Saturday, August 22, 2020

Critters AND Birds

I was driving over to the Pruitt Trailhead when I spotted this 'critter' on the side of the road.

Gopher Tortoise

There was a good place to pull over so I took a few pics.

I didn't want to get too close to him though and scare him back onto the street or have him stop and pull into his shell.

That's him behind my car in a gravel driveway of a business. I watched until I saw that he had gotten near the woods next door. 

I saw many of my usual birds and critters at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve (hike #96 for the year)

and it was a beautiful day to be out. (just a little on the HOT side of pleasant) But as I was finishing up my hike and in view of my car,

I heard a small group of trees tweeting. I recognized the Mockingbirds tune and the Cardinal too. 

But the other birds sounded like tweaty birds.

I took photos (most of them I couldn't even find the birds because of the leaves) and I was happy when I got home to see the nice variety.

This Black and White Warbler flew and I got a good look at all of his striping.

This Warbler is probably a female (not sure what).

The Northern Parula I recognized when I saw it. (sorry about the blurry photos, he wouldn't hold still! heehee)

And I got more than one photo of it.

Even a Blue-gray gnatcatcher.

Hope he was spending all his time catching bugs because they are buzzing around.

I did notice this web that had caterpillars in it so they might have all been feasting on them.

So it was a great day to be out in nature!

But isn't it always!!!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Tom said...

...beautiful, I hope that you don't blow away. Put some rocks in your pockets!!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane

The Gopher Tortoise is a cool sighting. I love the warblers and Cardinal. The Northern Parula is so pretty. Love the B&W Warbler and the Gnatcatcher. Nice walk and great sightings. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment.

Mae Travels said...

Those are beautiful bird photos. You found lot of good birds. Our bird life isn’t quite as interesting right now.

be well... mae at

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Glad that all turned out well for the turtle.

Arlene G said...

Don't those birds know to POSE when you are taking their photos?? It is so interesting to see all the different kinds of birds in your area Diane.

Gayle said...

The turtle is the star of your collection today. Was it a long wait for it to reach safety? ;)

Martha said...

I love all those sweet little birds you captured and of course I love the Gopher Turtle too. I have one that comes through my yard every afternoon, he charges me when I'm outside lol. Have a great weekend :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

With all those different kinds of words I bet it was like the Tower of Babel with everybody talking in a different language

Lea said...

Love the tortoise! Birds are always fun to see.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Bet a lot of those turtles do not make it across the road. ~sigh~

Never thought of this.... You snap the bird pics, and can enjoy them, when you see what you got!!!!! ~grin~

Love those little knat catchers. They are so tiny and have a cute beak.


Latane Barton said...

That is one BIG tortoise! Glad you could pull off the road to enjoy him for a few minutes.

Susie said...

Diane, You always have some nice things to see. I love the birds. the tortoise was interesting. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

RedPat said...

It is wonderful to see a turtle in the wild! So many different birds too!

Terri D said...

I am glad you had a good hike and found so many birds to photograph. Glad Mr. Turtle made it safely to the woods!! Happy weekend!

Debbie said...

the tortoise looks huge, their legs and feet are so interesting. you took some excellent pictures of him. we have a lot of turtles in this area and there are a lot of signs warning people to be on the lookout!!

it looks to be a good birding day. i don't see those warblers here, and i don't think i have ever seen a gnatcatcher...i hope it was not feasting on chrysalis/soon to be butterflies, we need to keep the butterfly population up!!

enjoy the rest of your weekend, it is really hot here and i feel like i am melting!!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I am enjoying your pretty photos. The tortoise is so cute! I love them and turtles.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow! You really got some great pictures of the tortoise and all those birds! That was wonderful! I love it when they come together like that. I haven't seen that much variety in birds since we left Salt Springs. I used to have the Northern Parula and the Gray Gnatcatcher quite frequently, plus lots of warblers. I miss them, but now we have the water birds instead. I enjoyed your post very much. Thank you. Glad you could get out and hike. At least we've had some nice cloud cover the past few days. That helps.

Kay said...

How nice to see a big tortoise like that. It's been years since I've seen one. And was that first shot a mockingbird? The ones I knew in California were black & white.

HappyK said...

Looks like another great hike. Great capture of the tortoise.

Ann Thompson said...

How fascinating to get to watch that tortoise.

Inger said...

Another fun hike under your belt. And a lot of fun and enjoyment for your blogger friends.

Anu said...

Hello. You saw a great variety of birds. Thank you for sharing.

Linda said...

Indeed, it is great to be out in nature, and I'm glad you got some good photos.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures.
The turtle is great to just encounter in nature.

Anni said...

Thanks so much for linking in for us birders this week! You had a super day for birding, so many different species.

Jenn Jilks said...

Aren't they wonderful?
I've never seen a tortoise in the wild.
We had a pair of cardinals the other day. It was unusual.

Barbara said...

I've seen more turtles over the past 3 years in Florida than in all the rest of my life in other places. This Gopher Turtle you befriended is quite handsome.

Rain said...

Wow wow wow...that tortoise!!! We don't see them at all around here, just turtles, but I'd love to see one! The bird photos are brilliant, thanks so much for sharing! :)

Edna B said...

Awesome photos. Yes, it is always a great day to be out enjoying nature and all he beauty. (and critters too.) I always love seeing the birds. I could listen them all day and night. Thank you so much for sharing your walks with me. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

SImple and Serene Living said...

the mornings have cooled off here in Atlanta so I am getting out and walking early. It was so nice to walk through the wooded park near me and listen to the bird sounds. I didn't even mind the mud. xo Laura

Lowcarb team member said...

Great post, and that tortoise is magnificent!
Certainly was a great day to be out in nature!

All the best Jan

Carla from The River said...

I like the tortoise photos. Do you see them often?
As always, I enjoy your photos. And High Fives on hike 96!!

Vee said...

That's a beautiful collection of feathered friends. I'm glad that you don't allow heat to stop you from venturing out.

Miaismine said...

Such beautiful photos! I enjoyed your lyrical manner of writing and the wonderful photos you took! Thank you for sharing!

Lorrie said...

Glad you saw the tortoise safely across the road. Wonderful bird photos. I sometimes take photos blindly, too, and am pleasantly surprised, or not (tee hee) at what shows up! Enjoy your week.

handmade by amalia said...

Well spotted! The tortoise is gorgeous and looks pretty big as well. I don't suppose you had any problem catching him for a photo?

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Neat photos, the tortoise sighting is amazing.

Nancy's Notes said...

Diane, you absolutely live in a fantastic area! Your outings and photographs are so amazing. I love, love birds and the birds you see are beautiful! The tortoise is so cute too!

Teresa said...

Tuviste mucha suerte. Gracias y besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that gopher tortoise is a big boy! It is so interesting to see his little face peek out from its shell. What a joy to see the Cardinal too. You saw many birds on your day out. Their song must have sounded lovely. : )


NatureFootstep said...

ouch, I am glad I am not a tortoise. :)