Saturday, August 1, 2020

Nature photos and a New Toy

I got a new 'toy' in the afternoon. Charged it. Read through the book, uploaded a better manual online to learn even more and then took off for a walk around the neighborhood. 

It was dusk when I walked over to the neighborhood pond and the first 'critter' I saw was a Juvenile Moorhen. 

He wasn't very concerned about me walking near him.

And he was very photogenic!

Oh my 'new toy' is a Canon Powershot SX70 HS. And yes, my old camera is very much like this one but it's a SX50 model. This one has improvements and more zoom! 

And you know we all need a little more ZOOOOM!!!

It was a beautiful evening and a great test for my new camera.

I usually walk over there late in the evenings for a number of reasons.

Red-winged Blackbird

So I can compare the photos to old photos and see how much better the color and focus.

I'm very pleased!

My sweet hubby surprised me with this gift and I love it! He got the accessories too so I feel like it's my birthday or a special occasion! 

This was my favorite photo of the evening.

A Female Red-winged Blackbird

Have you seen any pretty birds at your house this week? 
What's new with you?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Tom said...

...ah, what a sweet guy!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am still using the SX50HS and have been very satisified with it, but an upgrade might be in the works so I am glad to hear you are enjoying the 70 zoom version.

Martha said...

Gorgeous photos, that last one is my favorite too. Have fun with your new toy!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane,

I love my SX60HS, if something should happen to it I will get the latest one too. The zoom is awesome. Great shots of the Red-winged Blackbird. The female is pretty. Love the view of the pond and the flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

Susie said...

Diane, I am loving the shots with your new toy .:) What a sweet husband. I love red winged blackbirds. They have a nice little call too. Praying you are save from the hurricane. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lea said...

What a great gift!
Great photos!
Have a blessed day!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Your photos are spectacular. I love the redwing blackbirds! Your husband just earned sooooo many cuteness points for your surprise. :D

Arlene G said...

Congrats on your new camera. Love all the beautiful photos and I look forward to seeing more.

Vee said...

I saw a red wing blackbird just yesterday and wondered what he was....glad the answer came so soon! You will have so much fun with the new camera. Your hubby is a sweetheart.

Debbie said...

what a wonderful surprise diane, one you appreciate and will surely enjoy for many years to come!! your images are beautiful, my favorite is the male red winged blackbird, he is so handsome!! the close second was the juvenile moorhen, what a beauty!!!

i hope you are able to get a hike in, best wishes, stay safe and be well!!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ohhhhhhh, I am GREEN with *ENVY*!!!! ~gigggles~ Oh how super wonderful a gift, from your man!!!! Ohhhh yesssssss!

So much fun you will have, and are already having!!!!!

And surely Yes, my Dear, we all need more ZOOOOOOM in our lives! I need even more, 'cause I am oldddddd.

You keep right on Zoooooooomin'!!!!!

Dusk, a perfect time for anything, especially photos.

That young moorhen is the cutest thing! He really looks like he is posing!!!!! ~grin~ And the next sweet bird. Think you caught it, flufffffing its wings.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh for Pete's sakes!!!!!!

I forgot to add my today Sig. Line!


But better late than never.....

Welcome Late Summer

Beside a babbling brook... said...

B U in the path of Hurricane I. ? (I can't remember how to spell this name, so I'm calling it.... "I"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My second comment and this is the second block I've been to that my comments are asking me to login I'm not sure what's going on. I love the new camera zoom and all the pretty pictures and it does take awesome Zumiez

Phil Slade said...

You did hubby proud Diane. Those zooms are pretty good, all in one without keep changing lenses and fiddling around. Problem is, how you gonna outdo that great hubby of yours? Get your thinking cap on. I do love those Red-winged Blackbirds, even the browny female is rather stunning.

Terri D said...

We have barely gone out of the house this week, except for appointments. No new birds or other wildlife. That's why I always enjoy your posts!!

Jean said...

Hooray for a new camera! Love your photos especially the last one. Hope you are having a super happy Saturday.

Jeannie said...

Awesome gift! Awesome husband!
You need to keep both.

Ann Thompson said...

