I had fun with my post yesterday but that was BEFORE!
I always knew things could get worse but I had a crazy accident right after it published. Let's see, I pulled all the bedding off my bed and was in the process of washing 3 loads of laundry. I was in the middle of vacuuming the bedroom, I had the ironing board out ironing pillow covers to change them in the lanai and the roofers were on top of the roof measuring it for a new roof. I went into the front room to iron the pillow covers and reached up to pull the chain to change the setting on the ceiling fan and BAMMMM!!! The heavy glass globe fell off and came down on my face and knocked me to the floor. It hit me on the brow and cheekbone. Luckily my sweet hubby had just come inside so I yelled for him. He helped me up and brought me an ice pack and went back out to check on the roofers.
So another day...another headache. Oh, and a shiner too! Let's see....how old am I? In all these years I don't think I've ever had a shiner! I wonder how I'll look with a mask on and a black eye?
Can you see it in this photo, the Great White Egret is in the water and it's in a tree in the top right corner of the photo?

So...just when you think things couldn't get any worse....isn't that what I said yesterday? I'm going to go ahead and publish this early and link to my parties tomorrow. I may need to take a few days off to recover. I'll visit everyone soon I hope!
Take care and love one another!
I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE
Pontificating Bloviation? Yikes! Have I been guilty?
Moving on...Diane, what a thing to have happen. Completely unsettling. This is a good time to thank God, though, that brows and cheekbones protect eyes. Have a splendid time away. Hope that your headache is g.o.n.e. gone!
Oh how awful. I am so glad that it wasn't worse than a shiner. Please do take time to rest. xoxo Laura
Oh, I am SO sorry about your "shiner". I know that had to hurt. Glad it didn't cut you too. Wow! I do hope you will relax today and rest. I love the Night Heron. I haven't seen him yet at our pond. I wonder if one will come here. I will have to watch now that we have so much water. Looks like he likes swampy areas. What beautiful pictures you were able to get of him! Amazing! Thank you for sharing them, and now please go take care of yourself. I hope you get a new roof SOON. We sure have been getting a LOT of rain!
...you iron your pillow cases? This is a serious problem and there is help for that!
Oh my word! If anything can happen it probably will. Hard to believe and we have one of those big glass globes on the one over the kitchen table I will have to remember to be careful when I pull that chain because that fan has been up there for 30 years. The photos are amazing especially the one that way up in the tree that you did the close up absolutely stunning
So sorry about your shiner! That had to hurt!!!
Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear of your new shiner. I'm glad that you were not seriously hurt by the glass shade when it hit you. I love the photos of the birds. They really are beautiful and I so appreciate your sharing them. I'm hoping your head ache goes away soon, hugs, Edna B.
Oh dear, what a dangerous way to get a shiner. I do love your photos of birds.
So sorry to hear about your accident and I pray you feel better soon. I enjoyed your lovely pictures so much. God bless. xoxo
Oh no. Sorry to hear that. You were lucky that it was just a shiner. Falling can be so dangerous. I so loved the post yesterday. Too fun!!!
I love all the pictures of the birds and ducks. Take care!
Really lovely photos! So sorry to hear about your accident and black eye. I had a black eye after I had a sty removed years ago. My husband was concerned that he'd be accused of spousal abuse. We laugh about it now. Not so funny then. Wishing you well and hoping the "shiner" resolves quickly!
Love your Night Heron and the Wood Ducks. Great photos. So sorry about your shiner, I hope you are healing and better soon. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!
Oh my goodness! The roofers must have jiggled that globe loose. Do take care and come back when you feel up to it. Great pictures, as always.
Ohhhhhhh... lordy day!!! A million things going on at one time and BAM!! Life will stop us in our tracks, even when we try to think & do otherwise. I'm so sorry this happened to you, kiddo. Rest, take care of yourself, and heal. We'll always be here, waiting for you & praying in the meantime. Love, Andrea xoxo
Oh Diane, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad the glass didn't shatter and damage your face or eyesight (apart from the shiner). Yes, please lay low and take care. Or be taken care of!
And by the way, the photos are stunners, all of them!
Oh Diane, I'm so sorry. Grateful it didn't shatter or damage your eyesight or cut you but a shiner is quite bad enough. I hope all heals well and soon. Please take care -- or let yourself be taken care of (Better still!)
I love each and every bird image -- these are excellent photos, so very beautiful. Thanks for sharing them amidst all this.
Lovely photos. I'm sorry for the accident and I'm glad your husband was there to help you and that things were not much worse. All the best with the roof project.
Oh my, what an accident. It's good to know that you weren't cut by the globe. I hope your shiner heals quickly without a lot of discomfort. The heron is beautiful, as is the wood duck.
Now I need to go and read about yesterday's misadventures!
