Thursday, March 19, 2020

Let's Start at a different trailhead!

We hiked to 'Gnome Valley'! (that's what I named it last month)

We started at a different trailhead and we were happy to make it that far. (it was a good place to turn around!)

But surprisingly, the Gnomes were all in hiding!

Not a Gnome to be found! 

But I won't give up hope! They may have been out gathering supplies! Or tucked safely in their little burrows. We'll go again soon to check on them!

(the mosaic above are photos from last month)

Lots of pretty Spring flowers blooming!

And butterflies flitting!

A good time to get out in nature and clear your head!

Stay healthy and happy! You can always REST after you hike! And please let me know how you are in your comment! And what's your weather like today? It's HOT here in Florida but still nice enough to get outside! (this hike was taken in the morning and it was in the 70s!)

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays. 

Joining I like Thursdays HERE too!


eileeninmd said...


It is nice to be outdoors with nature, the exercise is a bonus too.
Love the cute painted rock and the gnome. The spring flowers are beautiful, love the butterflies. Take care and stay well. Have a great day!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Mornings the best time to walk! The butterflies are quieter and easier to photograph. I’m glad you got out there .... I just can’t seem to get going ear,y as easily as I used to.

Sandy said...

It is getting warmer here, but still pleasant. I am trying to soak up as much outdoor walks as possible during this time. It is very quiet on my street so I am about to head out right now. Everything is blooming and the live oaks are beginning their leaf dump. Stay well and enjoy the hikes.

Tanya Breese said...

Beautiful walk and the gnomes are cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are going in high 80's in our little part of FL, yesterday was 87 but humidity is low so not to bad, the past four weeks have been beautiful. I hope the gnomes were not kidnapped

LA Paylor said...

wouldn't you like to be part of our "I Like" group with this post? I think everyone would enjoy it. I did, it was like a moment of normalcy. Not hot here, bitterly cold and raining ice at the moment, snow to come. The forecasters predict anywhere from 1-12" (that's quite a spread) Springtime in the Rockies! woohoo!

Arlene G said...

It is supposed to be 81 today and I am glad as I hope it will help kill those germs floating around. However we also are in allergy season and that brings challenges too.

Debbie said...

i am healthy and happy, keeping busy indoors is no problem for me. we rode the bikes yesterday and it was smooth sailing...or maybe i should say smooth riding!! it is raining here in nj, but the sun is expected to make an appearance later today!!

i love this trail!! perhaps you should paint a rock and bring it with you next time to leave on the trail, for others to find!! spring is starting to look very pretty in your neck of the woods!!!

Jenn Jilks said...

We're cold, and expect rain.
I'm trying to get my grandies to get up and go, but that is failing. We have to fetch wood from the shed today, too.

photowannabe said...

I sure hope you find the Gnomes..It looks like the perfect place for them.
Thankful for so many things...
God's World is beautiful.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I suspect that for those of us who love the outdoors this imposed exile from the world will be less stressful.

Jeanie said...

I love the name "Gnome Valley" -- alas, no gnomes this time. What a glorious place to walk.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful hike photos with us. I'm in the SE corner of Wisconsin and the weather here today is fogging and rain. It's a little chilly - only the mid-40s but that's pretty warm for Wisconsin in March. ~smile~ Roseanne

SImple and Serene Living said...

I got out and walked this afternoon. It was in the seventies and it felt so good to be outside. xo Laura

HappyK said...

So nice to be outside walking especially now.
Your photos are beautiful.
We are fine here in my little town.

The Liberty Belle said...

Very nice photographs. We have such beautiful weather here today that I wish I had opportunity to get out for a walk took.

Anonymous said...

Those gnomes are staying home, Diane! Silly gnomes. I'd be in the woods 24/7 if I were a gnome! Thank you for sharing your lovely photographs with us!

Terri D said...

My weather is the same as yours (as you know) and we are all doing fine so far. Hoping it stays that way. We are being careful when we have to go out. Thanks, always, for taking us along on your hikes!

PaintedThread said...

Love the gnomes. lol. We still have snow on the trails around here. But it is good to get out!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so nice that the two of you go out for your hikes and perhaps the next time you go out you both will see the gnomes. The weather has been rainy and hopefully it will clear up so I can get out this afternoon for a walk. We are practicing social distance and trying to make the best of our situation. Stay safe and be well.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I'm glad you get out early in the morning while it is still a little cool. It has been really hot lately in the afternoons, but I find a shady spot to sit and relax for a spell and watch the birds and the pond activity. I am fine, except that my appt. today to remove staples...well, I have an infection in the incision, so no removal for two weeks, and I am on antibiotics! I knew I didn't feel just right, and am glad I got the meds now to help the healing take place. So, I just need to continue to take it easy and rest. I will enjoy your hikes from here! :)

Tom said...

...the white flower looks like Halesia, silver bells. So nice to see butterflies already, I will need to be patient. I am safely home as of noon today. Stay safe.

Hootin Anni said...

I see you go out walking too with this pandemic going on. I walked thru all the blue bonnets wild flowers, & shared some pretty photos.

But, I love all your greenery today.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Great photos in a fun blog. Welcome to our group. Stay safe and healthy. said...

Welcome to Thankful Thursday. Gorgeous pictures of nature. We are 27 this morning with a whopping high of 36. Woohoo!

Sam I Am...... said...

Maybe the gnomes were practicing "social distancing"! LOL! It's raining on and off here but I'm still able to get out and walk. enjoy your hiking and stay well.

Red Rose Alley said...

This looks like a pretty and peaceful trail. Too bad you didn't see any gnomes hehehe. That red rock is interesting. And the pine cones would be nice to gather and create something. Thank you for the quote, "rest and be thankful." I really like that one. : )
