Saturday, August 15, 2020

Rufous-sided Towhee and Bobwhites

There are so many Towhees on the trails here in Florida but they are extremely hard to photograph. They usually stay on the ground in the underbrush. 

So I was happy to have my new camera when this one flew up into the tree and started preening.

I knew it must be a young one.....

and when I searched for a positive ID.....

I found out it was a Female Juvenile Rufous-sided Towhee.

Also called an Eastern Towhee.

Scratch scratch scratch!!!

It was entertaining to watch! And just when I thought the hike couldn't get any better, I looked up ahead and saw 2 birds on the edge of the trail.

One Bobwhite was trying to coax either a female or a young one across the road.

Come on....

it's safe now!

Run Run Run!!! 

(there's something REALLY BIG ahead, with a pink cap)

Not many Earthstars left but I found one to take with my new camera.

All pics taken on the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway, what I usually refer to as the Florida Trails.

I hope you've had something in nature to entertain you this week. Have your seen any new birds where you live?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Martha said...

Beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen Towhees before. Love the little guys crossing the street, very cute. Have a great weekend :)

Tom said...

...the birds and flowers I have never seen before, thanks for being part of my continuing education!

eileeninmd said...


The Towhee is beautiful, they are one of my many favorites to see here.
I love the Bobwhite too, what a great sighting. The Earthstar is really cool, I have never seen one. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care and enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Susie said...

I really like your new camera Diane. Great pictures. The bob whites are so sweet. You do find some interesting things. Stay safe. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It's a long time since I saw a Bobwhite. Makes me nostalgic!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

There are Eastern Towhees here but I have yet to see one. Such a great capture and what an interesting bird. Also loved seeing those two crossing the road. Happy Birding to you!

Vee said...

That towhee has a wild eye. 😏

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! awesome photos of the sweet towhee and the bobo whites ~ time for the young'uns ~ ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't believe you found another earthstar. i have never seen one. that first shot the bird looks starteled, or like he is saying What the heck?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your new camera is doing a perfect job in your hands

Bill said...

What a wonderful series of photos. I love your close-ups of the Towhees. The Bobwhite did a great job getting them both across the road. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Haven't done much bird watching lately, but I always love looking at your photos, my friend. xo Laura

Lea said...

Great series on the Bobwhites!
Love the Towhee photos, too. It is not yet old enough to know to hide from the camera!
Have a wonderful weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

cool, that your towhee are really busy. How nice of it to give you this show.
Then the Bobwhite completed the day I suppose. What a fun walk you had. :)

Edna B said...

Beautiful photos! What an exciting photo shoot. I have never seen either of these birds up close in person. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

RedPat said...

I love the Bobwhites!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

New Header!!!!

The first looks a wee bit like a plain old robin.

Love the name Bobwhite. Why? Don't know. But it amuses me.

🌻 🌻 🌻

Inger said...

I love your trails and your pictures.

Terri D said...

No, nothing new here but I don't really look for birds. I appreciate seeing yours, though, and might actually recognize one after being schooled by you!! xo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I love the Bob Whites! (Quails) I haven't seen any in so long. When we lived in Salt Springs I thought for sure we'd have some in the Ocala National Forest, but was told that the coyotes and feral cats get them and there are hardly any left. So I am happy to see these. I used to love to "talk to them". They would always respond to my "Bob White". And that Rufus Sided Towhee is so cute. We have one on our walking trail too, but I can hardly ever see him. I hear him, but he stays hidden pretty well. You got some good pictures!! Thanks for sharing!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Again, I am loving your photography! Today I've seen and heard mourning doves.

Crafty in the Med said...

Fabulous photography!! You are certainly putting your new camera to good use! I am wondering if those Bobwhites are similar to quails?? Lots of new names making this a very instructive post...thank you :-)

keep well Amanda :-)

Jean said...

Fantastic bird sightings! I had a great time watching a towhee in our yard earlier in the spring as he passed through our area. I've never heard of an Earthstar, pretty mushroom. Happy weekend!

Nancy's Notes said...