So, when someone stares...just say---You should see the other gal!
and leave it at that as it is no one's business. LOL. Hope it isn't too painful. Gorgeous photos...love all your 'different' animal life...we had a Grosbeak at the feeder, and I got all excited. LOL. That is the beauty of blogging and expanding your horizons or at least planting zones...grins, Sandi
Oh no!!! So sorry to hear that Diane. Heal quickly! I only ever had one black eye when our dog butted me in the face. I was wearing sunglasses and they shattered. I was so black and blue around the eyes I looked like I had done 10 rounds with a prize fighter.
On a happy note your photos are fantastic, absolutely stunning!
So sorry to hear of your accident with the fan. Hope you heal quickly!!
All your pictures are beautiful!!
Ouch! I am so sorry to read about your "shiner"... do please take time to recover.
Your photographs are lovely.
All the best Jan
I'm so sorry! What a shock!
What? Oh no, it really *DID* get worse. Oh my gosh, you were doing way too much anyway when you’ve been having headaches ... but that the fan light fell down is terrible! I wonder if people walking around on your roof disturbed something?? Take care and don’t read this for awhile (lol)
Ouch! Black-eyed Human meets Black-crowned Night Heron!
Oh my goodness, Diane! I am so sorry to hear about that globe falling on you. Thankfully you weren't seriously injured. You'll have to take a pic so we can see that shiner (wink -- just kidding). I hope the headache goes quickly and that you'll be back doing what you love.
Your bird photos are lovely. Wow!
Oh ouch!! I'm so glad you didn't damage your eye. Lovely pics of the bird. You take care. Kit
Whoa Nellie!!! That was a close call for sure! Thank God you didn't get glass in your eye! The night heron must have been putting on his mating show as you are right; he looked like a totally different bird!
Love the wood ducks! Take care and I hope you heal up soon!
Hello Diane,
I hope your eye is recovering and you are feeling better. I love the BC Night Heron images, well done! Great sighting of the Wood Ducks, they are usually very shy!
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.
oooooh diane, ouch...i could have maybe warned you. when we had our roof replaced, not too long ago, we had a few things come down, but nothing on top of us!! we have the old fashioned pop-corn ceilings and that crap was everywhere!!!
but the bigger problem in what i read...you iron pillow cases??????? REALLY!!! hmmmmm, i will have to think about that!!!!
your pictures are beautiful today, that is one gorgeous heron. only to be outdone by those spectacular wood ducks!! now how about a picture of you??? have a great weekend and in all seriousness, sorry about the shiner, take care of yourself!!!
Espero que todo vaya muy bien y te recuperes pronto. Un beso.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about your accident. Beautiful photos. The heron is magnificent!
I'm so sorry to hear that you had the accident and I hope you'll be ok. You posted such beautiful photos on one of your hikes. Take care Diane.
Sunglasses and a mask are in order! I hope you heal quickly!
Poor Diane! You've been getting it lately, haven't you? Dang! Hope you heal quickly!
Ouch! I know that hurt. Hope you are feeling better soon!
The Black-crowned Night Heron photos are really beautiful!
Nice to see Wood Ducks, too!
Amazing pictures of the Black-crowned Night Heron.
Oh my, that had to have hurt. So sorry that happened.
Love all your photos
Oh my goodness Diane.......are you okay????!! Dang what a out of the blue bad thing to happen. I went around our house after reading this and suspiciously eyed all ours....LOL!! Hope you're feeling better today, I am thinking of you!!
Oh my goodness, glad you didn't get hurt any worse. Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad you took the time to share your beautiful Black-crowned Night Heron photos. Hope you are relaxing and can enjoy the rest of your weekend.
I do hope you feel better today! My goodness...a freak accident to be sure. Oh Diane, you certainly outdid yourself in finds today. What glorious images...all of them.
Hope your day has been super so far, and thanks for joining us at IRBB.
I wow what a thing to happen, luckily it was not the whole fan that came down!!
Love the Black-crowned night heron, it is beautiful.
Take care and get well soon. Best wishes, t'other Diane
Well that could have ended on an even worse note, glad you weren't significantly hurt, ugh! Beautiful heron pics - we don't see them often up here
Hello. Sorry to read your accident. Photos are gorgeous.
Take care!
Oh my goodness....take care sweet friend. What an unexpected accident. So glad your husband was near by. You can always make up lots os different stories about how it happened.:)
I wondered what the heck Vee was talking about in her comment regarding "pontificating bloviation". Just as I was starting my comment those words jumped out at me again. Ha ha!
My gosh, Diane. What a freaky thing to happen with the ceiling fan globe. As bad as that sounds, I'm glad your eye wasn't injured. I hope your shiner heals quickly.
So sorry for the shiner. Lovely photos of birds!
Lovely photos! It's always such a pleasure to visit you here! Have a grand week!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, Diane. Sounds like that would hurt. I hope the Rosehip oil makes it feel better. What an unusual looking bird the Black-crowned Heron is. He's kind of a cute fellow, isn't he? That is really a cool photo of the Great White Egret and all the wild plants in the background.
Feel better, dear friend. : )
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