk when it's cooler?" LOL I agree to keep moving while we can. It doesn't take long to lose one's ability to walk as much as they would like. Blessings to you, xoxo,love, Susie
Again, some lovely photos! We don't walk at midday either here in Indiana in the summmertime. The humidity is overwhelming. Stay cool!
I have never been a hiker but I've always been a walker. I know there's a difference and I think the most I've ever walked was 2 hours although I think one time we did make it 3 hours and one of the parks. And I agree 100% anybody that show anger you need to keep doing what you want to do and do a lot of it because each year we age we can do less and less
Yup, excellent advice!
That collage with the sunset colors is the most lovely I have ever seen! Must be the triangles. 🙂
I switched out to walking earlier partly because of crowds and partly because it is getting so hot now in mid-day and beyond. Some lovely photos here!
Beautiful photos! For me it's usually long walks on the beach. I need to get back to a bit of weight training too. Nothing too strenuous at my age but weight training really helps to keep in good shape.
That's excellent advice. What we stop doing, we lose. I love those photo mosaics that you put together. I especially love photos of the sky and clouds. You enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.
Great pictures. Girl, bout the only way I can hang out in this heat is if I am laying by the water. LOL! Which I do love me some beach. I have been trying to do my glider and some hand weights but I have gotten a tad lazy lately. GOT TO GET BACK! I hope that you have a wonderful week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Great photos, even in your neighborhood! I am looking forward to getting more exercise now that my knees are no longer bone-on-bone! Not sure I'll be hiking but a nice long walk will be wonderful! Thanks for always taking us along!!
Thanks for sharing yose dramatic skies today. Happy you dropped by my blog
I agree with your advice. :-)
Do you have alligator in your pond?
I like that you are sharing the stickers you see. Fun!
I don't know how you are hiking in this heat! You're extraordinary
We don't hike but do go out for a fast walk of a mile to a mile and a half almost every day. In March it was with jackets and in the afternoon. In April the jackets came off and by May we could occasionally have short sleeves. Now in June we only walk in the mornings and it's almost time for shorts. That's been the seasons in a nutshell. - Margy
We sure enjoy your hikes! I just cannot, with low back issues.
I love your pretty triangle mosaics, Diane! We do try to walk early in the morning before breakfast when it is cooler. If I wait until the evening I'm usually too lazy. I love that Colorado's temperature go down to the '60s at night, I can leave my windows open with no air conditioning!
Diane, what gorgeous clouds! Do you have many mosquitoes in the evening? I have seen a few but no where near the ones like we had in NC.
There are wonderful scenes of nature. The mosaics are amazing. It's rainy weather here, but it was necessary.
Stay healthy and well.
Happy MosaicMonday.
Beautiful pictures! I have never been a hiker but I do enhoy walking now that I have good knees again. Yoga and Tai Chi are my go to exercises but I have not been as faithful about doing them as I was. I need to fix that!
yes, the past ten years HAS MADE a big difference to me as well. We have always walked daily rain or shine, even the high heat of the summmer (we just went after dark)....now with social distancing things are more complicated and we have to be careful now more about masks and not getting close to people etc.I love your triangle thing collages....they are absolutely beautiful my friend! Hope your'e all recovered or close to it by now and feeling better. It's getting awful HOT HERE NOW TOO......we so enjoyed the little cool spell we had last week, oh my goodness, we walked every single day and loved the cool breezes. We walked today but it was muggy and in the 90s. It sure slows me down. Love all the interesting bumper stickers and things people put on their cars, fun to read!!
It is so essential to stay active and the hikes are beneficial from a mental perspective as well as from the retention of muscle strength and flexibility.
Wow, I love that you are able to take 2 hour hikes. Our walks are much shorter, but we do take 2 walks a day in our usual wooded spot. I would LOVE to take some longer hikes, but will wait until fall/winter to do that. I can't take the heat for that long yet...and I still don't have much stamina after my surgery this spring. But I am much better than I was. You are blessed to live in a place where there is so much beauty. I am so glad you share it with us!!
Excellent advice about exercise. I know that the older I get the harder it is for me
Fabulous photographs and mosaics.
Yes, whatever our age movement is key. Many friends enjoy running, some enjoy cycling and swimming. I've always enjoyed walking and still do :)
Happy mid-week wishes, can't believe Wednesday is almost here!
All the best Jan
The Husband's dad used to tell him, "Don't ever get old." And, here we are now "old". lol Diane, I like your sunset and cloud mosaics. They remind me of church stained glass windows.
Love your sunset pictures Diane, the collage really highlighted the beautiful clouds! I am a walker.. I think you and I would have a great time together... I could walk and walk. I don't tell many people this, but on my Fitbit, my average per day in the summer is at least 18-20,000 steps a day. Most days I walk 5 miles in the morning before breakfast, and then 2 miles evening at sunset. I have to adjust my walking times as the seasons change, but except in really bad weather, I generally get at least 13,000 steps a day. I just love to walk, and spend time looking at the skies, and the beautiful world around me, and taking pictures of it all. What an incredibly beautiful world we live in! I could never hike at noon in the summer either. Just too hot! I love sunrise and sunset hours for my walks. Great advice you shared, I share the same as well. Walking is just the best :) Many blessings to you!
Excellent advice!!!!!
Diane - you know I agree with you about exercise. I don't know what the commercial is about, but I love the commercial that says "a body in motion stays in motion …" There is so much to see out there, even if you just walk around a neighborhood. I think my hubby are in the "younger set" at the moment, so we are still capable of long hikes carrying camping equipment. Certainly trying to do it while we can! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, my friend!
Hi Diane, beautiful photos. This week it is hot too in the Netherlands. I stay home this week. Only a little walk with the dogs. Have a nice day. Greetings Caroline
Los paseos por aquí tienen que ser al anochecer, hace mucho calor durante el día. Antes hacía senderismo, ahora no. Un beso.
That sunset is so lovely. Since my move, I haven't had a chance to get up very early and notice the sunrise, and I really miss that. The pond near your house is a peaceful place to visit. I think I would be there all the time hehehe. Your mosaics are very cool, Diane.
My hikes and walks are easy trails as I did not exercise and due to health issues am now paying for it. I'm getting out and more active but you are correct. MOVE your body. Love your walks and photos.
Sorry I'm late commenting this week. It's been a bit crazy.
Link 8 on the Mosaic Monday
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade
you have some spectacular skies in your mosaics. And nature photos. Love to see it.
Take care, stay safe.
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