Monday, March 2, 2020

Walk quietly and wear a cap!

AND keep a sharp eye out for any movement in the woods.

You just might see some pretty deer!

(it's right in the center of this photo)

I'm surprised I saw these 2 deer.

Sometimes you spot wildlife because of the movement.

But other times, something looks 'out of place'.

Maybe I should ask them all to wear pink caps! 

That would help, don't you think!

The vote is in for my pink cap versus the Gnome pointy cap. Everyone was in favor of me keeping the pink cap although a few of you wondered if I might wear a blue one sometime. I wore a blue cap once! lol

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .


ann said...

I totally understand why so many of our friends winter in Florida or Arizona! We have a skiff of snow on the ground and it's 25 degrees. It's always exciting to get a glimpse of elusive deer in the woods. You feel privileged to be a part of their world if only for a second. You look great in blue. I didn't vote, but I would have voted Pink.

eileeninmd said...


Seeing the deer is always a treat, they are such pretty animals. I like your pink and the blue cap. You could alternate wearing them on your hikes. Loved the walk and the photos. Happy March, have a great day and new week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that doe is just beautiful. I like the blue cap. if I were wearing a cap it would be black or white, but I only wore them way back when I was driving the corvette with the tops off. I did wear hats to church and hated every moment. my head is very big and hats make it hurt. is that Silver springs in your header? I loved Silver Springs back in the past. we stopped there several times, other times we went to Six Gun Territory, or that might not be the name of the old western town across from the springs. I loved that place

Arlene G said...

We saw some deer on the side of a busy highway the other day. I was praying they stayed there. We have a lot of accidents that are caused by deer running into the roadway. They do blend in with the background.

Ellen D. said...

Wow! You do have a sharp eye! Probably from all of that bird watching you do. Great shots of the deer. Thanks for sharing!

Sandy said...

Great pictures. Now those woods look like the woods here.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How fun spying those deer!

Terra said...

Your blue hat nicely coordinates with your blouse. I admire your deer photos.

Tom said...

...I walk quietly and wear a loud shirt.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

The stillness of the deer, moments of peace.
Turquoise looked great - and I scrolled down until I found a pink hat photo and I can see why you love that color too.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

you always find so many deer on your hikes, lovely

Edna B said...

Both hats look nice on you. I love the deer. When I was working, there were deer around all the time. Not so much in my neighborhood. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Susie said...

Diane, Wear a hat for sure, any color. I always worry about things getting in my hair in the wild. LOL Loved seeing the pictures of deer. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Ann said...

That would be wonderful to spot the deer while out hiking. The only time I've ever seen them is when I'm driving and they jump out in front of me. A cap would be helpful to make them more

BeachGypsy said...

Wow!! great pictures of the deer!! They are always so gentle and peaceful looking aren't they? Love their sweet faces. You've seen ALOT OF GREAT wildlife this past week or so haven't you? So glad you share it with us. I love the last picture, the one of you.....absolutely adorable!! You would look great in pink, blue, green, plaid, chrome.... ha ha just anything!! Hugs!!

Inger said...

Love this post. Seeing a deer is a very good thing, but then capturing it with your camera is something else. I have tried and failed, trust me!


How funny--I would be a pink hat person if I wore one--
I actually have a straw hat I wear if I need one!!
great photos of deer--you sure do have fun on your hikes--
really wished there was someplace right near here for me to hike--
luv, di

HappyK said...

Beautiful pictures and I love your new header picture.
Do you ever miss winter? We lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years and I really missed the winters!!

Gillena Cox said...

Your blue cap does justice to your surroundings. Happy mosaic Monday


Anonymous said...

Oh such pretty deer! I miss seeing the deer here. There are some around but not in my yard anymore. Love your blue cap!

Terri D said...

Great photos! Pink caps is a great idea... if it would only work! LOL I like you turquoise cap today!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so nice to go out for the those walks in nature and see pretty trees and the deer. Hope you have a nice week Diane.

Vee said...

Pink or blue...any sort of cap at all would be very useful for seeing deer in the forest. You got some great photos. Thank you for including the cute pic of blue-capped you!

Carla from The River said...

Well done with the photos of the deer.
Did you get some fresh strawberries? I was listening to a baseball game and they mentioned Strawberry Fest in Florida.
xx oo

Angie said...

Diane - you have very SHARP eyes - I would not have seen that deer from such a distance. And I have quite a bit of practice. I have often wondered why white-tailed deer raise their tails when running away - it reveals their location, you would think! Thanks for sharing these "dear" beauties with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

Linda said...

Love the pretty deer!

EricaSta said...

Pink Caps there is a good idea... 😂 therefore I wear one in red.

Indeed you have a sharp eye, to see the both deers.

Have a good week.

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh my goodness! I love the pictures you captured! I thought about you actually while hiking (a little) Ha! last week with my husband. I told him one of my blogging friends, you, would put me to shame with all of your hiking and walking. You look adorable in the cap. Girl, I look like a little boy with a cap or hat on. So wish I could pull it off like you do! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

carol l mckenna said...

Oh what a find ~ that beautiful deer and gorgeous photos ~

Like the cap any color but guess pink or blue coordinates well with your blog ~ ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Dear deers wearing pink caps. Yup, I can see that. :-)

Sharon Wagner said...

A walk in the woods is more fun with critters. Looks like she saw you too.

Dawn said...

We have a herd that frequents our back yard. Love watching them. But def need to watch out during rut season, the buck is a big boy!
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You look very pretty in your blue cap, Diane!

I see deer here often as we live close to where they live. They sometimes even look into my I do love to see them in nature where they can run and jump and enjoy themselves more than in our backyards.Plus, we often have to clean up after them, if you know what I mean...ugh

Lorrie said...

I love seeing deer in the woods, not so much in the garden! They are such graceful creatures. You look great in the blue cap as well as the pink one.

So glad you enjoyed the cornbread. Did you leave out the sugar and did that still taste okay? I debated doing so, but ended up putting most of it in. Making muffins would be a great idea!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, you saw two deer, how special is that? This one looks very young....and beautiful. So glad you decided to wear your Pink cap. But you look pretty cute in that blue one too. : )
