Monday, March 30, 2020

Wildflowers in Spring

Life sure has changed in these last few weeks. I still get outside and take photos of the beauty that surrounds me, but there's always the worry and tension that you just can't ignore. I pray as soon as I wake in the morning and then many times throughout the day. And even though I read in the evenings, my thoughts still go back to the state of the world when I climb into bed. It's sobering to say the least. I hope and pray all of you are in good health. 

I'll share some pretty wildflowers that are blooming right now here in Florida.

It's very dry here so the wildflowers are sparse this year.

But they are still very beautiful.

It sure is nice to have Mosaic Monday to share our photos and our friendship. Thank you to Angie and to all of my blog buddies!

(a few cute bumper stickers seen in the parking lot)

Please let me know in the comments how you are doing?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 


Tom said... can always count on nature!

eileeninmd said...


Love your beautiful flowers and mosaics. It does feel good to get outside and surrounds ourselves with nature. The bumper stickers are cute, life is good. Take care, stay well. Wishing you a happy and healthy new week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

LOL on the bumper stickers ...I see a lot funny yard signs and bumper stickers when I walk around the resort here (since we live in a “trailer park” they are are a popular firm of expression!). I may steal your year though when things are better. We’re almost on our way out. I am glad you are still getting out and about and finding (and sharing) nature’s beauty. Take care of yourselves.

Edna B said...

Your wild flowers are beautiful. We don't have any yet, but soon I hope. I'm keeping busy with my crocheting till I can spend some time outdoors. You be safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Vee said...

Yes, it is impossible to ignore the circumstances. Thank you for praying and thank you for your beautiful posts. A great collage is truly a thing of beauty.

Inger said...

Thanks for cheering me up with fun bumper stickers and, better yet, pretty flowers. I'm doing well here in my mountain canyon. So glad that I don't live in Los Angeles any longer, but terribly worried about friend and family there. Stay well my friend and thanks for caring.

Gillena Cox said...

This present world situation is humbling giving us the oppotunity to tune into
Divine conversation
I am thankful for mosaic Monday online friends

Blessed Monday to you Diane. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


Arlene G said...

We are doing well...staying in for the most part. Going to get groceries and that is it. We do get out for a drive every now and then. It is a different way of living for sure.

Nancy Chan said...

Pretty flowers and birds. It is good to enjoy the nature around you.

Happy@Home said...

I think your first paragraph sums it up perfectly.
I love the collages you have created with the pretty wildflowers and funny bumper stickers. The beauty to be found in nature has never been so appreciated. Take good care, Diane.

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

Such a beautiful flowers!

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm so glad you are doing well. We are too, here in northwest Indiana. We are 45 miles outside Chicago and have lots of folks going to-and-from from our town to jobs in the "big city"... so I'm sure our bliss will be short-lived in a couple weeks. We have a few cases here in our county right now... with many more undiagnosed, I'm sure. But we'll make it. One day at a time. Hang in there, kiddo. Love, Andrea xoxo

Barbara said...

Doing well here, Diane! Today at lunch we watched a beautiful red Cardinal poking about on the large Bottle Brush tree just outside our kitchen window. He was so pretty. I thought of you and your love for birds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

excellent collages, love them all, but especially like the daisy collages.

Terri D said...

Lovely flowers in your mosaics! Thanks for sharing!

Suzy said...

Love the springy flowers! Can't wait for the weather to warm up so that we can at least get out and do yard work.

Janey and Co. said...

I was so happy to see your comment today, and shocked that you lived in Mineral Wells. I had never been there. The countryside is so pretty. We drove down FM 4 from Palo Pinto through the winding hills. Reminded me a bit of the area around Asheville, NC.

We are doing our best to not get depressed. I had to cancel Tom’s big birthday party. All five of our daughters were scheduled to come in. Now we will have to settle for a zoom party. Stay well....Janey

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's wonderful to see your flowers, Diane, as not much is blooming here as yet. The bumper stickers were also fun to see--love the stag. I never knew that you once lived out west. We're all doing fine and thankfully so are relatives in Italy and NYC

Nonnie said...

Your flowers are beautiful and your day sounds much like mine. I'm outside to walk my dog. She's looking at me quite sad today though because it is cold, wet and windy. Praying throughout the day and wondering when I go to bed at night, what in the world.

BeachGypsy said...

Love the pretty always have something for us that is interesting!! Those flowers are so pretty. I sure agree with all you wrote. How's all your family doing? We haven't seen our daughter and lil fairy granddaughter in so long it seems...

Powell River Books said...