What wonderful shots with your new camera! You are awesome at finding great birds. I've never seen a Towhees, interesting eyes. Love the Bobwhite photographs too! Today I've seen my two pair of cardinals! They stay around our yard, I love it!
Happy Saturday evening~

HappyK said...

Wow excellent shots. Those are some eyes on the towhee.

NanaDiana said...

We have been gone for several days this week up at the camper. No one is allowed to feed the birds there (except hummers who fly south). The trees are high and canopied and the birds well hidden. I did hearsome bird sounds that I didn't recognize though. Love your pictures (as I always do). xo Diana

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What an interesting bird! Yes, I have seen one new bird on my pond,or at least I think it's new. Thank you for sharing your birds. Have a lovely & safe weekend!

Mae Travels said...

Those are beautiful photos. You seem to be the definition of luck and preparedness at the same time.

be well... mae at

Small City Scenes said...

Funny funny Towhee. We have the Spotted towhee here---one of my faves.
Glad the Bobwhites made it across the street with no feather loss

Debbie said...

you are such a dedicated hiker diane, i am glad you have been rewarded with great things to photograph!! the towhee is a beauty, i have only ever seen one once here in my yard. funny how they are always so busy preening...i often wonder if they are trying to attract another bird, or if it just feels better!?!?

nice sighting of the bobwhite, i rarely see them in these parts!!

i have not really been out for fun lately. the hubs took me to my favorite lake today and i did not see anything new or unusual. it was kind of a bummer!

have a fun sunday and thanks so much for your kind words and support!!!

Kay said...

We have towhees here. Somehow they seem to be more lively and entertaining than many other birds.
It looks like you're having fun with your new camera. Enjoy!

Nancy Chan said...

Cute bird on the tree. Reading the captions for the 2 birds crossing the road makes me smile. I guess the something really big with the pink cap must be you? Earthstar is new to me.

BeachGypsy said...

I had never even heard of a towhee or knew what it was until there was one in one of our Fairy Granddaughter's books and I was reading it and there it was, ha ha LOL! We've been walking but it's so darn hard....we walk slow and it's really just plum miserable with all the humidity. Pretty much staying inside and doing house projects this weekend. Some nice cool weather would be so welcome wouldn't it? Have you been thrift shopping any? We did do that this week and it was good to get out but nothing is the same at all. Just shopping, and maneuvering around the store, paying, masks, getting in and's all so complicated now.

Irma said...

Nice series of photos of this The Towhee and the Bobwhite.
Photo 1 is my favorite
Have a nice Sunday
Greetings Irma.

Anni said...

your "new" camera is well-used by niw, I'm sure...with the likes of towhees & quail on one hike! Extraordinary day of bird sightings! Thanks so much for taking time from your day to share your birding with us at IRBB this week.

Rhodesia said...

Lovely photos, always fun to have a new camera :-) Have a good day, t'other Diane

Rain said...

Those are some really great photos, I love that Towhee! The birds crossing the road are sweet! :)

Phil Slade said...

That towhee is very lovely. And such a bright yellow eye! I felt really ignorant then when I had never heard of an earthstar. So I hit Wiki to read all about them and now I'm going back to see if they occur here in Lancashire, UK.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

As always you have given us some really lovely photos and instruction! Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I grew up with towhees which had red eyes. Did not realize that the Florida ones have golden to bright yellow eyes. It has been quite a while since I have seen a Bobwhite. We had them near our home in Dallas until the entire wild area was replaced by a freeway and surrounding commercial and residential developments.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The towhee pictures are wonderful (he looks like he’s doing his stretches in that one picture) and I just loved your Bobwhite crossing story!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love them! What a great tail!

Teresa said...

Bonitas fotografías, me encantó verlas. Por aquí se ven muchos pájaros. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

That earthstar mushroom is so unusual. Have never seen one before. These are nice pictures of the Towhee. His eyes are very light. At first I thought it was a sweet Robin because of its orange belly hehehe. Glad you are enjoying your new camera, Diane. It's wonderful to take photos that turn out so clear and vivid.