What a wonderful surprise. A new toy is always fun. You certainly put it to the test and it passed with beautiful colors

Edna B said...

Beautiful birdie photos! I upgraded a while ago to the SX70, and gave my SX50 to my daughter. I love this little camera. I have the bigger Canon Rebel, but some days it is just too heavy for me to lug around. My SX70 takes super photos. You're right, we all need a little more zoom! Enjoy your new toy, hugs, Edna B.

HappyK said...

Have fun with your new toy.
I miss having a real camera, I just use my phone now and it doesn't zoom!
Your photos are fantastic.

Kathy said...

What a great toy your husband got for you. The photos are great -- so sharp and the color is vivid. Have fun with it.

Kay said...

Your inaugural shots with your new camera are wonderful and you have some terrific shots. I hope you continue to enjoy getting to know it and the critters you can get closer to.
Thanks for visiting Sequim Daily Photo.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh how wonderful!! I can't wait to see all the great new photos you will be doing with your new camera, although I thought you already did quite well. You certainly saw some lovely birds. The only new one I've seen this week is a Cooper's Hawk. He has been hanging around the last couple of days, so I'm wondering what he's up to. Haven't seen our usual Red Shouldered Hawk as much. So I will keep watching.
Hope the storm goes out to sea! Stay safe!

Lorrie said...

You are starting off with a bang taking such great photos with your new camera! These cameras can do so much, and I find that I get into a groove and don't learn all that I should from the manuals. Love the female Red-winged Blackbird. She posed just for you.

Linda said...

Well done!

italiafinlandia said...

Enjoy your new toy!
There is plenty of beauty to shoot in the nature...
Have a rosy Sunday!

Anni said...

Congrats on the new camera! The colors are are your birds! Thanks so much for sharing your part of the world of nature near you with us at IRBB this week. It's always appreciated.

(And be safe from the storm!)

Nancy Chan said...

So sweet and thoughtful of your husband. I too wish for a little more zoom. We have some pretty birds visiting my tiny garden but they are all too fast for me. Have a wonderful new week.

Jenn Jilks said...

There is nothing better than a great zoomer!

Linda said...

Lovely to get out for a walk and a new toy to take photos. Yes, we all need more zoom, but it seems I'm never satisfied.

Crafty in the Med said...

So great to receive a surprise like that....the very best sort of gifts!! Awesome images wonderful to be so near all that wildlife!! I thoroughly enjoy seeing all your photos on all your posts and will continue to do so. keep well Amanda x

BeachGypsy said...

NEW CAMERA??!! Yes!! Congrats my friend!! You are going to have SO MUCH fun with that, and you will learn it pretty quick i think. The fun part is practicing and then be sure to show us lots of pictures please! Love the pretty bird pictures, my favorites are the red winged bird and the picture right above it! Are y'all getting any of the storm yet or are you more on the other side? I dont think it will be too bad here, lots of rain. We stocked up on everything plus books and movies just in case, we will probably be home bound tomorrow with the rain expected. Hugs my friend and stay safe!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a wonderful surprise gift ... and beautiful pictures you took with it!

NatureFootstep said...

seems the camera works well. At least you got good shots of birds. Which is not that easy always. :)

Creations By Cindy said...

Love that you are enjoying your new toy! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jeanie said...

Congratulations! Fabulous photos, Diane. I am a Canon girl too, and ready for a new one (my lens doesn't close anymore -- it has been dropped on its head too much). But the photos always work from Canon, I think. Your zoom is great and the images you captured are beautiful. Good camera, good eye! Can't miss!

Lowcarb team member said...

Have fun with your new toy!

All the best Jan

Teresa said...

Un precioso regalo. Las fotografías se ven muy bonitas. Besos.

Jill Harrison said...

oh, how fabulous to have a new camera to play with. You have done very well with the shots of the birds. Have fun, enjoy the rest of your week, and playing with you new camera, and thank you for visiting my blog this week.

Red Rose Alley said...

The red-winged blackbird is so lovely and always fascinates me when I see them. What a pretty place to take pictures with your new camera. I think the colors are more vibrant with this new camera also. What a special gift. : )
