Thursday, March 5, 2020

Wildlife Photography

I had a neat encounter with a Fox Squirrel this week.

The Sherman's Fox Squirrel.

We haven't seen one in awhile so I was thrilled to spot this one on the trail ahead of me. 

That's a pinecone on the trail! lol I put it there to mark where I saw it so that I could look again on the way back.

Wildlife photography is all about documenting wildlife in their natural habitat.

Photographing some wildlife might require stalking (I read somewhere) but for me it's all about time and chance.

I get out in the forest often and at all times of the day.

In the winter months it's usually right after lunch.

In the summer when it's so hot, I try to hike in the mornings.

And I see neat things at every time of day.

Time and chance!

She probably feels pretty safe up there....maybe she thinks I can't climb that tree! hahahaha!

I'm thankful to live in such a beautiful place and have great trails to walk! And it's exciting when you see something this beautiful!

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays. 


eileeninmd said...


Your Fox squirrel is just adorable. I love the cute face and markings.
Wonderful hikes and sighting. Great photos. Have a happy day!

Meditations in Motion said...

Your fox squirrel is a handsome guy! Great photos of him. My attempts at squirrel photos usually wind up blurry and with a squirrel's head or tail out of the frame. I need something like flowers that don't move to take photos of!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Great shot of the squirrel Diane. We have so many squirrels here because someone feeds them peanuts with the shells all of the time! Every spring they hide the shells in my planters or they dig up my flowers! :(

Sandy said...

Well., its 't she adorable lounging on her stick!

Jeanie said...

You captured so many different prescriptions of the squirrel! I love them all!

Edna B said...

I never knew there was a different type of squirrel. Wonderful photos! I agree that nature really is so beautiful. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Tom said...

...have a wild day!

Lorrie said...

What great wildlife photos you take, Diane. The fox squirrel is a beautiful creature and one that isn't seen around here. Have a wonderful day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is gorgeous! and cute and pretty and I LOVE HER.. soooo jealous. I have not seen one and I want to... your photos are amazing.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A Fox Squirrel is an exceptionally appealing creature.

Arlene G said...

Looks like she was posing like a model, Diane. And what a big girl....lots of nuts to eat this year I guess.

photowannabe said...

That squirrel has such a beautiful coat and I really love that dramatic pose she is in...(:0)

Vee said...

She looks so cute hanging out on that branch. I’d be startled to see one big!

Susie said...

Diane, Such a cute little fellow. You are so good at spotting wild life. Keep it up. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lea said...

Really great photos!

Ann said...

Love the pictures of her stretched out on the branch. She looks quite comfortable.

BeachGypsy said...

Oh those neat squirrels again....those are the really BIG ONES, right? I thought they had black tails....maybe I am remembering something else?--please help me out, ha ha LOL. You got some great pictures!! Was there just one, or were there others as well? Love your trail pictures, you always catch something interesting or pretty to show us! Lots and lots of rainy days here the past 2 or 3 days. Haven't been walking much.....been SHOPPING THO!! ha ha LOL


I do believe 'foxy' loved you taking photos of him and he was actually posing for you--cute cute cute awesome job--
thanks for sharing--
luv, di

HappyK said...

You got some terrific shots of the fox squirrel. Never saw one before.

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, what a cutie! I love squirrels. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend!!

Terri D said...

Beautiful. She is gorgeous!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a cutie! We don't have them here.

Tanya Breese said...

How cute is this squirrel?! Great looks like he enjoys posing for you haha

Kate said...

Squirrels are just so cheeky! They always make me smile no matter how naughty they're being. ^^

Red Rose Alley said...

The fox squirrel is interesting. I don't see them around here. He looks content way up there in the tree. It's going to get hot soon, so your hikes will have to be in the mornings. That's my favorite time of day. And you always find such interesting critters. : )


Carla from The River said...

Fantastic Photos!! Wow, that is a big pinecone.
It looks like she was talking to you. ;-)

Shiju Sugunan said...

Such an adorable squirrel. Lovely pics!

Linda said...

What an adorable squirrel! Great shots!

Ella said...

Such a cute little fellow!
You are a great photographer!

Latane Barton said...

I'm not sure I've ever seen a fox squirrel...maybe I didn't know what I was looking at.. but he's an interesting critter. Looks like he's posing for you.

carol l mckenna said...

Great shots of the squirrel ~ I do believe he was posing for you ~ sweet post ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbour)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh I love your pictures of this cute Fox Squirrel. They are so elusive it is hard to find them anymore, and when you do and they put on a show for you, it is quite the treat! I am SO glad you were able to capture all these cute pictures. They have quite the personality. I had some close encounters with one a couple of years back and have that documented somewhere in my blog too. I love that you are able to get out into the woods like this. I miss it so much. I do hope that we will find a way to connect when I am well enough to hike again and enjoy such a hike together. IT's fun to go with someone who appreciates all the same things that you do. have a blessed day.

NanaDiana said...

LOL- Were you having a squirrely day? lol You do get good pictures and must have a lot of patience to do so.
FL was pretty cold and rainy while we were there and hubby wasn't doing so great. I did walk everyday though so that was a good thing. xo Diana

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love love love this post! Fabulous pictures of this little charmer and even better your words that so perfectly describe now I feel about wildlife photography .

Red Rose Alley said...

This fox squirrel fascinates me hehehe. Your photos really show how charming he is. I know I already commented on this post, but just couldn't help seeing this funny fellow again. : )
