Monday, June 15, 2020

It's hard to stay away!

I'm still limiting my time on the computer but I didn't want to miss Mosaic Monday. 

Please forgive me for not visiting as much as usual. I love reading your blogs but need to try to get over these headaches. I wear glasses for reading, not for distance so I'm limiting the time I have my glasses on to see if that helps. I can already tell that it does. Which means I should go have an eye exam and see if it's time for new glasses. (mine are over 10 years old) Oh, and I could quit conking myself over the head with light fixtures...that would help! AND....according to many of you....I should quit ironing my pillowcases! heeheehee! 
Those were some of my favorite comments on my "I have a Shiner" post HERE....

Tom iron your pillow cases? This is a serious problem and there is help for that!

Debbie wrote....but the bigger problem in what i iron pillow cases??????? REALLY!!! hmmmmm, i will have to think about that!!!!

That sums it up, don't you think? Friends tell you the truth...when you have 'problems'! lol

I will have to say in my defense that I don't ALWAYS iron my pillowcases but I have new sheets and when I washed them, they looked a little wrinkledy (Southern for wrinkled). 

AND for the FEW that wanted to see my shiner, that's it! I am putting Rosehip oil on it to help it heal. (my sheets are floral and my cute bear is just a prop! lol)

I don't like to publish a post and not spend time visiting my blog buddies so I'll try to write my comments all through the day and mix it up! Glasses on....glasses off!

Do you wear reading glasses? My hubby only wears glasses for distance. We're a perfect match!

Nature photos taken on the Florida trails at dusk. 

Do these long shadows make me look thin?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio too!


Creations By Cindy said...

Hope your eyes feel better soon. I am two years behind for eye exam but doing well and updated prescription last time around. GRR!
Cataract surgery is in my future I am afraid. Lovely pictures as always. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Vee said...

You look adorable with a shiner, but don't do it again. I iron pillowcases, too, and anything else I deem too wrinkedly. You are off the hook for visiting me because nothing is happening in my world.

Tom said...

...beautiful, but my computer addict grows by the day.

Edna B said...

When I was (very) young, I ironed my pillow cases too. Not now, though. I used to get wicked headaches and sometimes pass out from the pain. Eventually I found out that it was because my eyes were super light sensitive. So I got glasses with the tint in them that gets lighter and darker by itself. No more headaches! Even now, I wear invisible bi-focals (so that I can read small print) with this same tint. I only take them off to wash and sleep. I love your photos today. That last one does tend to make you look a bit tall and thin. hahaha. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Maggie said...

Yes the shadows do make you look thin, I'll have to try doing that! I've worn glasses since I was 8 tears old and have my eyes tested about every 2 years, you are way overdue another test. I have to confess I do iron pillow cases, not sheets or duvets covers but pretty cotton kitchen towels yes!
Hope your shiner is now a thing of the past, stay well, stay safe.
Maggie @ turning the page

handmade by amalia said...

I iron pillowcases as well. I quite like ironing. But perhaps that is best kept between us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Since you've been missing some of my post one of the ones I wrote is that my headaches are gone all my pain is gone and I am pain free I think it was the one from yesterday but I'm not sure anyway one thing you might try is are you looking straight ahead or bending your head down to look at the computer in other words that could be the way you're sitting and not the eyes

Susie said...

Diane, Oh bless your sweet heart, you crack me up. I used to iron pillowcases too. Mom made us iron everything. I knew a lady who ironed her husband underwear. That would never happen here. LOL. Too weird. Love the pictures of your area. Praying your headaches go away. Blessings, take care, xoxo, Susie

Barbara said...

MERCY, Girl, and you need it in big doses!!! I am waiting for my tea to steep and decided I really should get caught up on my blog friends. Visiting you is clearly overdue with the konk! on the head by the glass lamp shade and the headaches. I'm so sorry you've had such a tough time of it!

You have an "excused absence" from reading my blog while you rest and find the answer to your headaches!!!! (I'm kidding here -- you are most free to come and go as time and desire allow, which is what I do in our busy days of retirement.)

I hope you get the answer and recover very soon from all maladies and injuries!!

PS If you really do iron your pillow cases .... maybe it's time to retire from that unless it gives you great joy! Ha-ha!

Arlene G said...

I could not read at all without my glasses. So glad we live in a time where we can have help with all those pesky againg problems. You probably got a mild concussion....take care and if the headaches continue see your doctor. Aren't nurse friends the worse about worrying over you?lol

Sandy said...

