Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Palm Warbler in Spring colors!

We thought at first this was a Warbler we had never seen before! It had such beautiful colors!

But when we came home and got the bird ID books out, we decided it was a Palm Warbler in breeding colors! I think he'll get lots of attention this Spring, don't you?

And we are seeing more Hermit Thrushes in the forest now.

They are so pretty!

And the nice thing about them is that they like to pose.

They stay still long enough for more than one photo! lol

We've enjoyed our hikes this week. Not many on the trails so it's safe and helps keep us healthy too. I would get cabin fever if I stayed inside all the time. But we are not shopping or going out now except to get some exercise. I'm wishing you all the very best and keeping everyone in my prayers.

This Cardinal was at the trailhead enjoying a bath under a dripping water faucet (water for the horses).
Have you been able to get outside this week? Did you see something beautiful?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

only walking our neighborhood, I am doing my excericse in the house, other than walking, no trails close enough to walk them. these birds are all just darling.

Ellen D. said...

I did get one good hike in but I am not skilled in identifying birds like you! I think I will need to bring binoculars so I can get a closer look. Your photos are great - such nice close-ups so we can see the pretty details of the birds you find. Thanks so much for sharing - just lovely!

Sandy said...

I am walking sometimes up to three times a day in my little neighborhood. I just can't get enough of this spring weather, but the pollen is about to make me sound sick even if I am not. This is just the most wonderful time of year outdoors. Enjoy that bird watching!

Tom said...

...cute little things!

eileeninmd said...


I would have cabin fever if I could not go outside at all. I love walking the trails. The Palm Warbler is beautiful. He is colorful in the breeding season. The Hermit Thrush is a beauty too. I always love seeing the Cardinals. Great birds and photos. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Stay safe, healthy and happy! Enjoy your day, happy weekend. PS, thanks so much for your visit and comment.

Penelope Notes said...

The cute little birds brought to mind two words ... sweet and tweet. :)

Arlene G said...

Those little birdies do seem to pose for their photographs. And their colors are so pretty. However, Mr Cardinal is just beautiful. Being a lover of red, they are my favorite birds.

Anu said...

Hello. So beautiful birds. Great photos.
Take care of yourself.

Inger said...

We only walked one day because of the rains. I saw something beautiful yesterday when I took Samson to the vet. It was a cloud, I think they call them rolled clouds. It looked like white/gray roll and went along the foot of the entire length of the Tehachapi mountains. It was an amazing sight, so unusual and so beautiful.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love seeing your bird photos. It is definitely spring in Atlanta so I am grateful that I can get out and walk. Other than that I am staying home. xo Laura

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello Diane!
Beautiful birds and great photos.
I am delighted with the cardinal. I've never seen him in nature.
I wish you a lot of health, take care of yourself.
Have a nice weekend:)

Terri D said...

Yes to getting outside but not to hike. Love your bird photos! Thanks for always taking us on your hikes!!

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE that last photo. HA! He is so blown out, like he used a hair dryer on himself. HA!

Take care my friend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Perhaps some of those Palm Warblers and Hermit Thrushes are on their way to Ontario. They are quite early migrants here and it won't be long before we are seeing them.

Vee said...

That warbler is so handsome. Hope he did some singing for you, too. The cardinal is always stunning. And all your happy posers are cute as can be. I am glad that you are getting out. Hiking is good for the soul. (You were the first one to tell me about Grandma Gatewood. I was surprised when my niece gifted me with the book.)

BeachGypsy said...

I'm pretty sure I've never seen one of those sure is pretty! Love the bright and pretty shot of the cardinal too! Love to see birds splash in water, fun to see! So glad you're still out hiking...they have CLOSED our state and county parks as well as nearly all of our beaches, so hiking spots are getting scarce. Are yours all still open??? Walking around in the city is getting less and less safe as numbers increase, people desperate to GET OUTSIDE for a change of scenery, fresh air, and to get kids and dogs out. The weather here is hot yesterday and today...but think we're going to get a cool spell tomorrow (sunday). All churches are closed, we watch on the internet. Take care of yourself my friend! Hugs!

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm looking forward to all of them. We still await spring temperatures, though.

Jeanie said...

I am only going out for walks, too. I'm glad you're staying in otherwise, Diane. Stay well.


