I've read a lot about how people are taking advantage of the time they have at home to learn something new. I don't know if I've focused on that.
But I can say, I did NOT focus on this hummingbird except for the one photo above.
I am still learning my new camera (Canon SX70 HS)and my setting was on flower (for close ups) when I took most of these. I should have changed it to mountain to zoom in from across the street.
Look at this beautiful flowering bushes that attract the hummers and butterflies!
I am standing at my house, taking pics of the hummingbird across the street.
Don't worry, my neighbor was aware of what I was doing! hahaha!
When I changed the setting, I only got ONE more photo and he was 'away'! It's the 'in focus' photo at the beginning.
And doesn't everyone take photos of their shoe boxes? That's what I had just taken photos of in the lanai. We are in a cleaning out, throwing away, recycling and donating mood at our house right now and I was going to get rid of a shoebox. (I know! I should do better than that! hahaha)
I wear Montrails to hike in and I still wear my oldest pair when it is wet or muddy. They are the BEST shoes in the world for hiking here in Florida.
And I got a kick out of what was written on the side of the box.
It says, Raise your right foot and repeat after me,
"I, Diane give my word as a morally righteous Montrail consumer to always play fair with others in the great outdoors and to recycle or reuse this box."
Oh, and I guess now you'll want to see my oldest hiking shoes!
I have a lot to be thankful for this week! How about you?
Are you blogging about something more interesting than old shoes and recycles?
I certainly HOPE SO!!!
Updated...I wrote this post yesterday and I am so saddened to see the damage from Hurricane Laura this morning. I hope and pray everyone in it's path is safe. I have lots of family and friends in the area it is traveling so I'm watching it closely. Take care and stay safe!
Updated...I wrote this post yesterday and I am so saddened to see the damage from Hurricane Laura this morning. I hope and pray everyone in it's path is safe. I have lots of family and friends in the area it is traveling so I'm watching it closely. Take care and stay safe!
Hello Diane,
I love your hummingbird photos. I love any plant that attracts the birds, butterflies and bees. Your neighbors bushes are pretty. It is good to recycle. I hope everyone is safe from the hurricane. Take care, enjoy your day!
your camera must have awesome zoom capability, aren't the hummingbirds fascinating to watch!! your camera should have a bird watching setting, but i'm sure you know that. i have a nikon and i use that setting for all of my bird pictures, it works great! i never try to manually focus, it would be too hard with these old hands!! often, the experience is much better than the pictures!!
that shoebox cracked me up, but it is awesome at the same time. i am a little over being home, i can't swim alone because of my health problems and i am worried about having friends over because of covid. the hubs has been so busy with work!!!
i have a few "good" things to blog about BUY the well is running dry!!!
i have not heard the news about laura, i am going to watch it now. thanks for the heads up!!!
What fantastic shots, especially the first one! The humming birds just love the Firebushes. I have one in my yard but have yet to be able to get a decent shot of the humming birds with my cell phone, they always fly off before I can get close enough. Have a great day :)
Fantastic hummingbird photos. Love the shoe box. LOL.
Wow! your header is awesome ~ and all your hummer photos are wonderful ~
The hummers just started coming this summer shortly after my yorkie, Zoe died ~ I can't help but think it is a sign from her ~ Now I also have a hummingbird feeder and have taken more of an interest in feeding the other birds ~ I had never seen a hummer before and they are delightful! So enjoying them ~
Live each moment with love,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
You got some great shots of that hummer!
What amazing hummingbird photographs! Your camera is incredible, I want one now!!!
I'm thankful our home west of Galveston wasn't hit by the hurricane, so thankful!
Yes, Diane, praying for all in the path of the hurricanes and storms. Please be safe. Girl, I know for a fact you put plenty of miles on your hiking shoes. I love your new camera, I know I do not need one but I need a program to load on my computer to load from the cameras I already have. Geech, I am going to have to adopt a teenager to help me. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, love, Susie
I am so *jealous* of your magnificent camera!
All the time knowing, I'd not have the patience, to get to know HOW to do all those things, if I had one.
So... Self knowledge.... It's best I stick to my little point and shoot. ~smile~
Love the shoe box!!!!
But come on, you know you can do better than that, with de-cluttering!!!!!! I *expect* to see loads of stuff, in your next post.<---Bossy aren't it?????????? LOL
Yes, I am so sorry for the Laura damage. Sitting here, with just rain, we are so lucky.
It just goes to show that someone with a keen sense of fun as well as being great with words can create a post about a shoe box that delights her readers.
My hubby would be green with envy at those lovely shots of your hummingbird. We've had one visit our garden a few times this summer, which we consider a real honour, some years we haven't had any visit us.
Wishing you a beautiful rest of your day. I might have to chase down some Montrails now that you give them such a rave review.
Brenda xo
What a great camera you have! Hummingbirds are so much fun to watch and hard to capture. You did a good job! Love the shoe box! Today I'm thankful for peaches - just canned 7 pints and made some jam. YUM!
