Thursday, December 6, 2018

Being Thankful!

I am VERY thankful for all of the sweet comments on my ‘hiking series’! I’m having such fun sharing the photos with all of you.  But let’s stay home and ‘play’ today!


So what’s new? I won a really cool Giveaway! Do you visit the blog, It’s a Wonderful Movie? Oh my! If you don’t, you’re missing out! She does reviews and interviews featuring some of the BEST movies! Lots of Hallmark movies and classics too! Her banner says “Your Ticket to Family Movies on TV” and it is great. She lets you know when new movies will air and even when they plan a rerun. I entered a giveaway for a movie!


And lo and behold! I received TWO movies and a fun gift pack.


All of it packed away in a big tin that looks like it will have an old timey movie reel inside!


Popcorn, nuts and candy too!

Thanks Net! I am THRILLED!

And a quick update on decorating around the house. I really don’t do a whole lot but every year I find something ‘new’ to add. This year, I have a new Christmas lap quilt that I got at a local craft show. So I ‘dug’ through my fabric stash and found some vintage fabric from the thrift store to make a ‘new’ pillow cover.


Is this not the cutest little print?


I am SO in love with it! And it will be easy to wash and put away after the holidays. (it won’t take up much room either! lol)


Have you watched any holiday movies this week? Done any sewing or crafting?

I’ll be back Saturday with my hiking series!

It’s a 2 hour hike at Blue Run Park so rest up!

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.


eileeninmd said...


What a fun giveaway gift. I have been watching the Hallmark Christmas movies, they are sweet and corny. But, I like them. Your quilt and pillows are perfect for Christmas decor. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Sandy said...

The quilt is adorable and the pillow too. IT will be fun for Christmas and comfy too.
We watched a great movie last night with our small group on Netflix called Mountaintop I think. It was a about an old man who has dreams where Papa (God) reveals things to him.
That looks like a great giveaway present. I first thought you might be putting old home movies into a DVD form.

Janey and Co. said...

Isn’t it fun to win something! ? I will have to have a look at that blog. Your pillow is darling. I too love the print

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful giveaway you won! I have not watched any holiday movies yet, but we are suppose to get about 12 inches of snow this weekend so I will be watching White Christmas!

DUTA said...

Enjoy your giveaway! I'm following a daily blog on movies, called Holywood Spy. The blogger is Dezmond, but... no givaways.

Kate said...

I love the bird print for your pillow. ^^

Lorrie said...

What a great giveaway for this time of year. I've watched a couple of Christmas movies. They are cheesy and predictable, but lighthearted and have happy endings which is perfect for this time of year. Happy Hiking, Diane!

Out on the prairie said...

We helped pack 92 dozen cookies Monday for home bound and servicemen. The smiles are staying with me still, this is what the holiday is about. I have a list of goodies to start making today, only have 10 lbs of sugar so hope I have enough. the closest grocery to me is a little over 20 miles away.

Meditations in Motion said...

There is nothing better on a cold winter night than to snuggle up with some popcorn and watch some good movies! Congratulations on your win. Good luck with your 2 hour hike!

Gayle said...

I'll have to check out the movie site. Great quilt find and a new fun addition to your holiday decor.

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

Hello Diane! I am so delighted that you are enjoying the DVD Giveaway from my site! You pictured everything so beautifully, and I was so excited that you were ultimately one of my winners!

Having a quiet night at home, relaxing, and watching a movie... is such a gift in itself, isn't it? I love those quiet cozy times!

Plus, I just adore your new Christmas lap quilt! It is so pretty and festive with Christmas colors and gingerbread, mittens, candy canes, etc... (so sweet!), and it's perfect for snuggling up to watch your new movies!