I would like to know about your bird book--I have 2 but do find them limited most of the time so wonder what one you use--
love all the photos and that red cardinal is a real winner--
I have been going out for a walk each day--sometimes the short block and sometimes the big block-but it is hard to do as I have to go through the main lobby of this apartment building to do that and there are usually some other tenants around--but today I only seen 2 others and we kept our distance from each other and one of the weekly maintenance men was here wiping down the elevator and doors and handles with bleach (they are doing that a couple times a day now) so that is good--(except the smell of the bleach makes me ill--I know I am the problem child!!) I see a real pretty small black butterfly today on my walk and hear some wood peckers up in the trees!!
luv, di

carol l mckenna said...

Oh you and hubby are in such good company ~ beautiful 'feathered friends' photography ~ warbler is darling ^_^

Keep calm and be well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

Diane, the birds look quite pleased that the trails are quieter. I've been trying to get outside each day with Lilah Rose. The sunshine does make things easier!

HappyK said...

So many great pictures of the birds you've seen.
We've been at home all week. Did go food shopping and up here the shelves were pretty much normal. Being in such a small town there just aren't that many people!
I still get out mornings for my walks.

Bill said...

The wee birds are very pretty and cute.
Went for a walk on Friday, it was nice to finally get out for a bit.
Stay safe!

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

what a beautiful pictures :) I wish I cpuld go out and enjoy the nature but with the virus around better stay home :)

Following and Hugs from NYC

Lorrie said...

Other than going grocery shopping I've stayed at home. I get out in the garden and it's so lovely there just now. Long walks are good, too.

Beautiful bird photos, so nice that they posed so prettily for you, Diane.

Diane said...

My gosh I enjoyed your wildlife pictures.

Stay well.

Hugs Diane

Linda said...

Lovely birds! We did get out a little but I am feeling house bound. I'm grateful that I have a yard so I can watch birds.

Lea said...

Wow! Great bird photos!
Have a blessed day!

Irma said...

What a great series of photos Diane.
All photographed perfectly, my compliments.
A hug and stay healthy.
Best regards Irma

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful bird sightings!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love to see the birds...and you were blessed to get some really good pictures! So happy you can get out and take these hikes often. My hikes are from the back deck to the back yard beside the pond, and we've had plenty of entertainment with the geese battles and some sweet little birds to watch as well. I assume you saw my Wren post the other day? That was really fun...and he seemed to be posing for me too! Enjoy what God has given us to enjoy...and soon we will be back in "circulation" again. Take care my friend, and stay healthy. I hear our geese going to battle again as I write, but it is too dark to see. Never a dull moment.

Sandi Magle said...

I so love your walks, though your species(except for that adorable Cardinal) are critters we don't get to see. Our deer in our drive-thru park are hidden in thick woods until the grass greens and the frozen bushes begin to bud I appreciate your fab photos and interesting walks. Take Care!

Anni said...

Oh wow...what beauties!!

Thanks for linking in! Your friendship & loyalty to our world's birds are very much appreciated.

Debbie said...

we have been out diane, but only a little. friday it was 80+ degrees, a little too hot for me with no swimming pool and now the temperatures are in the low 40's. the weather has been all over the place!! you are probably more adapted to the heat, i am so intolerant!!

the warbler is so pretty, it's nice when they hold still for a few images!!

beautiful capture of the cardinal...i have been able to see a lot of pretty things, right outside the office window!!

stay well my friend!!

Debby Ray said...

First of all, let me tell you how much I love the photo in your header...what a fantastic shot! And that little bird is just gorgeous too. I miss my birds from home but since we are getting all set up on our property and put out some feeders, they're beginning to discover them...yay! Have a wonderful week and stay healthy!

Nancy Chan said...

Nice to see these beautiful birds around you. Have a wonderful week. Stay safe.

NatureFootstep said...

o yes, That warbler is really good looking. :)
And so are the trushes :) Nice shots.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you for the good wishes and back at you! We’re doing OK here but a bit concerned about getting back to Oregon. Changing our original plans for staying until is full of compromises and it’s needed to be flexible.


Preciosas fotografías de pájaros!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, to see the red cardinal on the trail, what a sight that must have been. And those other little birds are so sweet. I love the yellow ones.

Yes, I did get out today. I went to Target to get a few things, and it was scary being around the people right now, but everyone was pretty nice and kept their distance, which was good.

Keep your positive attitude during this time. : )


Lowcarb team member said...

Fortunately we have good weather at present, it makes such a difference.
Lovely to see your photographs, especially the Red Cardinal.

Take care.

All the best Jan