Monday, August 31, 2020

Winged Sumac and Florida wildflowers

I usually notice the Sumac in the Fall of the year because of the cluster of red berries that hang from the plants. But this year I happened to be on the Florida Trails to see it in it's summer glory!

It was gorgeous with clusters of white and yellow blooms.

It looked so different that I started thinking it was something 'new'.

There's a bug on this plant getting ready for the Ugly Bug Ball! heehee!

But it's Winged Sumac and the Florida Native Plant Society has the ID info HERE.

Summer is my favorite season and here in Florida we have summer showers that give us so many wildflowers that you would think it was Spring again.

Flowers and butterflies! It doesn't get any prettier than that!

And I have to get at least one photo in of the paved trail! 

The showers give us the perfect conditions for mushrooms too.

Here's the Sumac a week later. Some of it is already turning a rusty red.

Oh and do you want to hear something funny? I've always pronounced it SHU Mac! Shu as in SHOE! lol Is that a Southern thing too?


Have you had any summer time showers this week?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio too!


Sandy said...

We have tons of mushrooms this year. I guess we have had tons of rain so that it is it. I found the most wonderful show about yards in Florida. The episodes are on YouTube. It is called Flip My Florida Yard. They do them with native plants to encourage water conservation and pollinators. I watched about 5 in a row on Saturday:)

Nancy Chan said...

Sumac is new to me. That is an ugly bug. Love the pretty wild flowers, butterflies and mushrooms.

eileeninmd said...


Pretty images and mosaics. I love the flowers and butterflies. I thought the sumac I see here looks different than the ones you see.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Arlene G said...

We always say Shu mack to Diane. But then we mispronounce a lot of things here in the south.:) We have a white flower in bush form that is growing along the road here right now. Marvin and I are trying to figure out what it is without much luck.

Martha said...

Gorgeous photos and mosaics. The buy ready for Ugly Bug Ball cracked me up, too cute. Have a great week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

summer in Fl is my least favorite season. if that bug enters a contest for ugly bugs it will certainly win. beautiful butterflies and love those trees

EricaSta said...

I enjoyed reading here... wonderful captures and mosaics.
Happy MosaicMonday

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

You walk the best places! We had a thunderstorm late last night and it is cloudy here today.

Creations By Cindy said...

Such pretty pictures! I have seen the most butterflies here lately. So cool. I hope you are staying cool! Be so glad when we have some cooler temps. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Carla from The River said...

We are starting to see signs of Autumn here in Wisconsin. I saw a tint of orange on a maple tree yesterday.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Guess we just have plain sumac, since do not see any berries.

Just the leaves, turn a rusty red.

We say "SUUUU" mac, up north here. >,-)))


Inger said...

Summer showers are few and far between in our mountains. But at least it's September 1 tomorrow. I so long for fall.

Your mosaics are stunning and the rest of the photos show off the humidity needed for all that magnificent plant growth. I would wilt in it and know I'm better off here, but I enjoy seeing your photos of all these interesting plants and wildlife.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful nature photos and lovely 'shumac' photos ~ I enjoy the Fall as the leaves begin to turnin New England ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Edna B said...

I didn't realize that sumac was so pretty. I also did not realize that there was a good sumac and a poison sumac. I think we have the poison sumac in our region. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Ella said...

I tried to leave a message for a few days, but so far I hadn't succeeded!
Autumn has already started in the Netherlands ... we had a very short, wet and cold summer!
How are you? How was your vacation?
Have a great week ahead!

Terri D said...

I'm from Ohio and we always called sumac SUE-mac. LOL Your photos are always beautiful. That is definitely an ugly bug but the butterflies are lovely. Thanks for always taking us along on your hikes!

NatureFootstep said...

nice and interesting Mosaics this week. I see you have Chantarelle mushrooms, my favorite ones :) It has been a bit rain lately so hopefully I can go out to pick some. It is a nice hike in the forest as well.
And I see a pink flower we have as blue.
Take care!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

you have so many beautiful photos

HappyK said...

The sumac leaves here will soon be that bright red that is so pretty.
We've had rain just about every day but most days the sun comes out too.

Susie said...

Diane, I love all the flowers, trees and critters you show us...we would not get to see these if you were not such a great hiker. I love sumac trees in Indiana. In fall there leaves are the prettiest shades of red. I will always remember my girls and I going on our fall outings to Brown County State Park and seeing so many of the sumac trees along the roads. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Debbie said...

lovely wild flowers and pretty butterflies. your path is beautiful and although i like natural paths, these paved ones are much easier for me to navigate!!

i like the shapes of your mosaics and your mushroom looks like a heart!!

it rained all day here on saturday. when we have visited florida, there were 15 minutes showers and then the sun would come out. here in new jersey if it's raining, it usually rains all day!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Is it supposed to be pronounced "shu mac"? I always said sumac. SU mac. We had a lot of that in Salt Springs, but not so much here. The birds love the berries when they are ripe. I always thought it was poisonous, but that may be a different kind. Yes, the mushrooms are everywhere lately with all the rain and decaying wood, leaves, etc. around the forest floor. The late summer wildflowers are so pretty. I am watching for new ones every day. But I am really looking forward to fall. Some cooler temps would be really nice, with low humidity. Then I am a happy camper!! Lovely pictures.