I hope you enjoy it all very much!
Blessings & a very Merry Christmas to YOU, my Friend!!! Net
"It's a Wonderful Movie"

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

What a fun giveaway to win Diane. Wow, now you and your husband can enjoy a movie together!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Yes, I love Net! I like going over there and seeing all the Christmas movies and reviews. What a nice giveaway gift - those beer nuts look good. Your new pillow cover is sweet and I like the fabric you chose.

Enjoy the nuts! There's nothing like the original peanuts. : )


Debbie said...

Lucky you, what a fun giveaway!! We have not watched any Christmas movies yet, we better get busy!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

each year for 10 years I have removed several things from decorations, this year I really backed off. you quilt is beautiful and really cute pillow. wish I could sew. have not seen these movies or heard of them. I love movies, and will look at her blog.. I have 4 new Hallmark Christmas movies on DVR but can't get time to watch them. time means hubby out of the house because the dvr is on the big tv... 2 hours of him without the remote is hard to find. it has been to windy to fly his planes at the park.

Ann said...

What a nice prize. Looks like a movie night is coming. I've been watching Christmas movies on Pluto TV. It's a free tv app on the fire stick. Right now the only thing I can watch is free tv.

Terri D said...

What a fun surprise you got with your win!! I love the decorations you shared, especially the quilt and the pillow cover you made. Nice!

Linda said...

I'm loving the Hallmark Christmas Movies! And I love Net!!
My big annual tea party was last night and now the house is all quiet and I am going to put my pajamas on and settle down in the den by the fireplace and hibernate for a few days.
You scored big time with that giveaway!

Jeanie said...

Net has lots of good movie reviews. Love ém. I'm in Hallmark movie mode but soon time to dig out my annuals -- White Christmas and Love Actually and A Christmas Story!

Congratulations on your win!

HappyK said...

What cute fabric.
No movies for us, but I've been knitting slippers and making weave-it squares.

Michelle said...

That is a great give away win for you! I will confess that I have never watched a Christmas Hallmark movie. Seriously.... Thanks for linking up today.

BeachGypsy said...

I've never heard of "it's a wonderful movie"!!!--but I will for sure go check it out now. So cool you won that give away, lucky you! Let us know how the movies are, okay? I love that picture you have up in your header--such a peaceful and pretty scene and yes, it sure does make you WANT TO GO OUT AND TAKE A HIKE! I am loving your hiking posts!Well, this week has sure flown by! Hoping it doesn't rain this weekend, we are looking forward to some "city hiking", LOL! Hope you've had a great week, and I need to show you some pictures of my dolls, I did finally get them into their pretty Christmas dresses!, or maybe I already told you that!!?? ha ha LOL Oh, Diane, you put something in my comments about--well you had complimented me on my outfit i think, and then said you looked like a bum or something...girlfriend---never ONCE HAVE YOU LOOKED LIKE a bum. You are so cute! The only reason I am maybe dressed up a bit more is because we walk in the city AND... lots of those pictures we make on Sundays after church, so yes, I usually have a dress on. although I SO WEAR SLACKS to church as well. I just enjoy wearing my skirts, it's kind of a part of who I am, I love the long swirly gypsy skirts. If I am out hiking woods, the old plantations, fields, THE SWAMPS looking for gators!-- etc. you can bet I am in thick socks and pants and my "clod-hopper" shoes, ha ha LOl, or blue jeans. I thank you for all your sweet comments. We all have our own taste and to me, your outfits are cute as can be!

It's me said...

What a Great give away you won!....lovely weekend love Ria x 💕

Carla from The River said...

WOW WEE!!! What a fun win. What time should I be over to watch with you? :-)
I am now following Net. Thank you for sharing her blog site.

Sam I Am...... said...

That is the coolest giveaway and especially the way she packaged it! Lucky you!
Love your quilt and that fabric is the cutest that you made your pillow from!
I just finished the Advent gift(s) and they went out in the mail this morning. Now it's on to some Christmas making, baking and deocrating!

Arlene G said...

How did I miss this post? I need to visit that blog. I love old movies especially.