Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Gopher Tortoise took a hike!

It's been a difficult week and looks like we have some hard times ahead. But I'm going to try to share some photos of our hikes in the coming days! I hope and pray you are all safe and healthy! Try to get outside and walk or if you are not able to do that, sit in the sun! It helps with your mood to get that good natural Vitamin D. 

We were fortunate to see this Gopher Tortoise on our hike at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve this week!

We see a lot of turtles at the river and in the swamps, but a Gopher Tortoise is a rare sighting! Can you see him up ahead?

The American Kestrel is a regular on this trail.

And we saw more than one on this hike!

Stay healthy and get out in nature if you can! I'm praying for all my blog buddies, all over the world!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


eileeninmd said...


I have seen a few of the Gopher Tortoises in Florida, they are neat to see. Love the Kestrel too, Great collection of photos. I hope you and your hubby stay safe and healthy. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I believe that 10 minutes a day or more of sunshine is healthy for our body's. and I know it makes my mind better and happier... that tortoise is quite the siting. love it. when my boys were young, in Savannah GA, my oldest son was in a herpetology club and had snakes and turtles and frogs etc. one of his treasures was one of the tortoise that wandered around in our fenced yard, he had holes dug every where and loved lettuce.

Gayle said...

Nice Captures. I'm hoping all this turmoil slows to the pace of a tortoise soon and we all regain our perspective.

Bill said...

Nice series of photos. The tortoise is a beauty. Stay safe and healthy!
I love your new header, it's fantastic.

Tom said...

...GREAT minds are thinking alike today.

Debbie said...

i don't know if i have seen a gopher tortoise, perhaps at a farm or zoo, but i'm not sure!!

the kestrel is beautiful, you got some great pictures!!! i have been staying close to home, i always have plenty to keep me busy!! going on hikes is a great idea, we took the bikes out for the first time this season but i had a bad fall so i think we are going to wait on doing that again for now!!

i am going to sit on the deck for a while, but it's a little cool today, 54 degrees, i will put on a sweatshirt!!!

Terri D said...

Lovely pictures yet again! I'm praying for all as well. Sunshine is the best medicine, isn't it!

Carla from The River said...

We are going to go hiking too. It will not be warm and green. But the ice is melting and the waterfalls will be roaring. Hope to get some great shots.
Love, Carla

Lea said...

Great photos!
When we went to walk our favorite short hiking trail yesterday, the gates to the parking area were locked! I understand about avoiding crowds of people, but honestly, we never saw more than a dozen folks there, and they were spread out in groups of two or three. Never any crowds there.
So now to get some exercise, we will have to go to a walking track that just goes around and around, very boring!

Lowcarb team member said...

It's always so nice to get out and about.
Lovely photographs.

All the best Jan

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wonderful pictures. Love the gopher tortoise. They are usually hidden down in their burrows, but it is fun to see them when they do come out for some sunshine! Great photos! And that American Kestrel! Wow! I haven't seen one of those in a long time! Such a beautiful little hawk. Glad you were able to capture his photo! Yes, getting outside in the sunshine is a great bonus for us. We need to take advantage of it as often as possible. Anything to keep us away from the TV these days!! I've really been enjoying our deck/pond, since I can't go for long walks just yet. So glad we don't have to stay cooped up inside! Thank you for sharing your neck of the woods with us!!

Adam Jones said...

I really like the Kestrel. Similar to our Kestrel here in the UK.

HappyK said...

Always nice to see your photos while you are out walking.
I had my usual morning walk this morning in the sun but as I look out the window right now it has started snowing!!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a bounteous hike!

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful feathered friends photos and awesome turtle photos ~ Be well and safe ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores

Lorrie said...

Getting out in nature is great for both mind and body. More lovely sights from your walk. Stay well!

Kathy said...

Great photos! I loved seeing the tortoise. I agree about getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine. I haven't been doing that too much but now that it is getting warmer I want to spend sometime outside each day. Even if it is just in my yard.

ann said...

Interesting. Never heard of a gopher turtle. Do they burrow or do they stalk gophers? He does look a bit direct. He have Kestrels here. As we practice our social distancing, we can keep each other company. Stay well.

Linda said...

Excellent post! Sunlight is good for immunity too, and the UV light is supposed to kill viruses.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the tortoise and great shots of the Kestrel. I hope you have a great week ahead and stay safe from this virus. Thanks for your comments..

Irma said...

Beautiful series of photos of your walk.
I love the kestrel and the turtle.
I hope you keep safe from the virus, it is going very fast in the Netherlands now, already 12 deaths and almost 1000 infections, that was the state of yesterday.
Best regards Irma

Elkes Lebensglück said...

What for beautiful photos !!!! Impressive scenes!!!

Anni said...

I too hope you and your family remain safe. That gopher turtle (tortoise?) is one I've never seen in the wild. And Kestrels, lucky you...ours here are usually seen on power lines and fly away before I get the camera focused.

Thanks for coming over to I'd Rather B Birdin this weekend and linking up with us.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Until today I'd never heard of a gopher turtle. I'll have to read up on that! You have love grand photos! Wishing you a wonderful week and Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The gopher tortoise looks like he’s just out for a little trail walk! Kestrels are lovely little hawks ... we even used to see them in our suburban yard Oregon, where they’d scare all the songbirds away from the feeders..... thanks for your good wishes. Me too!

Jeanie said...

That kestrel is a dazzler. And I've never seen a tortoise like that. Nice spotting today, Diane!

NatureFootstep said...

I love kestrels but rarely see them.
Seeing a turtle on your walks is amazing. We don´t even have any in our nature .

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that gopher tortoise is a BIG fellow....but he looks like a young one. That's a great picture of him up close, so clear. Wow, you DO see a lot of turtles around your area. They fascinate me just looking at them hehehe. It's nice that you are trying to stay positive during this worrisome time.


Buttercup said...

Definitely "concerned." But I'm sticking to my walking schedule and a mile outside in sunshine takes my anxiety down a lot. It's going to be tough sledding, but grateful for friendships near and far. Take care!