I should be; apparently, I'm not blogging at all so you are doing just fine. I, too, have been taking photos of hummingbirds. Not one worthy of sharing, but from it I've learned that many different hummingbirds visit me daily when initially I thought there was only one.
your photos are astounding!!! you don't need to change a setting. Now I want montrail shoes...
aaahhh, the hummingbird, my beloved bird, and what a blessing to see it on your post today. The first photo is wonderful taken with your new camera. They flutter about so quickly; it's almost as if you have to wait til they're on a flower or something. There's something about old shoe boxes that we don't want to get rid of. It's good that you are going through things and cleaning out and donating. Nel went to Goodwill the other day, and they were full for the day and told her to come back later. I'm sure they're receiving so many donations right now. Always enjoy your Thankful Thursday posts, Diane.
*I'm so sorry to hear about the damage from Hurricane Laura. I hope your family and friends are safe.
You take such beautiful photos with your new camera Diane. I love the cute hummingbird. Have a nice weekend.
You're doing great with your camera. Nice shot of the hummingbird. I love to photograph puddles too. When the rain falls it makes little bubbles all over the top of the puddles. Fun! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
Lovely hummingbird photos! Aren't they the most amazing birds?! Your most used hiking shoes look like they hold up well! The promise on the side of the box is so funny, but makes a good point, too. Good for you, doing some recycling!
I love your hummingbird photographs.
I do hope everyone is safe from the hurricane. Here in the UK we have experienced very strong winds and storms... the weather does seem rather strange and worrying at times.
Take care.
All the best Jan
Diane - I must say I am impressed with your photos considering they are from across the street!!! It was interesting that you included the distance shot so that we could get an idea of the challenge with getting a shot in focus! I share your hopes about people affected by Hurricane Laura. Enjoy the rest of your week!
I love the recycle the box oath! I tend to save shoeboxes too, and just put some in the recycling the other day. I think there's still one under the bed, but I haven't gotten to that cleanup yet. I love your hummingbird pictures, they are so hard to photograph!
Love your hummingbird photos. I haven't learned anything new during the last few months. On my days off I tend to mostly vegetate any more. It's kind of pitiful...lol
Amazing camera!! So important to have a great pair of walking or hiking shoes. For me it is Keen.
Wow! those hummingbird photos from across the road are amazing!! That is a very powerful zoom lens you have there! Love it!! And I think those are the same bushes that we have just planted out in front of our house. Ours are still quite small, but the man we bought them from said they would get large and bushy and that hummingbirds loved them. Now I see he was telling the truth! I hope ours grow fast! I love your shoe box and your shoes! I've never heard of that brand before. I wear Skechers. I may have to check yours out. It's never too late to learn new things!!
Hello! I'm interested to check out those Montrail shoes. I'm always looking for a good walking/hiking shoe. I'll happily look at their website. And your hummer photos are fabulous! ~smile~ Roseanne
That statement on the shoebox is cute. Your shoes do look comfy and nicely broken in!! The hummingbird photos are pretty cool! I have never seen a hummer down here, but we don't have bushes/flowers or feeders around either. Thanks for sharing yours!!
Your camera is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!! What a great zoom lens you've got there! The Hummingbird pictures are remarkable.
As for your shoes and that pledge on the box .... that was all very cheerful and gave me a little chuckle. Any time we can make somebody smile or chuckle, we've done a good thing. You're a success!
Great photos. I need to use my camera better. Love the photos of the hummingbird. The shoe box is awesome. I love packaging like that!
what a lovely commitment when buying new shoes. And I hope everyone is safe from the devastation that the hurricane brought - and the wildfires! Your photos are amazing and it is great to learn the tricks of a new camera :)
Those hummingbird shots are amazing!! And I love the bush---can you tell us what it is? Would love to try to have one in my yard.
Such wonderful photos of the hummingbird!! Hoping you have a grand weekeknd!
Thanks for a good hiking shoe recommendation. And I love your hummingbirds. I have rarely got a good photo of one. You're doing great with that camera!
Yes, lots of sadness these last two weeks. Hummingbirds are good distractions.
Your hummingbird photos are beautiful! I need to take lessons with my camera. Or at least read the instructions!
Great hummingbird photos! I love the caption on the shoebox!
Las fotografías están preciosas, por aquí no hay colibrís. Besos.
You made me smile. How could anyone throw out that box! Made me think of tags on mattresses etc. that say remove under penalty of law . I always cut them off anyway but listen for a siren in the distance!
You are an expert with that camera. Hummingbirds are not easy to photograph, especially from that distance.I should get a good camera but feel I am too old to learn to use it properly. Besides they would take it away from me when they lock me up for cutting off that tag 😂
Have a wonderful weekend, Janey
Que preciosas fotografías, me encantan los colibrís!! pero nunca tuve la suerte de ver uno
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