Notice, I didn't mention don't iron. I think I am a dinosaur because I iron many things. I won't list them or people will tell me I need help:)
Take care of your eyes. I remember Mom telling me all the time when I was little to do this or that because of my eyes. You never know just how important it is until they start not working so well. I only wear reading glasses at this point, but have to keep them on my head because I need them constantly. I have an indention on the top of my head where they sit. My daughter is grossed out by that.

Lea said...

A great group of mosaics!
I am near-sighted, so I need glasses for distance vision. I tried bifocals, but could not get used to them, but my husband wears trifocals!
Have a blessed day!

eileeninmd said...


I hope you eye is healing, I need to have my eyes examined. I think my prescription has changed. I usually only wear my glasses for distance too. Love your photos, espec0ailly the last shadow shot. Nice view of the trail and trees. Great capture of the Red-bellied Woodpecker. I do not like ironing of any kind. Take care and stay well. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Dawn said...

Looking reed thin with those shadows but you're not thick so that's easy.
A shiner...ouch and I agree with the others. Ironing sheets? Oh my. LOL but I get it. I have been known to throw mine in the dryer with a wet cloth to knock the wrinkles out.
I do wear glasses, bifocals but here lately I've been taking them off to read because I can see better. So we both need an eye visit.
Take care
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Lorrie said...

I do hope that your eye problems are solved soon, and that your black eye improves. I do wear glasses for reading and computer work, but not for driving or being outside. I'm finding that I have to take them off and on more frequently these days - aging eyes, I suppose.

Have a good, healing week, Diane.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I want to thank you for the smiles and the Florida memories and I want to wish you a quick recovery (and holler at you a little bit...for goodness sakes girl go get an eye exam). But I also want to tell you to not feel like you have to reply visit .... I am just happy that your eyes allowed you to post something so that we know how you are doing ... and so I can let you know I’m thinking about you and wishing the best.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Beautiful collages and as always you have wonderful photos! Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Martha said...

Hi there, I haven't visited here in so long. I just finally came back to the blog scene. Glad you are still blogging along. Hope those headaches go away soon. Beautiful photos! Have a great day! :)

Jeanie said...

Well, if it's any consolation, your shiner doesn't look nearly so grim as I thought it might but I bet it still hurts. Lovely pix, as always!

Powell River Books said...

Grandma always ironed her sheets after she brought them in from drying on the line. She only had a wringer washer in the garage, but she had a mangle in the house to iron the sheets flat in just a few passes through the dangerous looking machine. Back then there weren't fitted sheets so it worked well for tops and bottoms. - Margy

HappyK said...

Yes, I wear reading glasses but just get the cheap ones that they sell all over the place. They work great for me.

If you hang your pillow cases outside in the breeze you wouldn't have to iron them! :)

Terri D said...

Ten Years!!!!! My eyes change enough for new glasses every two. Get that appointment!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I did think about you ironing those pillow cases, but didn't want to say anything. The last time I ironed my pillow cases were the wonderful vintage ones that had embroidered bluebirds on them that I got from my mother in law's house that were most likely embroidered by her mother. I was using them for my guest room pillows. But since we moved I have not been able to find them anywhere. I can't imagine what could have happened to them. So that's the last time I will iron pillow cases. They disappeared! Take care and God bless you. Rest your eyes, but don't go too far away from us. I always look forward to hearing from you. I don't even care if you read my blog...just don't quit writing yours! It's like a breath of fresh air!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Diane, I am sorry to hear about your accident and I hope your headaches go away soon! I had terrible vision for so long due to cataracts and a scarred cornea that when I had eye surgery to correct both I had a hard time adjusting to good I use reading glasses only when reading in low light but don't need them for anything else. Rest and heal!

Debbie said...

ooooh the ironing comment, i was very kind, friends don't let friends iron!! beautiful pictures today, the shiner, looks well, pretty shiny!!!

hehehehe, forget the shadow, you are already thin!!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Diane, sorry to hear about your shiner - my goodness, you could have been cut, too, if that globe broke! I get migraines and have since I was very young and hope that is not your problem as they are no fun! They did get better once I got new glasses recently. I have the 'transition' lenses that change tint and I love them. They reduce glare when driving at night, too. Hope you figure out the problem with the headaches, soon! Hugs xo Karen

Gillena Cox said...