I miss the warm Arizona sun. We were supposed to return today. There's always next year. Right now it's time to support each other and stay home and healthy. - Margy

Small City Scenes said...

Wildflowers are so special. We have the little daisy flower growing everywhere. Kind of a Bella Daisy

HappyK said...

Such pretty wild flowers.
Glad you are well and healthy. Same here for us.

Anne said...

During this time, It is so nice to go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. The flowers are beautiful.. I take lots of walks with daily with our dog and my husband.. it is good to get out and have fresh air. Be safe and healthy.

Jenn Jilks said...

Actual flowers! We're still so frozen! I'm happy to see them. It's wonderful to get outdoors.

Jill Harrison said...

it really is anxious stressful times. And every morning we wake up and it is still here. The world is far different today to what I could have imagined a month ago At least we have the beauty of our gardens. I would dearly love to go for a walk! So grateful we do not live in a city apartment. Take care and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

Angie said...

Diane - I can understand your anxiety. It is a scary, scary situation. I hope you can find some solace in nature until we get through the worst of this. Like you, I am very grateful for the blogging community and its friendship. In our house, we are well. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, my friend!

riitta k said...

It was so wonderful to see your spring flowers. And your collages are so artistic and made with talent & a good eye! Enjoy your week - stay well.

Lea said...

Beautiful flowers! I especially like the second mosaic.
Another rainy day here - 2 inches overnight. With the rain came cooler weather (50F) so we have turned the heat back on. We are doing okay here in Mississippi. I have to go to the pharmacy and the grocery store tomorrow. I am trying to make a really big grocery list, so I do not have to go again for a couple of weeks at least. I have a box of masks from when I had chemo treatments several years ago, so I feel fairly safe to be out when necessary.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love your wildflower mosaic. I especially love the wild iris. I need to take a ride to where we usually see those and see if they are blooming here. I haven't been that far away in a long time. Love the bumper stickers. Fun ones. We notice a lot more stuff when we are "isolated" from the world so much. Maybe it's a good thing to refocus for a while and "recalibrate" our bodies and spirits. Blessings to you and yours...keep walking as often as you can...we love the pictures!!!

Terra said...

Great bumper stickers. This is the time for praying for sure and God loves us and our prayers. These are hard times, I miss seeing people, but we will get through this.

Jeanna said...

I'm doing okay, LD, I think we are of the same mind with the same worries. Many of us are praying as much as we're washing our hands and that's a lot. They say we'll peak here in WI around May 22 so I guess it's a good thing my birthday has been a solitary one out in nature for several years. I'm glad you're getting out. Wish I could send you some of our rain and maybe a little bit of the chill.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

A kaleidoscope of flowers! Love it, Diane, Ms. Lavender Dream. Did you ever read Anne of Green Gables. There was a character named Miss Lavender in one of the other Anne books, a single middle-aged woman who (whom?) Anne love-matched with a student's dad. I recall scenes of forests and flowers similar to the nature you're sharing today. So far, so good in my household. Take care and enjoy.

Lowcarb team member said...

Nature can be so calming and beautiful.
So lovely to see the beautiful flowers and mosaics.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Diane, I had to laugh at that fish bumper sticker! Yikes!! Love your flowers especially the purple (iris?) one. Thank you for sharing! xo

Jeannie said...

Thank you for the cheerful flowers. It won't stop raining here. Normally our springs are wet, but this year has been exceptionally bad. I know the sun will shine eventually... I can see an iris budding and about to bloom from a window.

I wish you blistering hot weather that will kill the virus and protect you. I don't wish what we are experiencing on anyone!


Debbie said...

it's so nice to see blooming flowers, right now the only flowers i have are in my kitchen ;)

i favor the purple one, maybe an iris??

we are great here. staying home, no more rides in the car, i will miss those but as it warms up, we will spend more time in our yard which is beautiful! i have fallen in to a pretty good routine, the hubs also. i miss dining out. i enjoy cooking but not 7 days a week, but i shouldn't complain! we have plenty of food and chuck has been helping prepare meals. i am still getting my home fresh meals and they are always delicious!!!

stay well my friend!!

Danice G said...

'Love the flowers, and those bumper stickers! Hoping you and family are safe during this COVID epidemic. We in AL are still self-quarantined.

Red Rose Alley said...

Those white and yellow wildflowers are so pretty. They remind me of daisies. I'm glad that you're still able to go outside and take pictures of the beauty around you, but I know what you mean about the worrisome thoughts running through your mind.

Keep will bring you peace when nothing else will. : )

love, ~Sheri