Jill Harrison said...

Sumac is used in eco-dyeing but I have never seen it - so thank you - now I have! Enjoy the last of summer, and your summer showers. It is the first day of spring here today, but you wouldn't know it. I think it will be an inside day. Stay safe, enjoy your week, and thank you for visiting my blog this week.

Vee said...

Sumac is certainly a beautiful harbinger of autumn. Just as long as you don't say ChiCARgo, you're fine. Often words are pronounced many ways. Think of how to pronounce "often." Beautiful photography and lovely collage.

Angie said...

Diane - we had a whopping 1/10 of an inch of rain today. Better than nothing and a help even to our drought-tolerant plants. Not enough for our non-natives, so hubby and I were out there hand-watering trees and bushes. But I won't complain - it will soon be raining regularly, and within a month or so we will be seeing the white stuff!!! Lovely photos, as always, and thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Ann said...

Getting ready for the ugly bug That's a good one. Enjoyed the photos.

Linda Walker said...

Stopping by to say hello and to let you know that I was thinking of you! Beautiful photos,.... I see a bit of fall all around me including some crisp, cool morning temperatures. Dont want to rush it though. Hope all is well Diane! Hugs, Linda

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Pretty butterfly. Sumac does have lovely flowers when looking close. They're a favorite because they will grow just about anywhere, even is concrete cracks in the city where other plants don't care to be.

Ricki Treleaven said...

I love all the pretty wildflower photos are lovely! We have mushrooms sprouting out all over the place because of the rain.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I have always pronounce it that was too. I love driving down the road and seeing wildflowers this time of year. xo Laura

Dawn said...

Sumac ah ah choo. My allergies are so bad, grass makes me sneeze.
LOL I have an entire post about fungi this week. So much rain, definitely perfect condition for them.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I don’t think I’ve ever seen sumac (at least that I know of) or said it’s name out loud. If I ever do now, I’ll probably say “shu” and people will think I’m a Southerner, y’all! Lol. I remember when I read up about poison oak, which we have here in Oregon, it said there was poison. Ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac which all cause the same awful itchy rash. I assume your beautiful find isn’t the poison variety.... We could sure use some rain up here on the left coast.

BeachGypsy said...

the sumac is looking pretty and I just love ANY HIKE you take us on--love those Florida trails and all the birds and flowers you see,mushrooms too, LOL! It's STILL SO HOT HERE, we are taking such SHORT WALKS, seems we just get started and it's like "nope nope nope, lets GO IN" HA HA lol. It's sweltering for sure. Dog days of summer. Is your lanai open or air condiitoned? You sit out there alot, right, ? just wondering.Hope you're having a great week so far my friend.

Jeanie said...

The sumac looks spectacular and oh, the mushrooms. We're starting to see them here in the north, too, and in another week or two, I expect many more. I find them fascinating. Lovely photos (as always!) Diane.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Lovely photos of the Sumac (we in VA have always said sue mack). Funny you would mention the Ugly Bug Ball as I was listening to our Disney music yesterday and heard Beryl Ives singing that! So funny. We've had over 13 inches of rain since August began. July was so dry, so I'm not complaining.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how beautiful!!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Deborah Montgomery said...

I remember that old song The Ugly Bug Ball, so fun! And yes, I only notice the sumac here when it is that distinctive red. Glad you are enjoying your summer Diane. xo

Karen said...

Lovely images!... glad all is well in your world.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely collection of photographs and mosaics.
Have to say I'm now humming 'The Ugly Bug Ball' song.

All the best Jan

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

With such beautiful flowers and butterflies, your summer there looks perfect, Diane!
We finally had some rain and some cooler temperatures, but now it's getting hot again.

Teresa said...

Se ve todo precioso. Por aquí esta última semana no ha llovido, alguna chispita sí. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

The FLorida wildflowers are pretty, especially the yellow blooms. That mushroom is shaped like a heart. The butterfly on the pink flower is a pretty picture. I've heard about those Summer showers - when Nel lived in Georgia, the showers came almost every day in the Summer and lasted for a short while. That would be nice. : )


Jeannie said...

I'm in Tennessee and we say "sue mack" but I also say "peeee own eeeee" for peony.