Some gorgeous mosaics today Diane.
Sorry to hear of your headaches. Hope you heal quickly
Thanks for dropping by my blog today


stardust said...

I read the previous post to know what happened. Blackened skin will recover in time but I’m concerned your headache. I hope you already went and saw a doctor, just in case. I wear glasses for nearsightedness. I wear another glasses for PC which cuts blue light. I also limit my computer time, as I sometimes feel nausea when using computer longer. That’s why I don’t post so often. Take care of yourself. I always enjoy your photography and narratives.


Angie said...

Diane - you are not the only one who irons pillowcases! They are decorative and I want them to look smooth! Sheets? No.

I wear reading glasses and I know have "furrows" on each side of my head from them. But no headaches and no-one can see them under my hair …

Yes, that shadow would make anyone look skinny! It's my favorite photo of this post! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Jenn Jilks said...

You are fun. There are those who find ironing relaxing!

Good luck with the headaches.
I have progressive glasses, also cataracts, I get the headaches.
My hubby has 3 pairs of glasses. I think, after 10 years, you ought to get an exam!
I hope it all works out!

The Feminine Energy said...

You just take care of yourself, honey. We all know you normally visit our blogs but can't right now. Anyone who doesn't understand that fact isn't your friend to begin with. xoxo Yes, if you wear glasses & haven't had your eyes examined in 10 years, you probably do need to go do that. But in this virus time it seems like a major decision even to do something that simple.

I wore glasses for reading for many years and now my eyesight has graduated to needing glasses all the time. I don't like it but it is what it is.

As far as ironing pillowcases, well.... "you do what makes you happy" is my motto.

May your headache issue get resolved soon. Headaches are NO fun! Could it be allergies? My husband and I both don't typically have allergies but we seem to be bothered this year, for some strange reason.

Love, Andrea xoxo

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos Diane. Yes you look thin in the shadow. Have a nice evening. Greetings Caroline

Small City Scenes said...

Lovely photos
Get new glasses girl---You don't want to go blind

NatureFootstep said...

love the mosaics. You probably missed your computer time as you spent time with the mosaics. They are gorgeous, both the images and the layouts.

Glasses, I have three pairs. One for computer and indoor work. One for distance, hiking and driving. And one for closeup work. So, I think you probably need new ones :)

Take care, stay safe. With new glasses on.

Carla from The River said...

I hope you are feeling better dear friend.
Headaches are no fun. I get them from dehydration. I try to do better drinking water when I am working in the garden.

The second photo of the bird, that is our Sam's favorite bird.

Ann Thompson said...

When I went for glasses last year the eye doctor was shocked when I told him it had been over 10 years. He told me I want to see you back in 2 not 10...LOL I was wearing readers but when I got my new glasses they were bifocals so I can wear them for everything

Sam I Am...... said...

Sorry about your "shiner" but I didn't even notice it in the photo so it must be healing! I wear glasses for distance but when I cross stitch I wear cheaters but not for reading. They say you should look in the distance ever 15 minutes when doing closeup work of any kind.
Your eyes are precious so don't strain them and make that eye appointment! Although with COVID my eye doctor canceled mine.
P.S. I iron and especially my pillowcases. I use water with essential oils so they smell good! I enjoy ironing and watch t.v. while doing it.

Teresa said...

Espero que todo vaya bien. Yo uso gafas para cerca y pronto para lejos. Besitos.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

That's one shiner of a tale, Diane. I went over and read how you got it, ouch! On you, the shiner looks cute.
I've been nearsighted for 55 years, wow. I went 12 years this last time before seeing the eyedoctor. I blamed my glasses for blurry vision. Turns out I had cataracts, hahaha. Got my left one done in Feb and the other is slated for August.

DeniseinVA said...

Not even my long shadows make me look that thin, says I as I have a good giggle! Thank you for another series of amazing photos. I hope you get rid of your headaches and yes, no ironing pillows, lol! Take good care of yourself and stay safe :)

Aunt Helen said...

Oh, Diane, I am so sorry you were hurt. You were trying to do too many things at once! I used to iron my sheets and pillowcases too--many moons ago! I hope you are over your headaches, and feeling better. The Sunflowers brightened my day!
Love, Aunt Helen

Lowcarb team member said...

… I iron pillowcases too :)

Hope you are recovering from your shiner and headaches.

All the best Jan