Thursday, June 25, 2020


It's been awhile since I took photos of Shalimar. 

She's a doll made by the doll maker Linda Rick and one of my favorites.

I have a doll room so most of my dolls are in that room but I've always had Shalimar in my bedroom.

Because of the leaky roof and plans for a new roof this week, I decided to move her into the library. The photo above shows my dresser with nothing on it! You'll never see it like this again! I HOPE!

I hate having so much stuff 'out of place' but I don't want a mishap when they work replacing the plywood where it leaked. They are replacing our skylight in the kitchen too with a better one. I don't even know HOW to prepare for that! lol (I hope I'm still laughing after it's over)

I received some pretty things from Aunt Helen this week that I wanted to share. She is always finding neat things and beautiful cards that she knows I'll like.

Thanks Aunt Helen for all the special things you do for us!


Have you had a week filled with things to be thankful for? I don't really look forward to the mess of getting a new roof but I'm very happy to be able to get one when we need it! 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


Tom said...

...she quite an angel.

eileeninmd said...


Your Shalimar doll is so pretty. They are usually quick putting on the new roofs, maybe you will not be disrupted for too long. Take care and enjoy your day!

Arlene G said...

What a lovely doll. Hope all goes well with your new roof and sky lights. I love sky lights but I have heard they must be done perfectly. I guess the new ones are better than the older style. Nothing like real sunlight streaming into a room.

The Feminine Energy said...

Shalimar is absolutely beautiful! I love her wings. Good luck with the roof... it will be so nice to have a solid roof over your head again. So important. Love, Andrea xoxo

Inger said...

Shalimar has a very expressive face. All the best for your roof repairs. With all your treasures I can understand it may be a bit scary, but I'm sure it will all work out just fine and all your things will be safe.

Red Rose Alley said...

Shalimar is a beautiful doll, Diane. And I love her name. Those eyes! Sorry to hear about your leaky roof. That was nice of your Aunt Helen to send you goodies. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the card of the three kids - it reminds me of Nel and Jess and my son. The little things people do really brighten our days.


LA Paylor said...

the doll looks like her maker!! She's a doll! I love dolls, and have made fabric ones that look like vegetables, flowers, mermaids, and more! LeeAnna

Sandy said...

The title of your post garnered my attention. There is a town here named Shalimar. More of a community. Our area is really a lot of communities that people think are all Fort Walton.
The doll is very pretty. I know you will be ecstatic to have the roof situation fixed. I have two skylights and yes, I appreciate the light, but they are a bit of a pain.

Edna B said...

Your Shalimar is gorgeous! I have some dolls, but I don't think I have one of hers. Your aunt and I share a same charity. I have those coasters too. Good luck with your new roof. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Terra said...

I like your Shalimar and the close up photo that shows her pretty face in detail, and the photo that shows her size. She is bigger than I was imagining.

Terri D said...

Your Shalimar is beautiful! Keep us posted on how all the construction issues!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is truly a beautiful doll. love the hair, the wings and wow on the face. a work of art

Jenn Jilks said...

Loely dolls. Good luck with the repairs. What a job.

HappyK said...

Hope you have your new roof soon and your dresser can get back to normal. : )

Anonymous said...

Diane, I don't think I've seen Shalimar before. She is gorgeous! I hope your roof damage isn't too bad. ♥

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your doll is beautiful! Good luck with the roof repair!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Shalimar is gorgeous! I would keep her in my room too! I'm glad you explained about the clean dresser top. I was getting ready to "unfriend" you for being too neat! LOL. Are you getting a new shingled roof or a metal roof? We had a metal roof put on when we moved here, and they also replaced a sky light in my bathroom. They did it so fast I didn't even know what was happening. And the new skylight was so clear and beautiful I thought I was looking at an open window to the sky! These roofers know how to do this stuff really quick and efficiently. I'm sure you'll be fine!

PaintedThread said...

Shallmar is beautiful! May your roof not be too messy... but yay for the new roof! Good luck with the skylight, too.

Vee said...

Roof repair can certainly be a challenge, but I think that you will remain cheerful throughout!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a lovely doll. Getting a roof can be stressful, but the peace you have with a new roof when rain comes is worth it! How much you will enjoy it all! Hope it all goes on quickly!

Home Sewn By Us said...

I'm glad you moved Shalimar out of harm's way. She sure has beautiful features - what a gift the maker has and she put them to good use. I hope the roof replacement goes well - no rain in your near future! ~smile~ Roseanne

Louca por porcelana said...

What a wonderful doll!!!Hugs!

J C said...

Hmmm. Love warm southern hugs. Hard to come by these days. Your doll is beautiful. I know of a lady here (Pinellas County) who makes life sized dolls. They are soooooo beautiful!

Teresa said...

La muñeca es preciosa. Espero que todo vaya bien. Un beso.

Michelle said...

Shalimar is a beauty! Thanks for linking up today and have a great week!!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

I think Shalimar is very nice indeed :)
Lovely to see these pictures.

All the best Jan

Barbara said...

Shalimar is stunning! What a beautiful doll!