Saturday, March 7, 2020

Spring Sightings!

We haven't had much rain this Spring but the temps have been warm and Spring is popping out all over!

Isn't this Bull Thistle amazing?

They are not really that pretty with all the prickly thorns until they are in full bloom.

And the butterflies love them!

Oh and the bumble bees!

We are seeing the Swallowtail Kite everywhere right now!

Even in our own neighborhood.

They swoop and soar and look so elegant.

Lots of pretty Warblers and Goldfinches in the forest and in out feeders right now too.

(Eastern Bluebird)

 Just a beautiful time of year in Florida!
Are you seeing signs of Spring at your house too?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Jenn Jilks said...

They are beauties!
We're still frozen in. It's -10 C. today!

Gayle said...

The butterfly and bee don't seem to mind the prickles. Enjoyed all the photos.

Arlene G said...

Once again I learn some new birds from Diane. We love to watch the birds at Grimmwood, most are just forrest birds but we did see some golden finches once and I hope to see them again. They are so cheerful.

eileeninmd said...


I love all your birds, bees and the butterflies. The Swallow-tailed Kited is awesome. Love the sweet bluebird too. Lovely series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

Vee said...

Certainly nothing as beautiful as what you are seeing, but I did hear the chickadees calling their spring song yesterday...Phoebe...Phoebe...Phoebe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those thistles are just beautiful as are the visitors enjoying them. I love the colors of these. bob is outside hacking down bushes, its beautiful and bright and just cold enough to be comfy doing yard work..

Edna B said...

I live the photos. Tomorrow my daughter and I will go out and take some photos. We have a whole week to enjoy this wonderful Florida weather. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Tom said...

...thistles are wonderful to look at and that's about it!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Wonderful animals photos.
The Butterflies is very nice!
Greetings Elke

Sue said...

Beautiful spring photos, we are seeing and hearing lots of spring sounds too,
thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Such pretty pictures! Wildflowers make me happy!!
It's a spring like day here in Texas and I am going in and out - working in the flower beds and then coming in to stir the stew on the stove....and raed your blog! Happy Saturday!

NanaDiana said...

You always get such great pictures, Diane. No spring sightings here yet. We are at least a month away from robins. I am so anxious for spring and getting into our new condo and seeing if there are any plantings left around the exterior. xo Diana

Terri D said...

Lovely photos of God's creatures! Thanks for always sharing the joy!

Kathy said...

No signs of spring here... yet. Give it another two or three weeks. I love your header. I want to be in that boat. And your photos are just wonderful! Oh my, I am on my way to visit you and see that loveliness in person. How I wish I could!

Anu said...

Hello. Beautiful photos.

Linda said...

I like the close-ups of the thistle. Love the swallowtail kite too!

Anni said...

Indeed it certainly is a terrific time of all ways. Loving your array of birds (flora & fauna too) today.

Thanks for joining us today at I'd Rather B's always appreciated!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful Spring! I’m envious of your ability to catch those kites in flight! I see them often lately, but have just about given up trying for a photo....I already have *sooo* many pictures of blue sky (where the Kite used to be!)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my! You love the same things as I do so much...yes, I love the thistle flowers with the butterflies and bees...have many such photos, and the split tailed kites...we had them nesting in our neighborhood last year in Salt Springs. I wonder if they came back yet this year. I know I am missing a lot of things that I loved there, but God is giving me new things to enjoy here at our new home. It's just different, but still wonderful. But I can see the things I love by reading your blog and seeing your photos!! Amazing!!!!!!!!! Yes, spring is springing up everywhere here too.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Wonderful to see all the beautiful photos of spring where you are, Diane. The kite is amazing and the butterfly, too. I have to confess that I let the thistle grow in my gardens, they are such interesting plants! Hugs xo Karen

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous 'critter' photos ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeanie said...

That thistle is fabulous and all the more so with the bee and butterfly adding to the color palette!

Ranten said...

Lovely pictures!

Red Rose Alley said...

The Bull Thistle is sooooo pretty. Such a vibrant color. The butterfly and bumble bee photos are very nice. And those goldfinches are such a precious bird, aren't they? It looks like Spring has arrived in your area, Diane. : )


Debbie said...

my spring does not look quite as beautiful as your spring!! i say that it is spring here, but really it isn't, it feels like spring, we have been having very mild temperatures!!

the thistle is gorgeous, my favorite color!! the swallowtail butterfly is the butterfly i raise, i have so many in the garage waiting to evolve, i forget how many!!

the birds are beautiful, what a really nice variety. i don't see bluebirds in my yard but i do see them at the farm i visit!! i hope you are having a wonderful week!!!