Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Hike #67 starts with some ‘Deer’ excitement!

I had only been on the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway trail for about 10 minutes when I looked up ahead and saw a large doe crossing my path!


My heart was racing!

And it was interesting when I thought about it later. I felt like I had more energy on this hike. Something about that adrenaline surging through my veins!

Here’s the definition…Adrenaline:a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.


Such a beautiful deer and bigger than the ones we usually see here in Florida.


Pretty little Warblers along the way.


They don’t stay still for many photo ops!


And an interesting sky with a Palm tree growing wild.


I’m always seeing ‘odd’ things in the woods! This looked a little like a 3 ft tall bird at the base of a tree! What do you think?


Lots of leaves fluttering down now too!

Join me tomorrow for another exciting hike!


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Enjoyed the hike, especially seeing the deer!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Nice shots

...but I don't think that looked like a bird.

(check your meds ... bwa ha ha)

Maggie Ann said...

You have such an eye for beauty and a lovely way of sharing things. Even when I'm hurrying by...something will catch my eye and slow me down for better enjoyment. Merry Christmas sweet lady!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, awesome sighting of the deer. They are so pretty. I love the warblers.
I thought it was a hawk on the tree too, I had to look twice. Pretty trail and leaves. Lovely photos from your hike. Have a happy day!

Debbie said...

awww, the deer so cavalier...almost like you weren't there!! those warblers are so beautiful!!

i see yellow pumped warblers in the winter, i am waiting for mine to return!!

Out on the prairie said...

Your eye catches all well. i love to feel your experience. i think I told you my oldest just moved to Merrit Island and built a home.They have a nice site for findings there also. i put out overcooked popcorn, and a 1/4 cake at 8am and it is all gone. I drew in some starlings which can be a nuisance but have alovely set of 15 calls.Lots of woodpeckers joined with the jays.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How fun seeing that deer!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

at first glance the 3 foot bird looks like an osprey.. I would be so thrilled to see a deer walking in the woods. have never seen one. the palm against the sky is really a beautiful photo.

Lynn said...

I was driving home from work last week, dark outside, and I thought... Oh look, someone put Christmas deer in their front yard. Um, no, it was no less than 4 deer eating her grass and shrubs!

PS-It's all good... This has been an ugly year for us. I declared Dallas the NFC East Winners a few weeks ago. Enjoy the rest of the season! But I'll be hitching my wagon to another team:@) Stay tuned...

Ann said...

An exciting hike witht he deer showing itself.

Geraldine said...

Lovely photos Diane, especially the deer.We see lots of them here on Vancouver Island and I never tire of their beauty.

Hope you have a magical Christmas!πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

Carla from The River said...

Wow, that deer is amazing!!
Do you have a deer hunting season in Florida?
I have heard about your Python hunting season. YIKES!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

How exciting to see the deer on your hike, Diane. At first glance I thought the white topped tree snag was a very large bald eagle! Lovely little warbler greeted you on your lovely walk. Thanks for sharing your adventures in Florida. ♥

DUTA said...

The deer and the birds are a lovely sight when one is on a hike. Without them the walking would be rather boring.

Vee said...

That three foot bird is pretty interesting. I “see” things all the time. The large doe was just big boned. She’s obviously a smart one. She hasn’t been done in by an alligator.πŸ˜‰

Terri D said...

Ha ha ha!! I DID think that was a bird at the base of that dear palm. Thanks always for taking us along on your hikes!

BeachGypsy said...

Well, you were there are precisely the right moment, look at that pretty deer going there right in front of you, how fun!! We had one cross right directly in front of us (in car) on a crazy windey twisty turney( in other words--SCARY!) mountain road this Fall, I snapped the picture, and missed it, of course, ha ha lOL, and he was a big one.And once we had one come up out of the bushes next to a big swamp we were at, I was photographing alligators, and this big noisy DEER came clattering up and then took off running, it scared me to pieces, ha ha!! That's the only close encounters I am recalling. We do see dozens of them on night drives out in the secluded areas, like between here and Savannah, or between here and Myrtle Beach. they just stand there in the moonlight, if the moon is out and they are so quiet and mysterious. And all I can think is "please don't come out in the road, please don't come out in the road!"--because I hate the see them get hit. They STAND SO CLOSE TO THE ROAD!!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a sight for you to have seen the deer. They seem to show up sometimes on your hikes. They are just so special and beautiful, aren't they? Yes, that DOES look like a bird. You are seeing lovely things on your hikes lately, Diane.


Lowcarb team member said...

How nice to see the deer.
I always enjoy your posts :)

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...you sure saw some nice things!

Jeanie said...

I understand that feeling. When I see deer at the ditch, I feel like I was given a special gift -- the gift of allowing me to get a good long look at something beautiful. What a day!