Monday, March 16, 2020

Forest views and Encouragement!

I appreciate all the words of encouragement my blog buddies are sharing!

It is a difficult time for us all!

So this will be short and sweet!

And I hope you'll let me know in your comments how you are! It's hard not to be worried or stressed but I hope and pray everyone is healthy!

I haven't bought a JEEP this week but I sure enjoyed the comments from last Monday! It's always fun to dream!

Take care of yourselves and be healthy and happy!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .


eileeninmd said...


Your inspiring words and post are appreciated too. I love all your nature photos and enjoy your walks. Hubby and I are doing well. I hope you and yours are healthy and virus-free. Stay safe and healthy, calm and happy. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Sandy said...

I love your little header. My blogs are about all I am looking at. Stitching and blog reading keep me sane.
I will admit you have started a wondering in me about that doggone Jeep. That may be my next vehicle after the truck which is a long way off from being ready to need a new one. Got plenty of time to think about it:)
Keep walking and stay well.

Inger said...

I love this post because it's short, sweet and caring. I wrote one yesterday that just got to be too long, but still, I had fun doing it.I'm well and will only go to town for a few more things then stay at home. I have all I need and loving neighbors and I'm surrounded by lots of nature. So I should be ok. Thanks for caring.

Arlene G said...

Thanks for the encouragement this morning Diane. Much needed in this scary time. Keep Calm and Carry On as the British say!

Creations By Cindy said...

Wishing and praying for health and happiness. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are fine, so are our friends and families, prayers for all those who have contracted this virus and for our health care providers and also the ones who are in charge of our safety and the ones that are out their cleaning places so we can shop

Dawn said...

LOVE the purple flower!
We are good, healthy, working from home, we have food and TP. The kitties have food and litter. Praying for our city, county, state and country. So many are in fear, the panic is widespread.
Fear not...
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Petite Plangonophile au chocolat said...

Thanks Diane.
We will get through this with God's help for sure. Stay safe!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lol, At first I thought it said “I haven’t bought a Jeep yet this week!” I thought well, you still have six days ))). Yep, tough times for everybody. Many of our neighbors are going home early (back up North ... we are almost all snowbirds here.). We’re still planning on staying as we usually do, but playing it by ear, day by day. Hope you two and all your family elsewhere are staying well (ours are ).

Terri D said...

You take care too! We are okay here. Just trying to make sense of our new normal - like everyone! Lovely photos and thoughts!

Angie said...

Diane - yes, we all need encouragement at a time like this. I am sure there are people out there that think I am overreacting, but I think it is better to be safe than sorry. My biggest prayer is that two weeks from now I am wrong!!! Thanks for taking the time to link to Mosaic Monday; we need each other and our little routines to keep our sanity!

Linda said...

Thank you for YOUR encouragement! I am praying for the President and especially his team of doctors who are working such long hard hours. I noticed how tired the lady doctor looked this morning. I can't remember her name now but so may people are working so hard to help us get through this.
We are all rooting for one another!

Vee said...

You keep getting out in the fresh air and sunshine! Thank you for the beauty of nature and good thoughts. All’s well here except for minor complaints.

It's me said...

Love from me....❤️ We must do this together...such a worried from me Ria ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love your mosaic photos so much...especially because they are in the woods, where I love to be too. Hope you are taking advantage of this time to enjoy the fresh air as much as possible. I think that is a great way to "social distance" ourselves. I can't get out and walk very far yet, but I am enjoying being outside as often as possible. God bless you always! Stay healthy.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

You'll be buying a jeep, Diane, how totally fun! I was about to say I've never ridden in a jeep but then I remembered two occasions. If I kept a bucket list, I'd put riding, better yet, driving, an army jeep of long ago on it.
I like how you did your mosaics. Very clever, especially the cocooning one. Speaking of which, the Husband, Missy Cat, and I are cocooning well like normal. It helps that it has been raining. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Such cheery words and photos, Diane. Thank you so much!!

Barbara said...

We are doing well here; thankful for our health!

You be safe and healthy, too!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, look at that deer on your Header! It looks like he's running into the woods. We're doing Ok over here. hope you take care of yourself too, as you are a special blog friend to us all. : )


Terra said...

I appreciate your theme of encouragement. We can encourage each other in our blogs. I find after one week of self isolation I miss people! The county announced today everyone must self isolate until April 2, except for essential work and buying food, etc.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I am self quarantined, which means lots of time for spring cleaning or just sitting and watching the woodpecker on the tree outside my window. Stay safe my friend. xo Laura

podso said...

Just stopping in to say hi and hope you are doing well down there in the sunshine. We have had so much rain here. Lots of unusual things happening this year. We are staying home and being careful since we are among the "elderly." Gee that's a hard to comprehend! But our children remind us of it as they check on us and give us their warnings! But it's nice they care!

BeachGypsy said...

hello my sweet friend! Difficult times we live in and so very stressfull. We went to the beach yesterday and I felt peace. LIke you, I am uplifted with seeing all my blogging sisters and what they are up to to stay busy and hopeful...and what is going on in their cities and towns. For instance, I just love that picture of that deer you have up there on your makes me smile every time! LOL Being out in nature is so very soothing and as far as we know, it's safe because of fresh air and not being around many people. Hope you can keep going on the hikes and showing us lots of pictures. Hugs!!